module CitizenBudgetModel class Simulator < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_paranoid translates :name, fallbacks_for_empty_translations: true globalize_accessors belongs_to :organization has_many :sections, -> { order(:position) }, dependent: :destroy validates_presence_of :organization_id validates :name, 'citizen_budget_model/locale' => true validates :equation, 'citizen_budget_model/equation' => true, allow_blank: true # Sets the simulator as active and all others as inactive. def activate! self.class.where(active: true).each do |simulator| simulator.update!(active: false) end update!(active: true) end # Returns the equation or a default equation if not set. # # @return [String] an equation def working_equation if equation? equation else default_equation end end # Returns a default equation, where the difference between the chosen value # and the default value is multiplied by the unit value for each variable. # # @return [String] a default equation def default_equation equation = [] sections.each do |section| section.questions.each do |question| equation << question.working_equation end end equation.reject(&:empty?).join(' + ') end # Solves the equation with the given variables' values. # # @param [Hash{Symbol,String=>Float,String}] variables variables # @return [Float] a solution def solve(variables) keys = [] values = [] variables.each do |key,value| keys << key.to_sym values << Float(value) end # Struct will raise a NameError, whereas OpenStruct will not. eval(working_equation,*keys).new(*values).instance_eval{binding}) end end end