# Additional helper methods used by view templates inside this plugin. module RangeLimitHelper # type is 'begin' or 'end' def render_range_input(solr_field, type, input_label = nil) type = type.to_s default = params["range"][solr_field][type] if params["range"] && params["range"][solr_field] && params["range"][solr_field][type] html = label_tag("range[#{solr_field}][#{type}]", input_label, class: 'sr-only') if input_label.present? html ||= ''.html_safe html += text_field_tag("range[#{solr_field}][#{type}]", default, :maxlength=>4, :class => "form-control range_#{type}") end # type is 'min' or 'max' # Returns smallest and largest value in current result set, if available # from stats component response. def range_results_endpoint(solr_field, type) stats = stats_for_field(solr_field) return nil unless stats # StatsComponent returns weird min/max when there are in # fact no values return nil if @response.total == stats["missing"] return stats[type].to_s.gsub(/\.0+/, '') end def range_display(solr_field, my_params = params) return "" unless my_params[:range] && my_params[:range][solr_field] hash = my_params[:range][solr_field] if hash["missing"] return BlacklightRangeLimit.labels[:missing] elsif hash["begin"] || hash["end"] if hash["begin"] == hash["end"] return "#{h(hash["begin"])}".html_safe else return "#{h(hash['begin'])} to #{h(hash['end'])}".html_safe end end return "" end # Show the limit area if: # 1) we have a limit already set # OR # 2) stats show max > min, OR # 3) count > 0 if no stats available. def should_show_limit(solr_field) stats = stats_for_field(solr_field) (params["range"] && params["range"][solr_field]) || ( stats && stats["max"] > stats["min"]) || ( !stats && @response.total > 0 ) end def stats_for_field(solr_field) @response["stats"]["stats_fields"][solr_field] if @response["stats"] && @response["stats"]["stats_fields"] end def add_range_missing(solr_field, my_params = params) my_params = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(my_params)) my_params["range"] ||= {} my_params["range"][solr_field] ||= {} my_params["range"][solr_field]["missing"] = "true" # Need to ensure there's a search_field to trick Blacklight # into displaying results, not placeholder page. Kind of hacky, # but works for now. my_params["search_field"] ||= "dummy_range" my_params end def add_range(solr_field, from, to, my_params = params) my_params = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(my_params)) my_params["range"] ||= {} my_params["range"][solr_field] ||= {} my_params["range"][solr_field]["begin"] = from my_params["range"][solr_field]["end"] = to my_params["range"][solr_field].delete("missing") # eliminate temporary range status params that were just # for looking things up my_params.delete("range_field") my_params.delete("range_start") my_params.delete("range_end") return my_params end end