module Neo4j module Rails # This module handles the getting, setting and updating of attributes or properties # in a Railsy way. This typically means not writing anything to the DB until the # object is saved (after validation). # # Externally, when we talk about properties (e.g. {#property?}, {#property_names}), # we mean all of the stored properties for this object include the 'hidden' props # with underscores at the beginning such as _neo_id and _classname. When we talk # about attributes, we mean all the properties apart from those hidden ones. # # This mixin defines a number of class methods, see #{ClassMethods}. # module Attributes extend ActiveSupport::Concern extend TxMethods included do include ActiveModel::Dirty # track changes to attributes include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity # handle attribute hash assignment class << self attr_accessor :attribute_defaults end self.attribute_defaults ||= {} # save the original [] and []= to use as read/write to Neo4j alias_method :read_attribute, :[] alias_method :write_attribute, :[]= # wrap the read/write in type conversion alias_method_chain :read_local_property, :type_conversion alias_method_chain :write_local_property, :type_conversion # whenever we refer to [] or []=. use our local properties store alias_method :[], :read_local_property alias_method :[]=, :write_local_property def self.inherited(sub_klass) super return if sub_klass.to_s[0..0] == '#' # this is really for anonymous test classes setup_neo4j_subclass(sub_klass) sub_klass.send(:define_method, :attribute_defaults) do self.class.attribute_defaults end sub_klass.attribute_defaults = self.attribute_defaults.clone # Hmm, could not do this from the Finders Mixin Module - should be moved sub_klass.rule(:_all, :functions => if sub_klass.respond_to?(:rule) end end # Is called when a node neo4j entity is created and we need to save attributes # @private def init_on_create(*) self._classname = self.class.to_s write_default_attributes write_changed_attributes clear_changes end # Setup this mixins instance variables # @private def initialize_attributes(attributes) @_properties = {} @_properties_before_type_cast={} self.attributes = attributes if attributes end # Mass-assign attributes. Stops any protected attributes from being assigned. def attributes=(attributes, guard_protected_attributes = true) attributes = sanitize_for_mass_assignment(attributes) if guard_protected_attributes multi_parameter_attributes = [] attributes.each do |k, v| if k.to_s.include?("(") multi_parameter_attributes << [k, v] else respond_to?("#{k}=") ? send("#{k}=", v) : self[k] = v end end assign_multiparameter_attributes(multi_parameter_attributes) end def attribute_defaults self.class.attribute_defaults end # Updates this resource with all the attributes from the passed-in Hash and requests that the record be saved. # If saving fails because the resource is invalid then false will be returned. def update_attributes(attributes) self.attributes = attributes save end tx_methods :update_attributes # Same as {#update_attributes}, but raises an exception if saving fails. def update_attributes!(attributes) self.attributes = attributes save! end tx_methods :update_attributes! # @private def reset_attributes @_properties = {} end # Updates a single attribute and saves the record. # This is especially useful for boolean flags on existing records. Also note that # # * Validation is skipped. # * Callbacks are invoked. # * Updates all the attributes that are dirty in this object. # def update_attribute(name, value) respond_to?("#{name}=") ? send("#{name}=", value) : self[name] = value save(:validate => false) end def hash persisted? ? _java_entity.neo_id.hash : super end def to_param persisted? ? neo_id.to_s : nil end def to_model self end # Returns an Enumerable of all (primary) key attributes # or nil if model.persisted? is false def to_key persisted? ? [id] : nil end # Return the properties from the Neo4j Node, merged with those that haven't # yet been saved def props ret = {} property_names.each do |property_name| ret[property_name] = respond_to?(property_name) ? send(property_name) : send(:[], property_name) end ret end # Return all the attributes for this model as a hash attr => value. Doesn't # include properties that start with <tt>_</tt>. def attributes ret = {} attribute_names.each do |attribute_name| ret[attribute_name] = self.class._decl_props[attribute_name.to_sym] ? send(attribute_name) : send(:[], attribute_name) end ret end # Known properties are either in the @_properties, the declared # attributes or the property keys for the persisted node. def property_names # initialize @_properties if needed since # we can ask property names before the object is initialized (active_support initialize callbacks, respond_to?) @_properties ||= {} keys = @_properties.keys + keys += _java_entity.property_keys.to_a if persisted? keys.flatten.uniq end # Known attributes are either in the @_properties, the declared # attributes or the property keys for the persisted node. Any attributes # that start with <tt>_</tt> are rejected def attribute_names property_names.reject { |property_name| _invalid_attribute_name?