module DynamicScaffold class Pagination attr_reader( :kaminari_options, :per_page, :total_count, :end_buttons, :neighbor_buttons, :gap_buttons, :highlight_current, :param_name ) def initialize(options) options = { per_page: 25, window: 0, # kaminari options outer_window: 0, # kaminari options left: 0, # kaminari options right: 0, # kaminari options param_name: :page, # kaminari options total_count: true, # Whether to display total count on active page like `2 / 102` end_buttons: true, # Whether to display buttons to the first and last page. neighbor_buttons: true, # Whether to display buttons to the next and prev page. gap_buttons: false, # Whether to display gap buttons. highlight_current: false, # Whether to highlight the current page. }.merge(options) @kaminari_options = options.extract!(:window, :outer_window, :left, :right, :param_name) @param_name = @kaminari_options[:param_name] options.each {|name, value| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", value) } end def page_number(page, records) return page unless total_count "#{page} / #{records.total_pages}" end def page_class(page, _records) if page.inside_window? 'inner' elsif page.left_outer? 'left-outer' elsif page.right_outer? 'right-outer' end end end class Title attr_writer :name def initialize(config) @config = config @titles_cache = {} @name = @config.model.model_name.human end def name(&block) if block_given? @block = block elsif !@block.nil? @config.controller.view_context.instance_exec(&@block) else @name end end def current public_send(@config.controller.params[:action]) end def index titles(:index) end def edit titles(:edit) end def new titles(:new) end # def update # edit # end # def create # create # end private def titles(action) unless @titles_cache[action] titles = = name titles.full = I18n.t("dynamic_scaffold.title.full.#{action}", name: titles.action = I18n.t("dynamic_scaffold.title.action.#{action}") titles.freeze @titles_cache[action] = titles end @titles_cache[action] end end class Vars def initialize(config) @config = config @values = {} end def _register(name, block) define_singleton_method(name) do @values[name] ||= @config.controller.instance_exec(&block) @values[name] end end end class Config attr_reader( :model, :form, :list, :title, :controller, :lock_before_count, :max_count_options, :scope_options ) def initialize(model, controller) @model = model @controller = controller @form = @list = @title = @vars = @max_count_options = {} end def vars(name = nil, &block) if block_given? raise ArgumentError, 'Missing var name.' if name.nil? @vars._register(name, block) else @vars end end def scope(*args) if args.present? @scope_options = args.extract_options! @scope = args[0] end @scope end def max_count(count = nil, options = nil, &block) @max_count = count unless count.nil? @max_count_options = options unless options.nil? @lock_before_count = block if block_given? @max_count end def max_count?(count) return false if max_count.nil? count >= max_count end end class ListBuilder def initialize(config) @config = config @items = [] @sorter = nil @order = [] @title = nil @filter = nil end def pagination(options = nil) @pagination = unless options.nil? @pagination end def page_param_name pagination ? pagination.param_name : nil end def sorter(params = nil) @sorter = params if params @sorter end def item(*args, &block) item =, *args, block) @items << item item end def items if @items.empty? @config.model.column_names.each do |column| @items <<, column, nil) end end @items end def sorter_attribute @sorter.keys.first end def sorter_direction @sorter.values.first end def order(*args) @order = args unless args.empty? @order end def title(*args, &block) if args[0].is_a?(Symbol) || args[0].is_a?(String) || block_given? @title = { column_name: args[0], block: block } else record = args[0] return @config.controller.view_context.instance_exec(record, &@title[:block]) if @title[:block] record.public_send(@title[:column_name]) end end def title? @title.present? end def build_sql(scope_params) sql = @config.model.all sql = sql.where scope_params ret = @config.controller.instance_exec(sql, &@filter) unless @filter.nil? sql = ret unless ret.nil? unless sql.is_a? ::ActiveRecord::Relation raise( Error::InvalidOperation, 'You must return ActiveRecord::Relation from filter block' ) end sql end def filter(&block) @filter = block if block_given? @filter end end class FormBuilder def initialize(config) @config = config @items = [] @permit_params = [] end def items if @items.empty? @config.model.column_names.each do |column| type = :text_field type = :hidden_field if @config.scope && @config.scope.include?(column.to_sym) @items <<, type, column) end end @items end def permit_params(*params) if !params.empty? @permit_params.concat(params) self else @permit_params end end def item(type, *args, &block) item = Form::Item::Base.create(@config, type, *args, &block) @items << item item end end end