= ActiveLdap plugin for Ruby on Rails == Setup You need to write RAILS_ROOT/config/ldap.yml like the following: development: host: port: 389 base: dc=devel,dc=local,dc=net bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=local,dc=net password: secret test: host: port: 389 base: dc=test,dc=local,dc=net bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=local,dc=net password: secret production: host: port: 389 base: dc=production,dc=local,dc=net bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=local,dc=net password: secret == Model Here is some examples. app/model/member.rb: class Member < ActiveLdap::Base ldap_mapping :dn_attribute => 'uid', :classes => ['person', 'posixAccount'] belongs_to :primary_group, :class_name => "Group", :foreign_key => "gidNumber", :primary_key => "gidNumber" belongs_to :groups, :many => 'memberUid' end app/model/group.rb: class Group < ActiveLdap::Base ldap_mapping :dn_attribute => "cn", :classes => ['posixGroup'] has_many :members, :wrap => "memberUid" has_many :primary_members, :foreign_key => 'gidNumber', :primary_key => 'gidNumber' end app/model/ou.rb: class Ou < ActiveLdap::Base ldap_mapping :prefix => "", :classes => ["top", "organizationalUnit"] end