module SugarCRM # Holds all the associations for a given class class Associations # Returns an array of Association objects class << self def register(owner) associations = owner.link_fields.each_key do |link_field| associations <<,link_field) end associations end end attr :associations def initialize @associations = self end # Looks up an association by object, link_field, or method. # Raises an exception if not found def find!(target) @associations.each do |a| return a if a.include? target end raise InvalidAssociation, "Could not lookup association for: #{target}" end # Looks up an association by object, link_field, or method. # Returns false if not found def find(association) begin find! rescue InvalidAssociation false end end def inspect self end def to_s methods = [] @associations.each do |a| a.methods.each do |m| methods << m end end "[#{methods.join(', ')}]" end # delegate undefined methods to the @collection array # E.g. contact.cases should behave like an array and allow `length`, `size`, `each`, etc. def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) @associations.send(method_name.to_sym, *args, &block) end end end