require 'test_helper' module Schemacop module V3 class ReferenceNodeTest < V3Test def test_in_hash context = context.schema :MyString, :string context.schema :MyInteger, :integer Schemacop.with_context context do schema do ref? :foo, :MyString ref? :int, :MyInteger hsh? :bar do ref? :foo, :MyString hsh? :baz do ref! :foo, :MyInteger end end end assert_validation({}) assert_validation(foo: 'String') assert_validation(bar: { foo: 'String' }) assert_validation(bar: { foo: 'String', baz: { foo: 42 } }) assert_validation(foo: 42) do error '/foo', 'Invalid type, got type "Integer", expected "string".' end assert_validation(bar: { foo: 42 }) do error '/bar/foo', 'Invalid type, got type "Integer", expected "string".' end assert_validation(bar: { foo: 'String', baz: { foo: '42' } }) do error '/bar/baz/foo', 'Invalid type, got type "String", expected "integer".' end assert_json({ properties: { foo: { '$ref' => '#/definitions/MyString' }, int: { '$ref' => '#/definitions/MyInteger' }, bar: { properties: { foo: { '$ref' => '#/definitions/MyString' }, baz: { properties: { foo: { '$ref' => '#/definitions/MyInteger' } }, additionalProperties: false, required: ['foo'], type: :object } }, additionalProperties: false, type: :object } }, additionalProperties: false, type: :object }) end end def test_schema_not_found assert_raises_with_message RuntimeError, 'Schema "MyInteger" not found.' do schema do ref? :int, :MyInteger end assert_validation(int: 5) end end def test_multiple_schemas schema do scm :Address do str! :street str! :zip_code str! :location str! :country end scm :Person do str! :first_name str! :last_name str! :birthday, format: :date end ref! :person_info, :Person ref! :shipping_address, :Address ref! :billing_address, :Address end assert_json({ definitions: { Address: { properties: { street: { type: :string }, zip_code: { type: :string }, location: { type: :string }, country: { type: :string } }, additionalProperties: false, required: %w[street zip_code location country], type: :object }, Person: { properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, last_name: { type: :string }, birthday: { type: :string, format: :date } }, additionalProperties: false, required: %w[first_name last_name birthday], type: :object } }, properties: { person_info: { '$ref' => '#/definitions/Person' }, shipping_address: { '$ref' => '#/definitions/Address' }, billing_address: { '$ref' => '#/definitions/Address' } }, type: :object, additionalProperties: false, required: %w[ person_info shipping_address billing_address ] }) assert_validation(nil) assert_validation({ person_info: { first_name: 'Joe', last_name: 'Doe', birthday: '1990-01-01' }, billing_address: { street: 'Badenerstrasse 530', zip_code: '8048', location: 'Zürich', country: 'Switzerland' }, shipping_address: { street: 'Badenerstrasse 530', zip_code: '8048', location: 'Zürich', country: 'Switzerland' } }) assert_validation({}) do error '/person_info', 'Value must be given.' error '/shipping_address', 'Value must be given.' error '/billing_address', 'Value must be given.' end end def test_nested_schemas schema do scm :User do str! :first_name str! :last_name ary? :groups do list :reference, path: :Group end end scm :Group do str! :name end end assert_json({ additionalProperties: false, definitions: { User: { properties: { first_name: { type: :string }, last_name: { type: :string }, groups: { type: :array, items: { '$ref' => '#/definitions/Group' } } }, additionalProperties: false, required: %w[first_name last_name], type: :object }, Group: { properties: { name: { type: :string } }, additionalProperties: false, required: ['name'], type: :object } }, type: :object }) end def test_in_hash_recursion schema do scm :Node do str! :name ary? :children, min_items: 1 do list :reference, path: :Node end end ref? :node, :Node end assert_equal(@schema.root.used_external_schemas, []) assert_validation({}) assert_validation(node: { name: '1', children: [{ name: '1' }, { name: '2' }] }) assert_validation( node: { name: '1', children: [ { name: '1.1' }, { name: '1.2', children: [ { name: '1.2.1' } ] } ] } ) assert_validation( node: { name: '1', children: [ { name: '1.1' }, { name: '1.2', children: [ { name: '1.2.1', children: [] } ] }, { name: '1.3', foo: :bar } ] } ) do error '/node/children/[1]/children/[0]/children', 'Array has 0 items but needs at least 1.' error '/node/children/[2]', 'Obsolete property "foo".' end end def test_external_schemas context = context.schema :Person do str! :first_name str! :last_name ref? :info, :PersonInfo end context.schema :PersonInfo do str! :born_at, format: :date end schema :reference, path: :Person with_context context do assert_validation(first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe') assert_validation(first_name: 'John', last_name: 42) do error '/last_name', 'Invalid type, got type "Integer", expected "string".' end end with_context context do schema do ref! :person, :Person end assert_equal(@schema.root.used_external_schemas, %i[Person PersonInfo]) assert_validation(person: { first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe' }) assert_validation(person: { first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe', info: { born_at: '1990-01-13' } }) assert_validation(person: { first_name_x: 'John', last_name: 'Doe' }) do error '/person', 'Obsolete property "first_name_x".' error '/person/first_name', 'Value must be given.' end assert_validation(person: { first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe', info: { born_at: 'never' } }) do error '/person/info/born_at', 'String does not match format "date".' end end with_context context do schema do scm :PersonNode do ref! :person, :Person end ref! :personNode, :PersonNode end assert_equal(@schema.root.used_external_schemas, %i[Person PersonInfo]) end end def test_defaults schema do scm :Person do str? :foo, default: 'bar' end ref? :person, :Person, default: {} end assert_cast({}, { person: { foo: 'bar' } }.with_indifferent_access) end def test_casting schema do scm :Person do str! :born_at, format: :date end ref? :person, :Person, default: {} end assert_cast({ person: { born_at: '1990-01-13' } }, { person: { born_at:, 1, 13) } }.with_indifferent_access) end end end end