swig.h File Reference

C interface to the SWIG-generated VPI interface. More...

#include <ruby.h>


void swig_init ()
 Registers the SWIG-generated VPI interface with Ruby, so that Ruby code can access it.
VALUE swig_rb_relay_verilog (VALUE arSelf)
 Transfers control from Ruby code to Verilog code.

Detailed Description

C interface to the SWIG-generated VPI interface.

Function Documentation

void swig_init (  ) 

Registers the SWIG-generated VPI interface with Ruby, so that Ruby code can access it.

VALUE swig_rb_relay_verilog ( VALUE  arSelf  ) 

Transfers control from Ruby code to Verilog code.

Generated on Fri Dec 22 21:43:02 2006 for Ruby-VPI by  doxygen 1.4.7