module AutomateEm class System @@controllers = {0 => self} # controller_id => system instance (0 is the system class) @@logger = nil @@communicator = # TODO:: remove the need for communicator.start @@communicator.start(true) @@god_lock = # # Error thrown means: mark as offline, do not retry and email # Return false means: retry and email if a second attempt fails # Return true means: all is good! system running # def self.start(controller, log_level = Logger::INFO) begin # # Ensure we are dealing with a controller # if controller.is_a? Fixnum controller = ControlSystem.find(controller) elsif controller.is_a? String controller = ControlSystem.where('name = ?', controller).first end if not controller.is_a? ControlSystem raise 'invalid controller identifier' end # # Check if the system is already loaded or loading # @@god_lock.synchronize { if @@controllers[].present? return true end begin controller.reload(:lock => true) if return true else = true end ensure end } # # Create the system # system =, log_level) # # Load modules here (Producer) # proceed = queue = producer = do # New thread here to prevent circular waits on the thread pool begin controller.devices.includes(:dependency).each do |device| theClass = Modules.lazy_load(device.dependency) raise "Load Error" if theClass == false queue.push([device, theClass]) end do |service| theClass = Modules.lazy_load(service.dependency) raise "Load Error" if theClass == false queue.push([service, theClass]) end controller.logics.includes(:dependency).each do |logic| theClass = Modules.lazy_load(logic.dependency) raise "Load Error" if theClass == false queue.push([logic, theClass]) end rescue proceed.value = false ensure ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! # Clear any unused connections queue.push(:done) end end # # Consume the newly loaded modules here (Consumer) # mod = queue.pop while mod.is_a?(Array) && proceed.value == true begin system.load(*mod) mod = queue.pop rescue => e AutomateEm.print_error(@@logger, e, { :message => "Error stopping system after problems starting..", :level => Logger::ERROR }) proceed.value = false end end # # Check if system modules loaded properly # if proceed.value == false # # Unload any loaded modules # system.stop return false end # # Setup the systems link # system.start # Start the systems communicator return true ensure ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! # Clear any unused connections end end def self.stop(system) System[system].stop end # # Reloads a dependency live # This is the re-load code function (live bug fixing - removing / adding / modifying functions) # def self.reload(dep) "reloading dependency: #{dep}" dep = Dependency.find(dep) Modules.load_module(dep) updated = {}'id').each do |dev| begin inst = DeviceModule.instance_of( inst.on_update if (!!!updated[inst]) && inst.respond_to?(:on_update) ensure updated[inst] = true end end updated = {}'id').each do |ser| begin inst = ServiceModule.instance_of( inst.on_update if (!!!updated[inst]) && inst.respond_to?(:on_update) ensure updated[inst] = true end end updated = {}'id').each do |log| begin inst = LogicModule.instance_of( inst.on_update if (!!!updated[inst]) && inst.respond_to?(:on_update) ensure updated[inst] = true end end ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! # Clear any unused connections end # # Allows for system updates on the fly # Dangerous (Could be used to add on the fly interfaces) # def self.force_load_file(path) load path if File.exists?(path) && File.extname(path) == '.rb' rescue LoadError => e # load error explicitly handled AutomateEm.print_error(System.logger, e, { :message => "force load of #{path} failed", :level => Logger::ERROR }) end # # System Logger # def self.logger @@logger end def self.logger=(log) @@logger = log end def self.communicator @@communicator end def self.[] (system) if system.is_a?(Symbol) || system.is_a?(String) id = ControlSystem.where('name = ?', system.to_s).pluck(:id).first if id.nil? && system.is_a?(String) system = system.to_i else system = id end end @@god_lock.synchronize { @@controllers[system] } end # # For access via communicator # def instance self end # --------------------------------- # # Module accessor # def [] (mod) mod = mod.to_sym if mod.class == String @modules[mod].instance end attr_reader :modules attr_reader :communicator attr_reader :controller attr_accessor :logger # # Loads a module into a system # def load(dbSetting, theClass) if dbSetting.is_a?(ControllerDevice) load_hooks(dbSetting,, dbSetting, theClass)) elsif dbSetting.is_a?(ControllerHttpService) load_hooks(dbSetting,, dbSetting, theClass)) else # ControllerLogic load_hooks(dbSetting,, dbSetting, theClass)) end end # # The system is ready to go # def start @@god_lock.synchronize { @@controllers[] = self } @communicator.start end # # Stops the current control system # Loops through the module instances. # def stop "stopping #{}" @sys_lock.synchronize { if @communicator.shutdown modules_unloaded = {} @modules.each_value do |mod| if modules_unloaded[mod] == nil modules_unloaded[mod] = :unloaded mod.unload end end @modules = {} # Modules no longer referenced. Cleanup time! @logger.close if Rails.env.production? @logger = nil end @@god_lock.synchronize { @@controllers.delete( begin @controller.reload(:lock => true) = false ensure end } } end # # Log level changing on the fly # def log_level(level) @sys_lock.synchronize { @log_level = AutomateEm::get_log_level(level) if @logger.level = @log_level end } end protected def load_hooks(device, mod) module_name = device.dependency.module_name count = 2 # 2 is correct # # Loads the modules and auto-names them (display_1, display_2) # The first module of a type has two names (display and display_1 for example) # Load order is controlled by the control_system model based on the ordinal # @sys_lock.synchronize { if not @modules[module_name.to_sym].nil? while @modules["#{module_name}_#{count}".to_sym].present? count += 1 end module_name = "#{module_name}_#{count}" else @modules["#{module_name}_1".to_sym] = mod end @modules[module_name.to_sym] = mod # # Allow for system specific custom names # if !device.custom_name.nil? @modules[device.custom_name.to_sym] = mod end } end def initialize(controller, log_level) "starting #{}" @modules = {} # controller modules :name => module instance (device or logic) @communicator = @log_level = log_level @controller = controller @sys_lock = if Rails.env.production? @logger ="log/system_#{}.log").to_s, 10, 4194304) else @logger = end @logger.formatter = proc { |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{datetime.strftime("%d/%m/%Y @ %I:%M%p")} #{severity}: #{} - #{msg}\n" } end end end