module VimEpidemic class Controller def initialize @config = end def info options = {} load_config! show_info end def update options = {} check_requirements! load_config! puts "\n#{banner}\n" if @config.empty? puts "\nNothing to update.\n\n" exit 0 end successful = true @config.plugins.each do |plugin| puts action = plugin.installed? ? 'Updating' : 'Installing' puts Paint["#{action} #{plugin}...", :yellow] if plugin.install puts Paint["Done!", :green] else successful = false puts Paint["Could not install.", :red] end end puts if successful puts Paint["All plugins were successfully installed/updated.", :green, :bold] else puts Paint["There were problems with some of the plugins.", :red, :bold] end puts end def add args, options = {} load_config! unless @config.has? *args @config.touch unless @config.exists?, 'a') do |f| f.write %|\ninstall "#{args.first}"| end @config.install *args end show_info end private def show_info puts "\n#{banner}\n\n" if @config.plugins.any? @config.plugins.each do |plugin| puts " #{Paint[plugin.to_s, plugin.installed? ? :green : :yellow]}" end else puts Paint[%|No plugins registered.|, :yellow] puts %|Run "vim-epidemic add " to register one.| end puts end def banner do |s| s << Paint[%|epidemic.vim v#{VERSION}|, :bold] s << %|\nconfiguration: | if @config.exists? s << @config.file else s << %|none| end s << "\nbundles: #{@config.bundle_dir}" end end def check_requirements! abort %|epidemic.vim requires "git" to be in your $PATH| unless Which.which('git') end def abort msg warn Paint[msg, :red] exit 1 end def load_config! @config.instance_eval read_config, @config.file if @config.exists? end def read_config, 'r').read end end end