require "jsduck/serializer" require "jsduck/evaluator" require "jsduck/function_ast" require "jsduck/ext_patterns" module JsDuck # Analyzes the AST produced by EsprimaParser. class Ast # Should be initialized with EsprimaParser#parse result. def initialize(docs = [], options = {}) @serializer = @evaluator = @ext_patterns =[:ext_namespaces] || ["Ext"]) @docs = docs end # Performs the detection of code in all docsets. # # @returns the processed array of docsets. (But it does it # destructively by modifying the passed-in docsets.) # def detect_all! # First deal only with doc-comments doc_comments = @docs.find_all {|d| d[:type] == :doc_comment } # Detect code in each docset. Sometimes a docset has already # been detected as part of detecting some previous docset (like # Class detecting all of its configs) - in such case, skip. doc_comments.each do |docset| code = docset[:code] docset[:code] = detect(code) unless code && code[:tagname] end # Return all doc-comments + other comments for which related # code was detected. @docs.find_all {|d| d[:type] == :doc_comment || d[:code] && d[:code][:tagname] } end # Given Esprima-produced syntax tree, detects documentation data. # # This method is exposed for testing purposes only, JSDuck itself # only calls the above #detect_all method. # # @param ast :code from Result of EsprimaParser # @returns Hash consisting of the detected :tagname, :name, and # other properties relative to the tag. Like so: # # { :tagname => :method, :name => "foo", ... } # def detect(ast) ast = ast || {} exp = expression?(ast) ? ast["expression"] : nil var = var?(ast) ? ast["declarations"][0] : nil # Ext.define("Class", {}) if exp && ext_define?(exp) make_class(to_value(exp["arguments"][0]), exp) # Ext.override(Class, {}) elsif exp && ext_override?(exp) make_class("", exp) # foo = Ext.extend(Parent, {}) elsif exp && assignment?(exp) && ext_extend?(exp["right"]) make_class(to_s(exp["left"]), exp["right"]) # Foo = ... elsif exp && assignment?(exp) && class_name?(to_s(exp["left"])) make_class(to_s(exp["left"]), exp["right"]) # var foo = Ext.extend(Parent, {}) elsif var && var["init"] && ext_extend?(var["init"]) make_class(to_s(var["id"]), var["init"]) # var Foo = ... elsif var && class_name?(to_s(var["id"])) make_class(to_s(var["id"]), var["right"]) # function Foo() {} elsif function?(ast) && class_name?(to_s(ast["id"])) make_class(to_s(ast["id"])) # { ... } elsif object?(ast) make_class("", ast) # function foo() {} elsif function?(ast) make_method(to_s(ast["id"]), ast) # foo = function() {} elsif exp && assignment?(exp) && function?(exp["right"]) make_method(to_s(exp["left"]), exp["right"]) # var foo = function() {} elsif var && var["init"] && function?(var["init"]) make_method(to_s(var["id"]), var["init"]) # (function() {}) elsif exp && function?(exp) make_method(exp["id"] ? to_s(exp["id"]) : "", exp) # foo: function() {} elsif property?(ast) && function?(ast["value"]) make_method(key_value(ast["key"]), ast["value"]) # this.fireEvent("foo", ...) elsif exp && fire_event?(exp) make_event(to_value(exp["arguments"][0])) # foo = ... elsif exp && assignment?(exp) make_property(to_s(exp["left"]), exp["right"]) # var foo = ... elsif var make_property(to_s(var["id"]), var["init"]) # foo: ... elsif property?(ast) make_property(key_value(ast["key"]), ast["value"]) # foo; elsif exp && ident?(exp) make_property(to_s(exp)) # "foo" (inside some expression) elsif string?(ast) make_property(to_value(ast)) # "foo"; (as a statement of it's own) elsif exp && string?(exp) make_property(to_value(exp)) else make_property() end end private def expression?(ast) ast["type"] == "ExpressionStatement" end def call?(ast) ast["type"] == "CallExpression" end def assignment?(ast) ast["type"] == "AssignmentExpression" end def ext_define?