module StaticMatic module Helpers self.extend self # Generates links to all stylesheets in the source directory def stylesheets(options = {}) stylesheet_dir = "#{@staticmatic.base_dir}/src/stylesheets" stylesheet_directories = Dir["#{stylesheet_dir}/**/*.sass"] # Bit of a hack here - adds any stylesheets that exist in the site/ dir that haven't been generated from source sass Dir["#{@staticmatic.base_dir}/site/stylesheets/*.css"].each do |filename| search_filename = File.basename(filename).chomp(File.extname(filename)) already_included = false stylesheet_directories.each do |path| path = File.basename(path) if path.include?(search_filename) already_included = true end end stylesheet_directories << filename if !already_included end output = "" stylesheet_directories.each do |path| filename_without_extension = File.basename(path).chomp(File.extname(path)) href = "stylesheets/#{filename_without_extension}.css" if !options[:relative] href = "/#{href}" end output << tag(:link, :href => href, :rel => 'stylesheet', :media => 'all') end output end # Generate javascript source tags for the specified files # # javascripts('test') -> <script language="javascript" src="javascripts/test.js"></script> # def javascripts(*files) output = "" files.each do |file| if !file.match(/^http\:\/\//) output << tag(:script, :language => 'javascript', :src => "javascripts/#{file}.js") { "" } end end output end # Generates a form text field # def text_field(name, value) tag(:input, :type => "text", :name => name, :value => value) end # Generate an HTML link # # If only the title is passed, it will automatically # create a link from this value: # # link('Test') -> <a href="test.html">Test</a> # def link(title, page = "", options = {}) if page.blank? page = urlify(title) + ".html" end tag(:a, :href => page) { title } end # Generates an image tag def img(name, options = {}) options[:src] = "/images/#{name}" options[:alt] ||= name.split('.').first.capitalize.gsub(/_|-/, ' ') tag :img, options end # Generates HTML tags: # # tag(:br) -> <br/> # tag(:a, :href => 'test.html') { "Test" } -> <a href="test.html">Test</a> # def tag(name, options = {}, &block) output = "<#{name}" options.each do |attribute, value| output << " #{attribute}=\"#{value}\"" end if block_given? output << ">" output << yield output << "</#{name}>\n" else output << "/>\n" end output end # Generates a URL friendly string from the value passed: # # "We love Haml" -> "we_love_haml" # "Elf & Ham" -> "elf_and_ham" # "Stephen's gem" -> "stephens_gem" # def urlify(string)" ", "_"). sub("&", "and"). sub("@", "at"). tr("^A-Za-z0-9_", ""). sub(/_{2,}/, "_"). downcase end # Include a partial template def partial(name) @staticmatic.generate_partial(name) end end end