// Copyright (C) 2004 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #undef DLIB_MEMORY_MANAGER_KERNEl_ABSTRACT_ #ifdef DLIB_MEMORY_MANAGER_KERNEl_ABSTRACT_ #include "../algs.h" namespace dlib { template < typename T > class memory_manager { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON T T must have a default constructor. INITIAL VALUE get_number_of_allocations() == 0 WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object represents some kind of memory manager or memory pool. !*/ public: typedef T type; template struct rebind { typedef memory_manager other; }; memory_manager( ); /*! ensures - #*this is properly initialized throws - std::bad_alloc !*/ virtual ~memory_manager( ); /*! ensures - if (get_number_of_allocations() == 0) then - all resources associated with *this have been released. - else - The memory still allocated will not be deleted and this causes a memory leak. !*/ unsigned long get_number_of_allocations ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the current number of outstanding allocations !*/ T* allocate ( ); /*! ensures - allocates a new object of type T and returns a pointer to it. - #get_number_of_allocations() == get_number_of_allocations() + 1 throws - std::bad_alloc or any exception thrown by T's constructor. If this exception is thrown then the call to allocate() has no effect on #*this. !*/ void deallocate ( T* item ); /*! requires - item == is a pointer to memory that was obtained from a call to this->allocate(). (i.e. you can't deallocate a pointer you got from a different memory_manager instance.) - the memory pointed to by item hasn't already been deallocated. ensures - deallocates the object pointed to by item - #get_number_of_allocations() == get_number_of_allocations() - 1 !*/ T* allocate_array ( unsigned long size ); /*! ensures - allocates a new array of size objects of type T and returns a pointer to it. - #get_number_of_allocations() == get_number_of_allocations() + 1 throws - std::bad_alloc or any exception thrown by T's constructor. If this exception is thrown then the call to allocate() has no effect on #*this. !*/ void deallocate_array ( T* item ); /*! requires - item == is a pointer to memory that was obtained from a call to this->allocate_array(). (i.e. you can't deallocate a pointer you got from a different memory_manager instance and it must be an array.) - the memory pointed to by item hasn't already been deallocated. ensures - deallocates the array pointed to by item - #get_number_of_allocations() == get_number_of_allocations() - 1 !*/ void swap ( memory_manager& item ); /*! ensures - swaps *this and item !*/ private: // restricted functions memory_manager(memory_manager&); // copy constructor memory_manager& operator=(memory_manager&); // assignment operator }; template < typename T > inline void swap ( memory_manager& a, memory_manager& b ) { a.swap(b); } /*! provides a global swap function !*/ } #endif // DLIB_MEMORY_MANAGER_KERNEl_ABSTRACT_