(ast) call?(ast) && ext_pattern?("Ext.define", ast["callee"]) end def ext_extend?(ast) call?(ast) && ext_pattern?("Ext.extend", ast["callee"]) end def ext_override?(ast) call?(ast) && ext_pattern?("Ext.override", ast["callee"]) end def function?(ast) ast["type"] == "FunctionDeclaration" || ast["type"] == "FunctionExpression" || empty_fn?(ast) end def empty_fn?(ast) ast["type"] == "MemberExpression" && ext_pattern?("Ext.emptyFn", ast) end def ext_pattern?(pattern, ast) @ext_patterns.matches?(pattern, to_s(ast)) end def fire_event?(ast) call?(ast) && to_s(ast["callee"]) == "this.fireEvent" end def var?(ast) ast["type"] == "VariableDeclaration" end def property?(ast) ast["type"] == "Property" end def ident?(ast) ast["type"] == "Identifier" end def string?(ast) ast["type"] == "Literal" && ast["value"].is_a?(String) end def object?(ast) ast["type"] == "ObjectExpression" end # Class name begins with upcase char def class_name?(name) return name.split(/\./).last =~ /\A[A-Z]/ end def make_class(name, ast=nil) cls = { :tagname => :class, :name => name, } # apply information from Ext.extend, Ext.define, or {} if ast if ext_define?(ast) detect_ext_define(cls, ast) elsif ext_extend?(ast) detect_ext_something(:extends, cls, ast) elsif ext_override?(ast) detect_ext_something(:override, cls, ast) elsif object?(ast) detect_class_members_from_object(cls, ast) elsif ast["type"] == "ArrayExpression" detect_class_members_from_array(cls, ast) end end return cls end # Detection of Ext.extend() or Ext.override(). # The type parameter must be correspondingly either :extend or :override. def detect_ext_something(type, cls, ast) args = ast["arguments"] cls[type] = to_s(args[0]) if args.length == 2 && object?(args[1]) detect_class_members_from_object(cls, args[1]) end end # Inspects Ext.define() and copies detected properties over to the # given cls Hash def detect_ext_define(cls, ast) # defaults cls[:extends] = "Ext.Base" cls[:requires] = [] cls[:uses] = [] cls[:alternateClassNames] = [] cls[:mixins] = [] cls[:aliases] = [] cls[:members] = [] cls[:code_type] = :ext_define each_pair_in_object_expression(ast["arguments"][1]) do |key, value, pair| case key when "extend" cls[:extends] = make_string(value) when "override" cls[:override] = make_string(value) when "requires" cls[:requires] = make_string_list(value) when "uses" cls[:uses] = make_string_list(value) when "alternateClassName" cls[:alternateClassNames] = make_string_list(value) when "mixins" cls[:mixins] = make_mixins(value) when "singleton" cls[:singleton] = make_singleton(value) when "alias" cls[:aliases] += make_string_list(value) when "xtype" cls[:aliases] += make_string_list(value).map {|xtype| "widget."+xtype } when "config" cls[:members] += make_configs(value, {:accessor => true}) when "cachedConfig" cls[:members] += make_configs(value, {:accessor => true}) when "eventedConfig" cls[:members] += make_configs(value, {:accessor => true, :evented => true}) when "statics" cls[:members] += make_statics(value) when "inheritableStatics" cls[:members] += make_statics(value, {:inheritable => true}) else detect_method_or_property(cls, key, value, pair) end end end # Detects class members from object literal def detect_class_members_from_object(cls, ast) cls[:members] = [] each_pair_in_object_expression(ast) do |key, value, pair| detect_method_or_property(cls, key, value, pair) end end # Detects class members from array literal def detect_class_members_from_array(cls, ast) cls[:members] = [] # This will most likely be an @enum class, in which case the # enum will be for documentation purposes only. cls[:enum] = {:doc_only => true} ast["elements"].each do |el| detect_method_or_property(cls, key_value(el), el, el) end end # Detects item in object literal either as method or property def detect_method_or_property(cls, key, value, pair) if function?