Feature: Managing a rails project as a Hudson CI job on AppCloud I want to build/test my project in the same environment I run in Engine Yard AppCloud Scenario: Setup first project as a slave for Hudson Given I have an environment "hudson" on account "drnic" on AppCloud And I have an environment "my_app_ci" on account "drnic" on AppCloud And I am in the "rails" project folder When I run local executable "ey-hudson" with arguments "install ." Then file "cookbooks/hudson_slave/attributes/default.rb" is created And file "cookbooks/hudson_slave/recipes/default.rb" is created And file "cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb" is created And file "cookbooks/main/libraries/ruby_block.rb" is created And I should see exactly """ create cookbooks create cookbooks/main/attributes/recipe.rb create cookbooks/main/definitions/ey_cloud_report.rb create cookbooks/main/libraries/ruby_block.rb create cookbooks/main/libraries/run_for_app.rb create cookbooks/hudson_slave/attributes/default.rb create cookbooks/hudson_slave/recipes/default.rb create cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb Finally: * edit cookbooks/hudson_slave/attributes/default.rb as necessary. * run: ey recipes upload # use --environment(-e) & --account(-c) * run: ey recipes apply # to select environment * Boot your environment if not already booted. When the recipe completes, your project will commence its first build on Hudson CI. """ Scenario: Setup project with existing cookbooks as a slave for Hudson Given I have an environment "hudson" on account "drnic" on AppCloud And I have an environment "my_app_ci" on account "drnic" on AppCloud And I am in the "rails" project folder And I already have cookbooks installed When I run local executable "ey-hudson" with arguments "install ." Then file "cookbooks/hudson_slave/attributes/default.rb" is created And file "cookbooks/hudson_slave/recipes/default.rb" is created And file "cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb" is created And file "cookbooks/redis/recipes/default.rb" is created And I should see exactly """ create cookbooks/hudson_slave/attributes/default.rb create cookbooks/hudson_slave/recipes/default.rb append cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb Finally: * edit cookbooks/hudson_slave/attributes/default.rb as necessary. * run: ey recipes upload # use --environment(-e) & --account(-c) * run: ey recipes apply # to select environment * Boot your environment if not already booted. When the recipe completes, your project will commence its first build on Hudson CI. """