Class: Blobject
- Inherits:
- Object
- Blobject
- Defined in:
- lib/blobject.rb,
Wraps a hash to provide arbitrarily nested, object-style attribute access
Constant Summary
- ProhibitedNames =
filter :to_ary else Blobject#to_ary returns a blobject which is not cool, especially if you are puts.
Class Method Summary (collapse)
+ (Object) from_json(json)
get a Blobject from a json string if the yaml string describes an array, an array will be returned.
+ (Object) from_yaml(yaml)
get a Blobject from a yaml string if the yaml string describes an array, an array will be returned.
Instance Method Summary (collapse)
- (Object) ==(other)
compares Blobjects to Blobjects or Hashes.
- (Object) [](name)
hash-like access to the Blobject's attributes.
- (Object) []=(name, value)
hash-like attribtue setter.
- (Object) as_json(*args)
returns a hash which can be serialized as json.
- (Object) freeze
freeze a Blobject to prevent it being modified.
- (Object) hash
access the internal hash.
- (Blobject) initialize(hash = {}) {|_self| ... }
pass an optional hash of values to preload you can also pass a block, the new Blobject will be yield.
- (Object) inspect
delegates to the internal Hash.
- (Object) method_missing(method, *params, &block)
method_missing is only called the first time an attribute is used.
- - (Boolean) respond_to?(method)
- (Object) to_hash
creates a recursive copy of the internal hash.
- (Object) to_json(*args)
serialize the Blobject as a json string.
- (Object) to_yaml
serialize the Blobject as a yaml string.
Constructor Details
- (Blobject) initialize(hash = {}) {|_self| ... }
pass an optional hash of values to preload you can also pass a block, the new Blobject will be yield
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 14 def initialize hash = {} @hash = hash @hash.keys.each do |key| unless key.class <= Symbol value = @hash.delete key key = key.to_sym @hash[key] = value end end __visit_subtree__ do |name, node| if node.class <= Hash @hash[name] = node end end yield self if block_given? end |
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method
- (Object) method_missing(method, *params, &block)
method_missing is only called the first time an attribute is used. successive calls use memoized getters, setters and checkers
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 59 def method_missing method, *params, &block __tag_and_raise__ if ProhibitedNames.include?(method) case # assignment in conditionals is usually a bad smell, here it helps minimize regex matching when (name = method[/^\w+$/, 0]) && params.length == 0 # the call is an attribute reader return nil if frozen? and not @hash.has_key?(method) self.class.send :__define_attribute__, name return send(method) if @hash.has_key? method parent = self nested_blobject = store_in_parent = lambda do parent.send "#{name}=", nested_blobject nested_blobject.send :remove_instance_variable, :@store_in_parent end nested_blobject.instance_variable_set :@store_in_parent, store_in_parent return nested_blobject when (name = method[/^(\w+)=$/, 1]) && params.length == 1 # the call is an attribute writer self.class.send :__define_attribute__, name return send method, params.first when (name = method[/^(\w+)\?$/, 1]) && params.length == 0 # the call is an attribute checker self.class.send :__define_attribute__, name return send method end super end |
Class Method Details
+ (Object) from_json(json)
get a Blobject from a json string if the yaml string describes an array, an array will be returned
159 160 161 162 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 159 def self.from_json json __from_hash_or_array__(JSON.parse(json)) end |
+ (Object) from_yaml(yaml)
get a Blobject from a yaml string if the yaml string describes an array, an array will be returned
166 167 168 169 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 166 def self.from_yaml yaml __from_hash_or_array__(YAML.load(yaml)) end |
Instance Method Details
- (Object) ==(other)
compares Blobjects to Blobjects or Hashes
114 115 116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 114 def == other return @hash == other.hash if other.class <= Blobject return @hash == other if other.class <= Hash super end |
- (Object) [](name)
hash-like access to the Blobject's attributes
121 122 123 124 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 121 def [] name send name end |
- (Object) []=(name, value)
hash-like attribtue setter
127 128 129 130 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 127 def []= name, value send "#{name.to_s}=", value end |
- (Object) as_json(*args)
returns a hash which can be serialized as json. this is for use in rails controllers: `render json: blobject`
141 142 143 144 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 141 def as_json *args return hash.as_json(*args) if hash.respond_to? :as_json to_hash end |
- (Object) freeze
freeze a Blobject to prevent it being modified
133 134 135 136 137 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 133 def freeze __visit_subtree__ { |name, node| node.freeze } @hash.freeze super end |
- (Object) hash
access the internal hash. be careful, this is not a copy
42 43 44 45 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 42 def hash @hash end |
- (Object) inspect
delegates to the internal Hash
36 37 38 39 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 36 def inspect @hash.inspect end |
- (Boolean) respond_to?(method)
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 101 def respond_to? method return true if self.methods.include?(method) return false if ProhibitedNames.include?(method) method = method.to_s [/^(\w+)=$/, /^(\w+)\?$/, /^\w+$/].any? do |r| r.match(method) end end |
- (Object) to_hash
creates a recursive copy of the internal hash
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 48 def to_hash h = hash.dup __visit_subtree__ do |name, node| h[name] = node.to_hash if node.respond_to? :to_hash end h end |
- (Object) to_json(*args)
serialize the Blobject as a json string
147 148 149 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 147 def to_json *args as_json.to_json *args end |
- (Object) to_yaml
serialize the Blobject as a yaml string
152 153 154 155 |
# File 'lib/blobject.rb', line 152 def to_yaml as_yaml.to_yaml end |