# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true module Tapioca module Commands class Gem < Command include SorbetHelper include RBIFilesHelper sig do params( gem_names: T::Array[String], exclude: T::Array[String], prerequire: T.nilable(String), postrequire: String, typed_overrides: T::Hash[String, String], outpath: Pathname, file_header: T::Boolean, include_doc: T::Boolean, include_loc: T::Boolean, include_exported_rbis: T::Boolean, number_of_workers: T.nilable(Integer), auto_strictness: T::Boolean, dsl_dir: String, rbi_formatter: RBIFormatter ).void end def initialize( gem_names:, exclude:, prerequire:, postrequire:, typed_overrides:, outpath:, file_header:, include_doc:, include_loc:, include_exported_rbis:, number_of_workers: nil, auto_strictness: true, dsl_dir: DEFAULT_DSL_DIR, rbi_formatter: DEFAULT_RBI_FORMATTER ) @gem_names = gem_names @exclude = exclude @prerequire = prerequire @postrequire = postrequire @typed_overrides = typed_overrides @outpath = outpath @file_header = file_header @number_of_workers = number_of_workers @auto_strictness = auto_strictness @dsl_dir = dsl_dir @rbi_formatter = rbi_formatter super() @bundle = T.let(Gemfile.new(exclude), Gemfile) @existing_rbis = T.let(nil, T.nilable(T::Hash[String, String])) @expected_rbis = T.let(nil, T.nilable(T::Hash[String, String])) @include_doc = T.let(include_doc, T::Boolean) @include_loc = T.let(include_loc, T::Boolean) @include_exported_rbis = include_exported_rbis end sig { override.void } def execute Loaders::Gem.load_application( bundle: @bundle, prerequire: @prerequire, postrequire: @postrequire, default_command: default_command(:require), ) gem_queue = gems_to_generate(@gem_names).reject { |gem| @exclude.include?(gem.name) } anything_done = [ perform_removals, gem_queue.any?, ].any? Executor.new(gem_queue, number_of_workers: @number_of_workers).run_in_parallel do |gem| shell.indent do compile_gem_rbi(gem) puts end end if anything_done validate_rbi_files( command: default_command(:gem, @gem_names.join(" ")), gem_dir: @outpath.to_s, dsl_dir: @dsl_dir, auto_strictness: @auto_strictness, gems: @bundle.dependencies ) say("All operations performed in working directory.", [:green, :bold]) say("Please review changes and commit them.", [:green, :bold]) else say("No operations performed, all RBIs are up-to-date.", [:green, :bold]) end end sig { params(should_verify: T::Boolean, exclude: T::Array[String]).void } def sync(should_verify: false, exclude: []) if should_verify say("Checking for out-of-date RBIs...") say("") perform_sync_verification(exclude: exclude) return end anything_done = [ perform_removals, perform_additions, ].any? if anything_done validate_rbi_files( command: default_command(:gem), gem_dir: @outpath.to_s, dsl_dir: @dsl_dir, auto_strictness: @auto_strictness, gems: @bundle.dependencies ) say("All operations performed in working directory.", [:green, :bold]) say("Please review changes and commit them.", [:green, :bold]) else say("No operations performed, all RBIs are up-to-date.", [:green, :bold]) end puts end private sig { params(gem_names: T::Array[String]).returns(T::Array[Gemfile::GemSpec]) } def gems_to_generate(gem_names) return @bundle.dependencies if gem_names.empty? gem_names.map do |gem_name| gem = @bundle.gem(gem_name) if gem.nil? raise Thor::Error, set_color("Error: Cannot find gem '#{gem_name}'", :red) end gem end end sig { params(gem: Gemfile::GemSpec).void } def compile_gem_rbi(gem) gem_name = set_color(gem.name, :yellow, :bold) rbi = RBI::File.new(strictness: @typed_overrides[gem.name] || "true") @rbi_formatter.write_header!(rbi, default_command(:gem, gem.name), reason: "types exported from the `#{gem.name}` gem",) if @file_header rbi.root = Tapioca::Gem::Pipeline.new(gem, include_doc: @include_doc, include_loc: @include_loc).compile merge_with_exported_rbi(gem, rbi) if @include_exported_rbis if rbi.empty? @rbi_formatter.write_empty_body_comment!(rbi) say("Compiled #{gem_name} (empty output)", :yellow) else say("Compiled #{gem_name}", :green) end rbi_string = @rbi_formatter.print_file(rbi) create_file(@outpath / gem.rbi_file_name, rbi_string) T.unsafe(Pathname).glob((@outpath / "#{gem.name}@*.rbi").to_s) do |file| remove_file(file) unless file.basename.to_s == gem.rbi_file_name end end sig { params(exclude: T::Array[String]).void } def perform_sync_verification(exclude: []) diff = {} removed_rbis.each do |gem_name| next if exclude.include?