{ "name": "Almanack", "description": "Combine iCal, Google Calendar, and Meetup.com events into a single calendar with a public website and calendar subscription feed.", "repository": "https://github.com/Aupajo/almanack", "keywords": ["calendar", "events", "meetup", "gcal" , "ical", "web", "feed", "rss"], "buildpacks": [ { "url": "heroku/ruby" } ], "env": { "CALENDAR_NAME": { "description": "The name of your calendar.", "value": "My Calendar", "required": true }, "TZ": { "description": "Which time zone to display the calendar events in, such as `Pacific/Auckland`. See a full list in the “TZ database name” field at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones", "value": "UTC" }, "ICAL_FEEDS": { "description": "An optional list of iCal feed URLs separated by spaces. For Google Calendars, look for the “address in iCal format” URLs in the calendar's settings.", "required": false }, "MEETUP_COM_GROUPS": { "description": "An optional list of Meetup.com groups to subscribe to, separated by spaces. A group can be the full URL (e.g. `https://www.meetup.com/Christchurch-Ruby-Group/`) or the URL slug (e.g. `Christchurch-Ruby-Group`). Requires MEETUP_COM_API_KEYS also be set.", "required": false }, "MEETUP_COM_API_KEYS": { "description": "If retrieving events from Meetup.com, you need to specify one or more API keys to use. You can find your API key at https://secure.meetup.com/meetup_api/key. If you have a lot of groups, use multiple API keys to avoid hitting API request limits separated by spaces.", "required": false }, "CACHE_DURATION_IN_SECONDS": { "description": "How long to keep calendar events cached for. Set to `0` to always show an up-to-date calendar, but be wary of API request limits when using Meetup.com. Default is 15 minutes.", "value": "900" }, "DAYS_LOOKAHEAD": { "description": "How many days of events to display on the calendar", "value": "30", "required": true } } }