* The native tooltips feature for RightJS
* See http://rightjs.org/ui/tooltips for more details
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay V. Nemshilov
if (!RightJS) throw "Gimme RightJS!";
* The native tooltips feature for RithJS
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay V. Nemshilov
var Tooltip = new Class({
include: Options,
extend: {
Options: {
cssRule: '[rel=tooltip]', // a css-marker of an element with a tooltip
fxName: 'fade', // the appearance effect name
fxDuration: 400, // the appearance effect duration
delay: 400, // the appearance delay
move: true, // if it should be moved with the mouse
idSuffix: '-tooltip' // ID prefix for tooltips with ID
current: null, // currently active tooltip reference
instances: [], // keeps the list of instances
// tries to find a tip closest to the event
find: function(event) {
var target = event.target, targets = [target].concat(target.parents()),
targets = targets.slice(0, targets.length - 2),
element = targets.first(function(node) {
return node._tooltip || node.match(Tooltip.Options.cssRule);
if (element) {
var uid = $uid(element);
return Tooltip.instances[uid] = Tooltip.instances[uid] || new Tooltip(element);
// DEPRECATED a dummy method for the old API backward compatibility
rescan: function(scope) { }
* Constructor
* @param Element associated element
* @param Object options
initialize: function(element, options) {
this.associate = element = $(element);
this.element = $E('div', {
'class': 'right-tooltip',
'html': '
(element.get('title') || element.get('alt'))+
this.setOptions(options || eval('('+element.get('data-tooltips-options')+')'));
element.set({ title: '', alt: ''});
if (element.id)
this.element.id = element.id + this.options.idSuffix;
// prevents the false hidding when the mouse gets over the tooltip
.onMouseover(function(event) {
* Hides the tooltip
* @return Tooltip this
hide: function() {
this.timer = (function() {
this.element.hide(this.options.fxName, {
duration: this.options.fxDuration,
onFinish: function() {
if (Tooltip.current === this)
Tooltip.current = null;
return this;
* Shows the tooltip with a dealy
* @param Boolean if true will show tooltip immediately
* @return Tooltip this
show: function(immediately) {
// hidding all the others
Tooltip.instances.each(function(tip) {
if (tip && tip !== this) tip.hide();
}, this);
// show the tooltip with a delay
this.timer = (function() {
this.element.stop().show(this.options.fxName, {duration: this.options.fxDuration});
Tooltip.current = this;
return Tooltip.current = this;
* Moves the tooltip where the event happened
* @return Tooltip this
moveTo: function(event) {
this.element.style.left = event.pageX + 'px';
this.element.style.top = event.pageY + 'px';
return this;
// protected
// cancels a show timeout
cancelTimer: function() {
if (this.timer) {
this.timer = null;
* The post load tooltips initialization script
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay V. Nemshilov
* Watches all the mouse-over events and reacts if one of the targets
* matches a tooltip
* @param Event event
mouseover: function(event) {
var prev_tip = Tooltip.current, this_tip = Tooltip.find(event);
if (this_tip) {
if (prev_tip && prev_tip !== this_tip) prev_tip.hide();
if (this_tip.element.hidden()) this_tip.show();
* Catches the mouseout events and hides tooltips when needed
* @param Event event
mouseout: function(event) {
var curr_tip = Tooltip.current, this_tip = Tooltip.find(event);
if (curr_tip && (!this_tip || this_tip === curr_tip))
* Moves tooltips when active
* @param Event event
mousemove: function(event) {
var tip = Tooltip.current;
if (tip && tip.options.move) {