(property_name) } end # Known properties are either in the @_properties, the declared # properties or the property keys for the persisted node def property?(name) return false unless @_properties @_properties.has_key?(name) || self.class._decl_props.has_key?(name) || persisted? && super end def property_changed? return !@_properties.empty? unless persisted? !!@_properties.keys.find { |k| self._java_node[k] != @_properties[k] } end # Return true if method_name is the name of an appropriate attribute # method def attribute?(name) name[0] != ?_ && property?(name) end # Wrap the getter in a conversion from Java to Ruby def read_local_property_with_type_conversion(property) self.class._converter(property).to_ruby(read_local_property_without_type_conversion(property)) end # Wrap the setter in a conversion from Ruby to Java def write_local_property_with_type_conversion(property, value) @_properties_before_type_cast[property.to_sym]=value if self.class._decl_props.has_key? property.to_sym conv_value = self.class._converter(property.to_sym).to_java(value) write_local_property_without_type_conversion(property, conv_value) end # The behaviour of []= changes with a Rails Model, where nothing gets written # to Neo4j until the object is saved, during which time all the validations # and callbacks are run to ensure correctness def write_local_property(key, value) key_s = key.to_s if !@_properties.has_key?(key_s) || @_properties[key_s] != value attribute_will_change!(key_s) @_properties[key_s] = value.nil? ? attribute_defaults[key_s] : value end value end # Returns the locally stored value for the key or retrieves the value from # the DB if we don't have one def read_local_property(key) key = key.to_s if @_properties.has_key?(key) @_properties[key] else @_properties[key] = (persisted? && _java_entity.has_property?(key)) ? read_attribute(key) : attribute_defaults[key] end end module ClassMethods # Returns all defined properties def columns self._decl_props.keys end # Declares a property. # It support the following hash options: # <tt>:default</tt>,<tt>:null</tt>,<tt>:limit</tt>,<tt>:type</tt>,<tt>:index</tt>,<tt>:converter</tt> # # @example Set the property type, # class Person < Neo4j::RailsModel # property :age, :type => Time # end # # @example Set the property type, # class Person < Neo4j::RailsModel # property :age, :default => 0 # end # @example # class Person < Neo4j::RailsModel # property :age, :null => false # end # Property must be there # # @example Property has a length limit # class Person < Neo4j::RailsModel # property :name, :limit => 128 # end # # @example Index with lucene. # class Person < Neo4j::RailsModel # property :name, :index => :exact # property :year, :index => :exact, :type => Fixnum # index as fixnum too # property :description, :index => :fulltext # end # # @example Using a custom converter # module MyConverter # def to_java(v) # "Java:#{v}" # end # # def to_ruby(v) # "Ruby:#{v}" # end # # def index_as # String # end # # extend self # end # # class Person < Neo4j::RailsModel # property :name, :converter => MyConverter # end # def property(*args) options = args.extract_options! args.each do |property_sym| property_setup(property_sym, options) end end protected def property_setup(property, options) _decl_props[property] = options handle_property_options_for(property, options) define_property_methods_for(property, options) define_property_before_type_cast_methods_for(property, options) end def handle_property_options_for(property, options) attribute_defaults[property.to_s] = options[:default] if options.has_key?(:default) converter = options[:converter] || Neo4j::TypeConverters.converter(_decl_props[property][:type]) _decl_props[property][:converter] = converter if options.include?(:index) _decl_props[property][:index] = options[:index] raise "Indexing boolean property is not allowed" if options[:type] && options[:type] == :boolean index(property, :type => options[:index], :field_type => converter.index_as) end if options.has_key?(:null) && options[:null] === false validates(property, :non_nil => true, :on => :create) validates(property, :non_nil => true, :on => :update) end validates(property, :length => {:maximum => options[:limit]}) if options[:limit] end def define_property_methods_for(property, options) unless method_defined?(property) class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{property} send(:[], "#{property}") end RUBY end unless method_defined?("#{property}=".to_sym) class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{property}=(value) send(:[]=, "#{property}", value) end RUBY end end def define_property_before_type_cast_methods_for(property, options) property_before_type_cast = "#{property}_before_type_cast" class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{property_before_type_cast}=(value) @_properties_before_type_cast[:#{property}]=value end def #{property_before_type_cast} @_properties_before_type_cast.has_key?