require 'net/http' require 'time' When /^I have a valid project on localeapp\.com with api key "([^"]*)"$/ do |api_key| uri = "{api_key}.json" body = valid_project_data.to_json add_fake_web_uri(:get, uri, ['200', 'OK'], body) add_fake_web_uri(:post, "{api_key}/import/", ['202', 'OK'], '') add_fake_web_uri(:post, "{api_key}/translations/missing.json", ["202", "OK"], '') end When /^I have a valid heroku project/ do uri = "" body = valid_project_data.to_json add_fake_web_uri(:get, uri, ['200', 'OK'], body) ENV['CUCUMBER_HEROKU_TEST_API_KEY'] = 'MYAPIKEY' end When /^I have a valid project on localeapp\.com but an incorrect api key "([^"]*)"$/ do |bad_api_key| uri = "{bad_api_key}.json" body = valid_project_data.to_json add_fake_web_uri(:get, uri, ['404', 'Not Found'], body) end When /^I have a translations on localeapp\.com for the project with api key "([^"]*)"$/ do |api_key| uri = "{api_key}/translations/all.yml" body = valid_export_data.to_yaml add_fake_web_uri(:get, uri, ['200', 'OK'], body) end When /^new translations for the api key "([^"]*)" since "([^"]*)" with time "([^"]*)"$/ do |api_key, update_time, new_time| uri = "{api_key}/translations.yml?updated_at=#{update_time}" body = valid_translation_data.to_yaml add_fake_web_uri(:get, uri, ['200', 'OK'], body, 'date' => end When /^I have a valid project on localeapp\.com with api key "([^"]*)" and the translation key "([^"]*)"/ do |api_key, key_name| uri = "{api_key}/translations/#{key_name.gsub(/\./, '%2E')}" add_fake_web_uri(:delete, uri, ['200', 'OK'], '') add_fake_web_uri(:post, uri + '/rename', ['200', 'OK'], '') end When /^I have a LOCALEAPP_API_KEY env variable set to "(.*?)"$/ do |api_key| ENV['LOCALEAPP_API_KEY'] = api_key end Then /^I clear the LOCALEAPP_API_KEY env variable$/ do ENV['LOCALEAPP_API_KEY'] = nil end When /^I have a \.env file containing the api key "(.*?)"$/ do |api_key| steps %Q{ And a file named ".env" with: """ LOCALEAPP_API_KEY=#{api_key} """ } end When /^an initializer file$/ do steps %Q{ And a file named "config/initializers/localeapp.rb" with: """ require 'localeapp/rails' Localeapp.configure do |config| config.api_key = 'MYAPIKEY' end """ } end When /^help should not be displayed$/ do steps %Q{ And the output should not contain: """ Usage: localeapp COMMAND [options] """ } end