# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
module Webgen
# Namespace for all classes that know how to write out node content.
# == Implementing an output class
# Output classes know how to write rendered node data to an output location.
# An output class must respond to three methods
# [exists?(path)]
# Return +true+ if the output path exists.
# [delete(path)]
# Delete the given output path.
# [write(path, data, type)]
# Write the +data+ to the given output +path+. The parameter +data+ is either a String with the
# content or a Webgen::Path::SourceIO object. The parameter +type+ specifies the type of the to
# be written path: :file or :directory.
# [read(path)]
# Return the content of the given path if it exists or raise an error otherwise.
# It seems a bit odd that an output instance has to implement reading functionality. However,
# consider the case where you want webgen to render a website programmatically and *use* the
# output. In this case you need a way to get to content of the written files! This functionality
# is used, for example, in the webgui.
# == Sample Output Class
# Following is a simple but actually used (by the webgui) output class which stores the written
# nodes in a hash in memory:
# class MemoryOutput
# include Webgen::WebsiteAccess
# attr_reader :data
# def initialize
# @data = {}
# end
# def exists?(path)
# @data.has_key?(path)
# end
# def delete(path)
# @data.delete(path)
# end
# def write(path, io, type = :file)
# @data[path] = [(io.kind_of?(String) ? io : io.data), type]
# end
# def read(path)
# path = File.join('/', path)
# raise "No such file #{path}" unless @data[path] && @data[path].last == :file
# @data[path].first
# end
# end
# WebsiteAccess.website.config.output(['MemoryOutput'])
# The last line is used to tell webgen to use this new output class instead of the default one.
module Output
autoload :FileSystem, 'webgen/output/filesystem'
# Returns an instance of the configured output class.
def self.instance
classes = (WebsiteAccess.website.cache.volatile[:classes] ||= {})
unless classes.has_key?(:output_instance)
klass, *args = WebsiteAccess.website.config['output']
classes[:output_instance] = Object.constant(klass).new(*args)