require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper")) module PivotalToPdf describe Main do let(:writer) {double :writer, :write_to => true} before(:each) do FormatterFactory.stub(:formatter).and_return DefaultFormatter end shared_examples "formatter fetching" do it "asks the FormatterFactory for the formatter" do FormatterFactory.should_receive(:formatter).and_return DefaultFormatter end end describe ".story" do let(:story) {double :story} let(:method) { lambda{ Main.story 32 } } before(:each) do Story.stub(:find).and_return story DefaultFormatter.stub(:new).and_return writer end include_examples "formatter fetching" it "initiates a story" do Story.should_receive(:find).with(23).and_return story Main.story 23 end it "build a pdf writer" do DefaultFormatter.should_receive(:new).with([ story ]).and_return writer Main.story 23 end it "asks the pdf writer to print it" do writer.should_receive :write_to Main.story 23 end end describe ".current_iteration" do let(:stories) {double :stories_from_iteration} let(:iteration) {double :iteration, :stories => stories} let(:method) { lambda{ Main.current_iteration } } before(:each) do Iteration.stub(:find).and_return [iteration, double] DefaultFormatter.stub(:new).and_return writer end include_examples "formatter fetching" it "initiates an Iteration" do Iteration.should_receive(:find).with(:all, :params => {:group => "current"}).and_return [iteration] Main.current_iteration end it "build a pdf writer" do DefaultFormatter.should_receive(:new).with(stories).and_return writer Main.current_iteration end it "asks the pdf writer to print it" do writer.should_receive :write_to Main.current_iteration end end describe ".iteration" do let(:stories) {double :stories_from_iteration} let(:iteration) {double :iteration, :stories => stories} let(:method) { lambda{ Main.iteration 13 } } before(:each) do Iteration.stub(:find).and_return [iteration, double] DefaultFormatter.stub(:new).and_return writer end include_examples "formatter fetching" it "fetches an Iteration, given the Iteration number (you have to minus to get the accurate iteration)" do Iteration.should_receive(:find).with(:all, :params => {:offset => 12, :limit => 1}).and_return [iteration] Main.iteration 13 end it "build a pdf writer" do DefaultFormatter.should_receive(:new).with(stories).and_return writer Main.iteration 13 end it "asks the pdf writer to print it" do writer.should_receive :write_to Main.iteration 13 end end describe ".label" do let(:story) {double :story} let(:method) { lambda{ Main.label "testing" } } before(:each) do Story.stub(:find).and_return story DefaultFormatter.stub(:new).and_return writer end include_examples "formatter fetching" it "initiates a label search" do # Kind of a null test here, not sure how else to spec it Story.should_receive(:find).with(:all, {:params=>{:filter=>"label:\"testing\""}}).and_return story Main.label "testing" end it "build a pdf writer" do DefaultFormatter.should_receive(:new).with(story).and_return writer Main.label "testing" end it "asks the pdf writer to print it" do writer.should_receive :write_to Main.label "testing" end end end end