<%= recipe 'base' %> <%= recipe 'chef_solo' %> <%= recipe 'application_yml_file' %> <%= comment_block %Q{ # -------------------------------------------- # Rails application name # -------------------------------------------- }%> set :application, '<%= ask_default "Application name : ", File.basename(%x{pwd}.chomp) %>' # For precompiling assets rails_env should be set to production set :rails_env, 'production' <%= comment_block %Q{ # -------------------------------------------- # Remote user and application location # -------------------------------------------- }-%> set :user, '<%= ask_default "User to deploy as: ", 'ubuntu' %>' set :use_sudo, <%= agree_default "Use sudo for deployment? " , :yes %> set :deploy_to, "<%= ask_default "Deploy directory: ", '/home/#{user}/#{application}' %>" set :keep_releases, <%= ask("Number of rollback releases : ", Integer) { |q| q.in = 1..30; q.default = 5 } %> set :web_domain, "#{application}.com" <%= comment_block %Q{ # -------------------------------------------- # Ruby, RVM Configuration # -------------------------------------------- }-%> require 'rvm/capistrano' require 'bundler/capistrano' set :rvm_ruby_string, '<%= ruby_version %>' set :rvm_path, "/usr/local/rvm" set :rvm_type, :system <%= comment_block %Q{ # -------------------------------------------- # Multistage extension configuraion # -------------------------------------------- }-%> require 'capistrano/ext/multistage' <% x = multistage %> set :stages, <%= x[:stages].to_s %> set :default_stage, '<%= x[:default] %>' <%= comment_block %Q{ # -------------------------------------------- # Source code management # -------------------------------------------- }-%> <% @scm = scm -%> <%= File.read "#{source_paths.first}/#{@scm}.tpl" -%> <% if @scm =~ /git/ -%> set :repository, "<%= git_remote %>" <% end -%> <%= comment_block %Q{ # -------------------------------------------- # Production database configuration # -------------------------------------------- }-%> set :create_database_yaml, true <% db = database -%> <%= recipe 'database' %> set :database_adapter, '<%= db %>' <% case db -%> <% when 'postgres' -%> <%= recipe 'posgresql' %> <%= recipe 'posgresql_backup' %> <% when 'sqlite3' -%> set :production_password, "" <% end -%> <%= comment_block %Q{ # -------------------------------------------- # Web server configuration # -------------------------------------------- }-%> <% case menu_with_default "Production uses Unicorn server. Which webserver to use with it?", ['nginx', 'apache'], 'nginx' when 'nginx' %> <%= recipe 'nginx' %> <% when 'apache' -%> <%= recipe 'apache_unicorn' %> <% end -%> <%= recipe 'unicorn' %> set :unicorn_workers, <%= ask("Number of Unicorn workers : ", Integer) { |q| q.in = 1..30; q.default = 10 } %> <%= comment_block %Q{ # -------------------------------------------- # Load additional capistrano recipes # -------------------------------------------- }-%> <%= recipe 'logs' %> <%= comment_block %Q{ # -------------------------------------------- # Common tasks # -------------------------------------------- }-%> task :setup do top.deploy.setup top.unicorn.setup end after "deploy", "deploy:migrate" after "deploy", "deploy:reload" after "deploy", "deploy:cleanup" namespace :deploy do task :reload do top.unicorn.restart end task :migrate do run "cd #{current_path} && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake --TRACE db:migrate" end end