Constants for the Porter 2 stemmer
A non-vowel
A vowel: a e i o u y
A non-vowel other than w, x, or Y
Doubles created when adding a suffix: these are undoubled when stemmed
A valid letter that can come before ‘li’ (or ‘ly’)
A specification for a short syllable.
A short syllable in a word is either:
a vowel followed by a non-vowel other than w, x or Y and preceded by a non-vowel, or
a vowel at the beginning of the word followed by a non-vowel.
(The original document is silent on whether sequences of two or more non-vowels make a syllable long. But as this specification is only used to find sequences of non-vowel - vowel - non-vowel - end-of-word, this ambiguity does not have an effect.)
Suffix transformations used in porter2_step2. (ogi, li endings dealt with in procedure)
Suffix transformations used in porter2_step3. (ative ending dealt with in procedure)
Suffix transformations used in porter2_step4. (ion ending dealt with in procedure)
Special-case stemmings
Special case words to stop processing after step 1a.
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