# frozen_string_literal: true class CreateGoodJobs < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %> def change # Uncomment for Postgres v12 or earlier to enable gen_random_uuid() support # enable_extension 'pgcrypto' create_table :good_jobs, id: :uuid do |t| t.text :queue_name t.integer :priority t.jsonb :serialized_params t.datetime :scheduled_at t.datetime :performed_at t.datetime :finished_at t.text :error t.timestamps t.uuid :active_job_id t.text :concurrency_key t.text :cron_key t.uuid :retried_good_job_id t.datetime :cron_at t.uuid :batch_id t.uuid :batch_callback_id t.boolean :is_discrete t.integer :executions_count t.text :job_class t.integer :error_event, limit: 2 end create_table :good_job_batches, id: :uuid do |t| t.timestamps t.text :description t.jsonb :serialized_properties t.text :on_finish t.text :on_success t.text :on_discard t.text :callback_queue_name t.integer :callback_priority t.datetime :enqueued_at t.datetime :discarded_at t.datetime :finished_at end create_table :good_job_executions, id: :uuid do |t| t.timestamps t.uuid :active_job_id, null: false t.text :job_class t.text :queue_name t.jsonb :serialized_params t.datetime :scheduled_at t.datetime :finished_at t.text :error t.integer :error_event, limit: 2 end create_table :good_job_processes, id: :uuid do |t| t.timestamps t.jsonb :state end create_table :good_job_settings, id: :uuid do |t| t.timestamps t.text :key t.jsonb :value t.index :key, unique: true end add_index :good_jobs, :scheduled_at, where: "(finished_at IS NULL)", name: "index_good_jobs_on_scheduled_at" add_index :good_jobs, [:queue_name, :scheduled_at], where: "(finished_at IS NULL)", name: :index_good_jobs_on_queue_name_and_scheduled_at add_index :good_jobs, [:active_job_id, :created_at], name: :index_good_jobs_on_active_job_id_and_created_at add_index :good_jobs, :concurrency_key, where: "(finished_at IS NULL)", name: :index_good_jobs_on_concurrency_key_when_unfinished add_index :good_jobs, [:cron_key, :created_at], name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_created_at add_index :good_jobs, [:cron_key, :cron_at], name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_cron_at, unique: true add_index :good_jobs, [:active_job_id], name: :index_good_jobs_on_active_job_id add_index :good_jobs, [:finished_at], where: "retried_good_job_id IS NULL AND finished_at IS NOT NULL", name: :index_good_jobs_jobs_on_finished_at add_index :good_jobs, [:priority, :created_at], order: { priority: "DESC NULLS LAST", created_at: :asc }, where: "finished_at IS NULL", name: :index_good_jobs_jobs_on_priority_created_at_when_unfinished add_index :good_jobs, [:batch_id], where: "batch_id IS NOT NULL" add_index :good_jobs, [:batch_callback_id], where: "batch_callback_id IS NOT NULL" add_index :good_job_executions, [:active_job_id, :created_at], name: :index_good_job_executions_on_active_job_id_and_created_at end end