# Oj gem A fast JSON parser and Object marshaller as a Ruby gem. ## Installation gem install oj ## Documentation *Documentation*: http://www.ohler.com/oj ## Source *GitHub* *repo*: https://github.com/ohler55/oj *RubyGems* *repo*: https://rubygems.org/gems/oj ## Follow @oxgem on Twitter [Follow @peterohler on Twitter](http://twitter.com/#!/peterohler) for announcements and news about the Oj gem. ## Build Status [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/ohler55/oj.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/ohler55/oj) ## Links of Interest [Need for Speed](http://www.ohler.com/dev/need_for_speed/need_for_speed.html) for an overview of how Oj::Doc was designed. *Fast XML parser and marshaller on RubyGems*: https://rubygems.org/gems/ox *Fast XML parser and marshaller on GitHub*: https://github.com/ohler55/ox ## Release Notes ### Release 1.4.7 - In compat mode non-String keys are converted to Strings instead of raising and error. (issue #52) ## Description Optimized JSON (Oj), as the name implies was written to provide speed optimized JSON handling. It was designed as a faster alternative to Yajl and other the common Ruby JSON parsers. So far is has achieved that at about 2 time faster than Yajl for parsing and 3 or more times faster writing JSON. Oj has several dump or serialization modes which control how Objects are converted to JSON. These modes are set with the :mode option in either the default options or as one of the options to the dump() method. - :strict mode will only allow the 7 basic JSON types to be serialized. Any other Object will raise and Exception. - :null mode replaces any Object that is not one of the JSON types is replaced by a JSON null. - :object mode will dump any Object as a JSON Object with keys that match the Ruby Object's variable names without the '@' character. This is the highest performance mode. - :compat mode is is the compatible with other systems. It will serialize any Object but will check to see if the Object implements a to_hash() or to_json() method. If either exists that method is used for serializing the Object. The to_hash() is more flexible and produces more consistent output so it has a preference over the to_json() method. If neither the to_json() or to_hash() methods exist then the Oj internal Object variable encoding is used. Oj is compatible with Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, JRuby, RBX, and the latest 2.0dev. Note that JRuby now disables support for extentions by default and is no longer supporting C extensions. Bugs reported in the JRuby MRI are no longer being fixed and there is at least one that has caused a test to be commented out for JRuby in the Oj test suite. JRuby can be build with extensions enabled. Check the documenation for JRuby installs in your environment. Oj is also compatible with Rails. Just make sure the Oj gem is installed and [multi_json](https://github.com/intridea/multi_json) will pick it up and use it. ## Comparisons ### Fast Oj::Doc parser comparisons The fast Oj::Doc parser is compared to the Yajl and JSON::Pure parsers with strict JSON documents. No object conversions are included, just simple JSON. Since the Oj::Doc deviation from the conventional parsers comparisons of not only parsing but data access is also included. These tests use the perf_fast.rb test file. The first benchmark is for just parsing. The second is for doing a get on every leaf value in the JSON data structure. The third fetchs a value from a specific spot in the document. With Yajl and JSON this is done with a set of calls to fetch() for each level in the document. For Oj::Doc a single fetch with a path is used. The benchmark results are: > perf_fast.rb -g 1 -f -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parse Performance Oj::Doc.parse 100000 times in 0.164 seconds or 609893.696 parse/sec. Yajl.parse 100000 times in 3.168 seconds or 31569.902 parse/sec. JSON::Ext.parse 100000 times in 3.282 seconds or 30464.826 parse/sec. Summary: System time (secs) rate (ops/sec) --------- ----------- -------------- Oj::Doc 0.164 609893.696 Yajl 3.168 31569.902 JSON::Ext 3.282 30464.826 Comparison Matrix (performance factor, 2.0 row is means twice as fast as column) Oj::Doc Yajl JSON::Ext --------- --------- --------- --------- Oj::Doc 1.00 19.32 20.02 Yajl 0.05 1.00 1.04 JSON::Ext 0.05 0.96 1.