en: nucleon: core: exec: help: usage: |- Usage header: |- Available actions footer: |- For help on any individual action run `corl <action> -h` errors: missing_argument: |- Argument <%{name}> must be specified util: cli: options: short_help: |- Display brief help information for this command extended_help: |- Display a more extended breakdown of available options for this commands available actions log_level: |- Set the logging level for this execution run encoded: |- Optional encoded parameter set that contains default action settings (machine use only) parse: error: |- There was a problem with the command arguments given mixin: action: project: options: project_provider: |- Plugin provider to use for this project (default %{default_value}) project_reference: |- Project URL or reference string to set as primary remote (default %{default_value}) revision: |- Revision or branch to load (default %{default_value}) commit: options: commit: |- Commit any uncommitted changes (default %{default_value}) allow_empty: |- Allow commits with no changes (default %{default_value}) message: |- Commit message (defaults to auto generated commit information) author: |- Author of the changes being committed if different from the committer propogate_commit: |- Propogate commits throughout the project tree (default %{default_value}) push: options: push: |- Push changes to remote server (default %{default_value}) remote: |- Remote name to push to (default %{default_value}) revision: |- Branch to push (default %{default_value}) propogate_push: |- Propogate pushes to the remote throughout the project tree (default %{default_value}) actions: extract: options: path: |- Base path in which to extract the encoded data encoded: |- Encoded data to be extracted into the base path errors: path: |- "Base path for extracted files must be an existing directory" encoded: |- "Data is either not properly encoded or is empty %{value}" create: options: reference: |- Git repository URL of Coral cloud to start project from (default %{default_value}) revision: |- Revision or branch to initialize the project with (default %{default_value}) path: |- Project path (default %{default_value}) start: |- Creating a new Coral cloud at %{path} from %{reference} add: options: sub_reference: |- Repository URL of Nucleon component (module or library) to include in the project sub_path: |- Subproject path editable: |- Whether or not this sub project should be added as an editable remote (default %{default_value}) start: |- Adding new subproject from %{sub_reference} at %{sub_path} remove: options: sub_path: |- Subproject path start: |- Removing existing subproject at %{sub_path} update: start: |- Starting update run from provider %{project_provider} (ref: %{reference} rev: %{revision}) provision: |- Running provisioning updates on %{node_name} from node provider %{node_provider} save: options: files: |- Optional space separated list of files to save start: |- Saving project changes with provider %{project_provider} (ref: %{reference} rev: %{revision})