(gem_name) filename = existing_rbi(gem_name) diff[filename] = :removed end added_rbis.each do |gem_name| filename = expected_rbi(gem_name) diff[filename] = gem_rbi_exists?(gem_name) ? :changed : :added end report_diff_and_exit_if_out_of_date(diff, :gem) end sig { void } def perform_removals say("Removing RBI files of gems that have been removed:", [:blue, :bold]) puts anything_done = T.let(false, T::Boolean) gems = removed_rbis shell.indent do if gems.empty? say("Nothing to do.") else gems.each do |removed| filename = existing_rbi(removed) remove_file(filename) end anything_done = true end end puts anything_done end sig { void } def perform_additions say("Generating RBI files of gems that are added or updated:", [:blue, :bold]) puts anything_done = T.let(false, T::Boolean) gems = added_rbis shell.indent do if gems.empty? say("Nothing to do.") else Loaders::Gem.load_application( bundle: @bundle, prerequire: @prerequire, postrequire: @postrequire, default_command: default_command(:require), ) Executor.new(gems, number_of_workers: @number_of_workers).run_in_parallel do |gem_name| filename = expected_rbi(gem_name) if gem_rbi_exists?(gem_name) old_filename = existing_rbi(gem_name) move(old_filename, filename) unless old_filename == filename end gem = T.must(@bundle.gem(gem_name)) compile_gem_rbi(gem) puts end end anything_done = true end puts anything_done end sig { returns(T::Array[String]) } def removed_rbis (existing_rbis.keys - expected_rbis.keys).sort end sig { params(gem_name: String).returns(Pathname) } def existing_rbi(gem_name) gem_rbi_filename(gem_name, T.must(existing_rbis[gem_name])) end sig { returns(T::Array[String]) } def added_rbis expected_rbis.select do |name, value| existing_rbis[name] != value end.keys.sort end sig { params(gem_name: String).returns(Pathname) } def expected_rbi(gem_name) gem_rbi_filename(gem_name, T.must(expected_rbis[gem_name])) end sig { params(gem_name: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def gem_rbi_exists?(gem_name) existing_rbis.key?(gem_name) end sig { params(diff: T::Hash[String, Symbol], command: Symbol).void } def report_diff_and_exit_if_out_of_date(diff, command) if diff.empty? say("Nothing to do, all RBIs are up-to-date.") else reasons = diff.group_by(&:last).sort.map do |cause, diff_for_cause| build_error_for_files(cause, diff_for_cause.map(&:first)) end.join("\n") raise Thor::Error, <<~ERROR #{set_color("RBI files are out-of-date. In your development environment, please run:", :green)} #{set_color("`#{default_command(command)}`", [:green, :bold])} #{set_color("Once it is complete, be sure to commit and push any changes", :green)} #{set_color("Reason:", :red)} #{reasons} ERROR end end sig { params(old_filename: Pathname, new_filename: Pathname).void } def move(old_filename, new_filename) say("-> Moving: #{old_filename} to #{new_filename}") old_filename.rename(new_filename.to_s) end sig { returns(T::Hash[String, String]) } def existing_rbis @existing_rbis ||= Pathname.glob((@outpath / "*@*.rbi").to_s) .to_h { |f| T.cast(f.basename(".*").to_s.split("@", 2), [String, String]) } end sig { returns(T::Hash[String, String]) } def expected_rbis @expected_rbis ||= @bundle.dependencies .reject { |gem| @exclude.include?(gem.name) } .to_h { |gem| [gem.name, gem.version.to_s] } end sig { params(gem_name: String, version: String).returns(Pathname) } def gem_rbi_filename(gem_name, version) @outpath / "#{gem_name}@#{version}.rbi" end sig { params(cause: Symbol, files: T::Array[String]).returns(String) } def build_error_for_files(cause, files) " File(s) #{cause}:\n - #{files.join("\n - ")}" end sig { params(gem: Gemfile::GemSpec, file: RBI::File).void } def merge_with_exported_rbi(gem, file) return file unless gem.export_rbi_files? tree = gem.exported_rbi_tree unless tree.conflicts.empty? say_error("\n\n RBIs exported by `#{gem.name}` contain conflicts and can't be used:", :yellow) tree.conflicts.each do |conflict| say_error("\n #{conflict}", :yellow) say_error(" Found at:", :yellow) say_error(" #{conflict.left.loc}", :yellow) say_error(" #{conflict.right.loc}", :yellow) end return file end file.root = RBI::Rewriters::Merge.merge_trees(file.root, tree, keep: RBI::Rewriters::Merge::Keep::LEFT) rescue RBI::ParseError => e say_error("\n\n RBIs exported by `#{gem.name}` contain errors and can't be used:", :yellow) say_error("Cause: #{e.message} (#{e.location})") end end end end