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parse and get all values Performance Oj::Doc.parse 100000 times in 0.417 seconds or 240054.540 parse/sec. Yajl.parse 100000 times in 5.159 seconds or 19384.191 parse/sec. JSON::Ext.parse 100000 times in 5.269 seconds or 18978.638 parse/sec. Summary: System time (secs) rate (ops/sec) --------- ----------- -------------- Oj::Doc 0.417 240054.540 Yajl 5.159 19384.191 JSON::Ext 5.269 18978.638 Comparison Matrix (performance factor, 2.0 row is means twice as fast as column) Oj::Doc Yajl JSON::Ext --------- --------- --------- --------- Oj::Doc 1.00 12.38 12.65 Yajl 0.08 1.00 1.02 JSON::Ext 0.08 0.98 1.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fetch nested Performance Oj::Doc.fetch 100000 times in 0.094 seconds or 1059995.760 fetch/sec. Ruby.fetch 100000 times in 0.503 seconds or 198851.434 fetch/sec. Summary: System time (secs) rate (ops/sec) ------- ----------- -------------- Oj::Doc 0.094 1059995.760 Ruby 0.503 198851.434 Comparison Matrix (performance factor, 2.0 row is means twice as fast as column) Oj::Doc Ruby ------- ------- ------- Oj::Doc 1.00 5.33 Ruby 0.19 1.00 What the results mean are that for getting just a few values from a JSON document Oj::Doc is 20 times faster than any other parser and for accessing all values it is still over 12 times faster than any other Ruby JSON parser. ### Conventional Oj parser comparisons The following table shows the difference is speeds between several serialization packages compared to the more conventional Oj parser. The tests had to be scaled back due to limitation of some of the gems. I finally gave up trying to get JSON Pure to serialize without errors with Ruby 1.9.3. It had internal errors on anything other than a simple JSON structure. The errors encountered were: - MessagePack fails to convert Bignum to JSON - JSON Pure fails to serialize any numbers or Objects with the to_json() method Options were added to the test/perf_strict.rb test to run the test without Object encoding and without Bignums. None of the packages except Oj were able to serialize Ruby Objects that did not have a to_json() method or were of the 7 native JSON types. A perf_obj.rb file was added for comparing different Object marshalling packages. It is also worth noting that although Oj is slightly behind MessagePack for parsing, Oj serialization is much faster than MessagePack even though Oj uses human readable JSON vs the binary MessagePack format. Oj supports circular references when in :object mode and when the :circular flag is true. None of the other gems tested supported circular references. They failed in the following manners when the input included circular references. - Yajl core dumps Ruby - JSON fails and raises an Exception - MessagePack fails and raises an Exception The benchmark results are: with Object and Bignum encoding: > perf_strict.rb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Load/Parse Performance Oj:compat.load 100000 times in 1.481 seconds or 67513.146 load/sec. Oj.load 100000 times in 1.066 seconds or 93796.400 load/sec. JSON::Ext.parse 100000 times in 3.023 seconds or 33074.875 parse/sec. JSON::Pure.parse 100000 times in 18.908 seconds or 5288.799 parse/sec. Ox.load 100000 times in 1.240 seconds or 80671.900 load/sec. Summary: System time (secs) rate (ops/sec) ---------- ----------- -------------- Oj 1.066 93796.400 Ox 1.240 80671.900 Oj:compat 1.481 67513.146 JSON::Ext 3.023 33074.875 JSON::Pure 18.908 5288.799 Comparison Matrix (performance factor, 2.0 row is means twice as fast as column) Oj Ox Oj:compat JSON::Ext JSON::Pure ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Oj 1.00 1.16 1.39 2.84 17.73 Ox 0.86 1.00 1.19 2.44 15.25 Oj:compat 0.72 0.84 1.00 2.04 12.77 JSON::Ext 0.35 0.41 0.49 1.00 6.25 JSON::Pure 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.16 1.