require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' include PoolParty::Resources describe "File" do before(:each) do reset_resources! end describe "wrapped" do before(:each) do reset! @class ={:name => "rockstar"}) end it "should have a method resources" do @class.respond_to?(:resources).should == true end it "should store the resources in an array" do @class.resources.class.should == Hash end describe "with resources" do before(:each) do cloud :application_cloud do classpackage do file({:name => "red"}) end end @class = cloud(:application_cloud).resource(:classpackage).first end it "should store a resource in the resources array" do @class.resources.size.should == 1 end it "should have a file resource in the cloud" do @class.resource(:file).should_not == nil end describe "to_s" do before(:each) do @class.instance_eval do name "rockstar" file({:name => "red"}) do; end end end it "should output the class with the name as class [name]" do @class.to_string.should =~ /class rockstar/ end after do @class.to_string end end end end describe "setting with a block" do before(:each) do @class1 = classpackage do name "my_class" file({:name => "frank"}) end end it "should set the name when set" do == "my_class" end it "should have the file resource in the resources class" do @class1.resources.size.should_not be_zero end it "should have the file resource in the resources array" do @class1.resource(:file).class.should == Array end it "should store the file in the resources array" do @class1.resource(:file).get_named("frank") == "frank" end end describe "from a collection of resources to another" do before(:each) do self.stub!(:options).and_return({:name => "cook"}) file(:name => "franksfile") exec(:name => "get file", :command => "kill frank for file") end it "should have the method classpackage_with_self" do self.respond_to?(:classpackage_with_self).should == true end it "should transfer the resources to the class" do @class2 = classpackage_with_self(self) @class2.resources.should_not be_empty end # it "should leave zero resources on the parent" do # @class2 = classpackage_with_self(self) # resources.should be_empty # end end end