require 'rspec' When /^my S3 website is in "(.*?)"$/ do |blog_dir| @blog_dir = blog_dir end When /^I call the push command$/ do push_files end Then /^the output should equal$/ do |expected_console_output| @console_output.should eq(expected_console_output) end Then /^the output should contain$/ do |expected_console_output| @console_output.should include(expected_console_output) end Then /^s3_website should report that it uploaded (\d+) new and (\d+) changed files into S3$/ do |new_count, changed_count| @amount_of_new_files.should == new_count.to_i @amount_of_changed_files.should == changed_count.to_i end Then /^s3_website should report that it invalidated (\d+) Cloudfront item$/ do |expected| @amount_of_invalidated_items.should == expected.to_i end Then /^s3_website should report that it created (\d+) new redirects$/ do |expected| @amount_of_new_redirects.should == expected.to_i end Then /^s3_website should report that it deleted (\d+) file from S3$/ do |amount_of_deleted_files| @amount_of_deleted_files.should == amount_of_deleted_files.to_i end def push_files @console_output = capture_stdout { in_headless_mode = true site_path = S3Website::Paths.infer_site_path( 'infer automatically', @blog_dir ) result = S3Website::Tasks.push( @blog_dir, site_path, in_headless_mode ) @amount_of_new_files = result[:new_files_count] @amount_of_changed_files = result[:changed_files_count] @amount_of_deleted_files = result[:deleted_files_count] @amount_of_invalidated_items = result[:invalidated_items_count] @amount_of_new_redirects = result[:changed_redirects_count] } end module S3Website class DiffHelper class DiffProgressIndicator def initialize(start_msg, end_msg) puts "#{start_msg} #{end_msg}" end def render_next_step # Simplify testing of stdout by doing nothing here. end def finish # Simplify testing of stdout by doing nothing here. end end end end module Kernel require 'stringio' def capture_stdout out = $stdout = out yield out.string ensure $stdout = STDOUT end end