(:#{property}) ? @_properties_before_type_cast[:#{property}] : self.#{property} end RUBY end end protected # Ensure any defaults are stored in the DB def write_default_attributes self.class.attribute_defaults.each do |attribute, value| write_attribute(attribute, Neo4j::TypeConverters.convert(value, attribute, self.class, false)) unless changed_attributes.has_key?(attribute) || _java_node.has_property?(attribute) end end # Write attributes to the Neo4j DB only if they're altered def write_changed_attributes @_properties.each do |attribute, value| write_attribute(attribute, value) if changed_attributes.has_key?(attribute) end end def attribute_missing(method_id, *args, &block) method_name = method_id.method_name if property?(method_name) self[method_name] else super end end # TODO THIS IS ONLY NEEDED IN ACTIVEMODEL < 3.2, ? # To get ActiveModel::Dirty to work, we need to be able to call undeclared # properties as though they have get methods def method_missing(method_id, *args, &block) method_name = method_id.to_s if property?(method_name) self[method_name] else super end end def _invalid_attribute_name?(attr_name) attr_name.to_s[0] == ?_ && !self.class._decl_props.include?(attr_name.to_sym) end # Instantiates objects for all attribute classes that needs more than one constructor parameter. This is done # by calling new on the column type or aggregation type (through composed_of) object with these parameters. # So having the pairs written_on(1) = "2004", written_on(2) = "6", written_on(3) = "24", will instantiate # written_on (a date type) with"2004", "6", "24"). You can also specify a typecast character in the # parentheses to have the parameters typecasted before they're used in the constructor. Use i for Fixnum, # f for Float, s for String, and a for Array. If all the values for a given attribute are empty, the # attribute will be set to nil. def assign_multiparameter_attributes(pairs) execute_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes( extract_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes(pairs) ) end def execute_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes(callstack) errors = [] callstack.each do |name, values_with_empty_parameters| begin # (self.class.reflect_on_aggregation(name.to_sym) || column_for_attribute(name)).klass decl_type = self.class._decl_props[name.to_sym][:type] raise "Not a multiparameter attribute, missing :type on property #{name} for #{self.class}" unless decl_type # in order to allow a date to be set without a year, we must keep the empty values. values = values_with_empty_parameters.reject { |v| v.nil? } if values.empty? send(name + "=", nil) else #TODO: Consider extracting hardcoded assignments into "Binders" value = if Neo4j::TypeConverters::TimeConverter.convert?(decl_type) instantiate_time_object(name, values) elsif Neo4j::TypeConverters::DateConverter.convert?(decl_type) begin values = values_with_empty_parameters.collect do |v| v.nil? ? 1 : v end*values) rescue ArgumentError => ex # if raises an exception on an invalid date instantiate_time_object(name, values).to_date # we instantiate Time object and convert it back to a date thus using Time's logic in handling invalid dates end elsif Neo4j::TypeConverters::DateTimeConverter.convert?(decl_type)*values) else raise "Unknown type #{decl_type}" end send(name + "=", value) end rescue Exception => ex raise "error on assignment #{values.inspect} to #{name}, ex: #{ex}" end end unless errors.empty? raise, "#{errors.size} error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes" end end def instantiate_time_object(name, values) # if self.class.send(:create_time_zone_conversion_attribute?, name, column_for_attribute(name)) #*values) # else Time.time_with_datetime_fallback(self.class.default_timezone, *values) # end end def extract_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes(pairs) attributes = {} for pair in pairs multiparameter_name, value = pair attribute_name = multiparameter_name.split("(").first attributes[attribute_name] = [] unless attributes.include?(attribute_name) parameter_value = value.empty? ? nil : type_cast_attribute_value(multiparameter_name, value) attributes[attribute_name] << [find_parameter_position(multiparameter_name), parameter_value] end attributes.each { |name, values| attributes[name] = values.sort_by { |v| v.first }.collect { |v| v.last } } end def type_cast_attribute_value(multiparameter_name, value) multiparameter_name =~ /\([0-9]*([if])\)/ ? value.send("to_" + $1) : value end def find_parameter_position(multiparameter_name) multiparameter_name.scan(/\(([0-9]*).*\)/).first.first end # Tracks the current changes and clears the changed attributes hash. Called # after saving the object. def clear_changes @previously_changed = changes @changed_attributes.clear end def _classname self.class.to_s end def _classname=(value) write_local_property_without_type_conversion("_classname", value) end end end end