% require 'makefile' % version = Makefile.get_parameter('Makefile', 'version')



Version<%= version %>
TypeParser Generator
FormatRuby script + Ruby extention
Requirementruby (>=1.6)

-- Download (.tar.gz) -- Old Versions -- Online Manual --

Racc (Ruby yACC) is a LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby. Version 1.4.x is stable release.

Parsers generated by Racc requires "Racc Runtime Module". Ruby 1.8.x comes with this runtime. If you want to run your parsers with ruby 1.6.x, use "racc -E" command. For details, see online manual.

Anonymous CVS

You can true latest version of Racc via anonymous CVS. To check out working copy, type:

$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.loveruby.net:/src login
Password: (Just hit [Enter])
$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.loveruby.net:/src co racc