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dump/Encode/Generate Performance Oj:compat.dump 100000 times in 0.789 seconds or 126715.249 dump/sec. Oj.dump 100000 times in 0.457 seconds or 218798.751 dump/sec. JSON::Ext.generate 100000 times in 4.371 seconds or 22878.630 generate/sec. Ox.dump 100000 times in 0.501 seconds or 199425.256 dump/sec. Summary: System time (secs) rate (ops/sec) --------- ----------- -------------- Oj 0.457 218798.751 Ox 0.501 199425.256 Oj:compat 0.789 126715.249 JSON::Ext 4.371 22878.630 Comparison Matrix (performance factor, 2.0 row is means twice as fast as column) Oj Ox Oj:compat JSON::Ext --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Oj 1.00 1.10 1.73 9.56 Ox 0.91 1.00 1.57 8.72 Oj:compat 0.58 0.64 1.00 5.54 JSON::Ext 0.10 0.11 0.18 1.00 The following packages were not included for the reason listed ***** MessagePack: RangeError: bignum too big to convert into `unsigned long long' ***** Yajl: RuntimeError: Yajl parse and encode did not return the same object as the original. ***** JSON::Pure: TypeError: wrong argument type JSON::Pure::Generator::State (expected Data) without Objects or numbers (for JSON Pure, Yajl, and Messagepack) JSON: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Load/Parse Performance Oj:compat.load 100000 times in 0.806 seconds or 124051.164 load/sec. Oj.load 100000 times in 0.810 seconds or 123384.587 load/sec. Yajl.parse 100000 times in 1.441 seconds or 69385.996 parse/sec. JSON::Ext.parse 100000 times in 1.567 seconds or 63797.848 parse/sec. JSON::Pure.parse 100000 times in 13.500 seconds or 7407.247 parse/sec. Ox.load 100000 times in 0.954 seconds or 104836.748 load/sec. MessagePack.unpack 100000 times in 0.651 seconds or 153707.817 unpack/sec. Summary: System time (secs) rate (ops/sec) ----------- ----------- -------------- MessagePack 0.651 153707.817 Oj:compat 0.806 124051.164 Oj 0.810 123384.587 Ox 0.954 104836.748 Yajl 1.441 69385.996 JSON::Ext 1.567 63797.848 JSON::Pure 13.500 7407.247 Comparison Matrix (performance factor, 2.0 row is means twice as fast as column) MessagePack Oj:compat Oj Ox Yajl JSON::Ext JSON::Pure ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- MessagePack 1.00 1.24 1.25 1.47 2.22 2.41 20.75 Oj:compat 0.81 1.00 1.01 1.18 1.79 1.94 16.75 Oj 0.80 0.99 1.00 1.18 1.78 1.93 16.66 Ox 0.68 0.85 0.85 1.00 1.51 1.64 14.15 Yajl 0.45 0.56 0.56 0.66 1.00 1.09 9.37 JSON::Ext 0.42 0.51 0.52 0.61 0.92 1.00 8.61 JSON::Pure 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.11 0.12 1.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dump/Encode/Generate Performance Oj:compat.dump 100000 times in 0.173 seconds or 578526.262 dump/sec. Oj.dump 100000 times in 0.179 seconds or 558362.880 dump/sec. Yajl.encode 100000 times in 0.776 seconds or 128794.279 encode/sec. JSON::Ext.generate 100000 times in 3.511 seconds or 28483.812 generate/sec. JSON::Pure.generate 100000 times in 7.389 seconds or 13533.717 generate/sec. Ox.dump 100000 times in 0.196 seconds or 510589.629 dump/sec. MessagePack.pack 100000 times in 0.317 seconds or 315307.220 pack/sec. Summary: System time (secs) rate (ops/sec) ----------- ----------- -------------- Oj:compat 0.173 578526.262 Oj 0.179 558362.880 Ox 0.196 510589.629 MessagePack 0.317 315307.220 Yajl 0.776 128794.279 JSON::Ext 3.511 28483.812 JSON::Pure 7.389 13533.717 Comparison Matrix (performance factor, 2.0 row is means twice as fast as column) Oj:compat Oj Ox MessagePack Yajl JSON::Ext JSON::Pure ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Oj:compat 1.00 1.04 1.13 1.83 4.49 20.31 42.75 Oj 0.97 1.00 1.09 1.77 4.34 19.60 41.26 Ox 0.88 0.91 1.00 1.62 3.96 17.93 37.73 MessagePack 0.55 0.56 0.62 1.00 2.45 11.07 23.30 Yajl 0.22 0.23 0.25 0.41 1.00 4.52 9.52 JSON::Ext 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.22 1.00 2.10 JSON::Pure 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.11 0.48 1.00 ### Simple JSON Writing and Parsing: require 'oj' h = { 'one' => 1, 'array' => [ true, false ] } json = Oj.dump(h) # json = # { # "one":1, # "array":[ # true, # false # ] # } h2 = Oj.load(json) puts "Same? #{h == h2}" # true ### Object JSON format: In :object mode Oj generates JSON that follows conventions which allow Class and other information such as Object IDs for circular reference detection. The formating follows the following rules. 1. JSON native types, true, false, nil, String, Hash, Array, and Number are encoded normally. 2. A Symbol is encoded as a JSON string with a preceeding `:` character. 3. The `^` character denotes a special key value when in a JSON Object sequence. 4. A Ruby String that starts with `:` or the sequence `^i` or `^r` are encoded by excaping the first character so that it appears as `\u005e` or `\u003a` instead of `:` or `^`. 5. A `"^c"` JSON Object key indicates the value should be converted to a Ruby class. The sequence `{"^c":"Oj::Bag"}` is read as the Oj::Bag class. 6. A `"^t"` JSON Object key indicates the value should be converted to a Ruby Time. The sequence `{"^t":1325775487.000000}` is read as Jan 5, 2012 at 23:58:07. 7. A `"^o"` JSON Object key indicates the value should be converted to a Ruby Object. The first entry in the JSON Object must be a class with the `"^o"` key. After that each entry is treated as a variable of the Object where the key is the variable name without the preceeding `@`. An example is `{"^o":"Oj::Bag","x":58,"y":"marbles"}`. `"^O"` is the same except that it is for built in or odd classes that don't obey the normal Ruby rules. Examples are Rational, Date, and DateTime. 8. A `"^u"` JSON Object key indicates the value should be converted to a Ruby Struct. The first entry in the JSON Object must be a class with the `"^u"` key. After that each entry is is given a numeric position in the struct and that is used as the key in the JSON Object. An example is `{"^u":["Range",1,7,false]}`. 9. When encoding an Object, if the variable name does not begin with an `@` character then the name preceeded by a `~` character. This occurs in the Exception class. An example is `{"^o":"StandardError","~mesg":"A Message","~bt":[".\/tests.rb:345:in `test_exception'"]}`. 10. If a Hash entry has a key that is not a String or Symbol then the entry is encoded with a key of the form `"^#n"` where n is a hex number. The value that is an Array where the first element is the key in the Hash and the second is the value. An example is `{"^#3":[2,5]}`. 11. A `"^i"` JSON entry in either an Object or Array is the ID of the Ruby Object being encoded. It is used when the :circular flag is set. It can appear in either a JSON Object or in a JSON Array. In an Object the `"^i"` key has a corresponding reference Fixnum. In an array the sequence will include an embedded reference number. An example is `{"^o":"Oj::Bag","^i":1,"x":["^i2",true],"me":"^r1"}`. 12. A `"^r"` JSON entry in an Object is a references to a Object or Array that already appears in the JSON String. It must match up with a previous `"^i"` ID. An example is `{"^o":"Oj::Bag","^i":1,"x":3,"me":"^r1"}`. 13. If an Array element is a String and starts with `"^i"` then the first character, the `^` is encoded as a hex character sequence. An example is `["\u005ei37",3]`. ### License: Copyright (c) 2012, Peter Ohler All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of Peter Ohler nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.