title: Spree API V2 Reference
- shell
- Source Code
- Spree API Documentation
- JSON API Documentation
- Documentation Powered by Slate
- Kabuni, Proud Sponsor
- authentication
- errors
- pagination
- filtering
- countries
- images
- line_items
- option_types
- option_values
- orders
- prices
- products
- states
- taxonomies
- taxons
- variants
search: true
# Introduction
Welcome to the Spree API V2 API!
You can use our API to grab data from our database and make updates.
We currently only have a language binding in Shell.
You can view code examples in the dark area to the right.
This example API documentation page was created with [Slate](http://github.com/tripit/slate).
Feel free to edit it and use it as a base for your own API's documentation.
This JSON API is formatted after the [JSON API spec](http://jsonapi.org).
Please follow its guidelines to learn about:
- Pagination
- Including Relationships
- Sorting
- Error Objects
- The Document Structure