describe 'Site admin management', js: true do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:site_admin) } let!(:existing_user) { FactoryBot.create(:exhibit_visitor) } let!(:exhibit_admin) { FactoryBot.create(:exhibit_admin) } let!(:exhibit_curator) { FactoryBot.create(:exhibit_curator) } before do login_as(user) visit spotlight.admin_users_path end it 'displays the current admin users' do expect(page).to have_css('td', text: end describe 'copy email addresses' do it 'displays only email addresses of users w/ roles' do expect(page).to have_css('div#all_users', text: expect(page).to have_css('div#all_users', text: expect(page).to have_css('div#all_users', text: expect(page).not_to have_css('div#all_users', text: expect(page).to have_css('button.copy-email-addresses') end end it 'allows for existing users to be added as site adminstrators' do expect(page).not_to have_css('td', text: click_link 'Add new administrator' fill_in 'user_email', with: click_button 'Add role' expect(page).to have_content('Added user as an exhibits adminstrator') expect(page).to have_css('td', text: end it 'allows non-existing users to be invited' do click_link 'Add new administrator' fill_in 'user_email', with: '' click_button 'Add role' expect(page).to have_content(' pending') end it 'allows the admin to remove the admin role from the user' do click_link 'Add new administrator' fill_in 'user_email', with: '' click_button 'Add role' expect(page).to have_css(:td, text: '') expect(page).to have_css(:a, text: 'Remove from role', count: 2) within(all('table tbody tr').last) do click_link 'Remove from role' end expect(page).to have_content 'User removed from site adminstrator role' expect(page).to have_css(:a, text: 'Remove from role', count: 1) expect(page).not_to have_css(:td, text: '') end it 'sends an invitation email to users who do not exist' do click_link 'Add new administrator' fill_in 'user_email', with: '' expect do click_button 'Add role' change { Devise::Mailer.deliveries.count }.by(1) expect(User.where(email: '').first.invitation_sent_at).to be_present end it 'does not provide a button for users to remove their own adminstrator privs' do click_link 'Add new administrator' expect(page).to have_css('td', text: # There are two users, the original site admin and our admin user so only one button expect(page).to have_css(:a, text: 'Remove from role', count: 1) end end