(value) m = make_method(key, value) cls[:members] << m if apply_autodetected(m, pair) else p = make_property(key, value) cls[:members] << p if apply_autodetected(p, pair) end end def make_string(cfg_value) return nil unless cfg_value parent = to_value(cfg_value) return parent.is_a?(String) ? parent : nil end def make_string_list(cfg_value) return [] unless cfg_value classes = Array(to_value(cfg_value)) return classes.all? {|c| c.is_a? String } ? classes : [] end def make_mixins(cfg_value) return [] unless cfg_value v = to_value(cfg_value) classes = v.is_a?(Hash) ? v.values : Array(v) return classes.all? {|c| c.is_a? String } ? classes : [] end def make_singleton(cfg_value) cfg_value && to_value(cfg_value) == true end def make_configs(ast, defaults={}) configs = [] each_pair_in_object_expression(ast) do |name, value, pair| cfg = make_property(name, value, :cfg) cfg.merge!(defaults) configs << cfg if apply_autodetected(cfg, pair) end configs end def make_statics(ast, defaults={}) statics = [] each_pair_in_object_expression(ast) do |name, value, pair| if function?(value) s = make_method(name, value) else s = make_property(name, value) end s[:meta] = {:static => true} s.merge!(defaults) statics << s if apply_autodetected(s, pair, defaults[:inheritable]) end statics end # Sets auto-detection related properties :autodetected and # :inheritdoc on the given member Hash. # # When member has a comment, adds code to the related docset and # returns false. # # Otherwise detects the line number of member and returns true. def apply_autodetected(m, ast, inheritable=true) docset = find_docset(ast) if !docset || docset[:type] != :doc_comment if inheritable m[:inheritdoc] = {} else m[:private] = true end m[:autodetected] = true end if docset docset[:code] = m return false else # Get line number from third place at range array. # This third item exists in forked EsprimaJS at # m[:linenr] = ast["range"][2] return true end end # Looks up docset associated with given AST node. # A dead-stupid and -slow implementation, but works. def find_docset(ast) @docs.find do |docset| docset[:code] == ast end end def make_method(name, ast=nil) return { :tagname => :method, :name => name, :params => make_params(ast), :chainable => chainable?(ast) && name != "constructor", } end def make_params(ast) if ast && !empty_fn?(ast) ast["params"].map {|p| {:name => to_s(p)} } else [] end end def chainable?(ast) if function?(ast) && !empty_fn?(ast) FunctionAst.return_types(ast) == [:this] else false end end def make_event(name) return { :tagname => :event, :name => name, } end def make_property(name=nil, ast=nil, tagname=:property) return { :tagname => tagname, :name => name, :type => make_value_type(ast), :default => make_default(ast), } end def make_default(ast) ast && to_value(ast) != nil ? to_s(ast) : nil end def make_value_type(ast) if ast v = to_value(ast) if v.is_a?(String) "String" elsif v.is_a?(Numeric) "Number" elsif v.is_a?(TrueClass) || v.is_a?(FalseClass) "Boolean" elsif v.is_a?(Array) "Array" elsif v.is_a?(Hash) "Object" elsif v == :regexp "RegExp" else nil end else nil end end # -- various helper methods -- # Iterates over keys and values in ObjectExpression. The keys # are turned into strings, but values are left as is for further # processing. def each_pair_in_object_expression(ast) return unless ast && object?(ast) ast["properties"].each do |p| yield(key_value(p["key"]), p["value"], p) end end # Converts object expression property key to string value def key_value(key) @evaluator.key_value(key) end # Fully serializes the node def to_s(ast) @serializer.to_s(ast) end # Converts AST node into a value. def to_value(ast) begin @evaluator.to_value(ast) rescue nil end end end end