require 'spec_helper' describe(RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info) do before(:each) do @info_builder = lambda do |info| info.categories << RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::CATEGORY_GEO info.categories << RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::CATEGORY_FIRE info.event = 'Event Description' info.response_types << RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::RESPONSE_TYPE_MONITOR info.response_types << RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::RESPONSE_TYPE_ASSESS info.urgency = RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::URGENCY_IMMEDIATE info.severity = RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::SEVERITY_EXTREME info.certainty = RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::CERTAINTY_OBSERVED info.audience = 'Audience' info.effective = info.onset = + 1 info.expires = + 2 info.sender_name = 'Sender Name' info.headline = 'Headline' info.description = 'Description' info.instruction = 'Instruction' info.web = 'http://website' = 'contact@address' [%w(name1 value1), %w(name2 value2)].each do |name, value| info.add_event_code do |event_code| = name event_code.value = value end end info.add_resource do |resource| resource.resource_desc = 'Resource' resource.mime_type = 'mime/type' end [%w(name1 value1), %w(name2 value2)].each do |name, value| info.add_parameter do |parameter| = name parameter.value = value end end %w(Area1 Area2).each do |area_desc| info.add_area do |area| area.area_desc = area_desc end end end end context('on initialisation') do before(:each) do @info = end it('should have a default language of en-US') do @info.language.should == 'en-US' end it('should have no categories') do @info.categories.should(be_empty) end it('should have no event') do @info.event.should(be_nil) end it('should have no response types') do @info.response_types.should(be_empty) end it('should have no urgency') do @info.urgency.should(be_nil) end it('should have no severity') do @info.severity.should(be_nil) end it('should have no certainty') do @info.certainty.should(be_nil) end it('should have no audience') do @info.audience.should(be_nil) end it('should have no event_codes') do @info.event_codes.should(be_empty) end it('should have no effective datetime') do @info.effective.should(be_nil) end it('should have no onset datetime') do @info.onset.should(be_nil) end it('should have no expires datetime') do @info.expires.should(be_nil) end it('should have no sender name ') do @info.sender_name.should(be_nil) end it('should have no headline') do @info.headline.should(be_nil) end it('should have no description') do @info.description.should(be_nil) end it('should have no instruction') do @info.instruction.should(be_nil) end it('should have no web') do @info.web.should(be_nil) end it('should have no contact') do end it('should have no parameters') do @info.parameters.should(be_empty) end shared_examples_for('it can parse into a CAP 1.2 Info object') do it('should parse categories correctly') do @info.categories.should_not(be_empty) @info.categories.should == @original_info.categories end it('should parse event correctly') do @info.event.should_not(be_nil) @info.event.should == @original_info.event end it('should parse response_types correctly') do @info.response_types.should_not(be_nil) @info.response_types.should == @original_info.response_types end it('should parse urgency correctly') do @info.urgency.should_not(be_nil) @info.urgency.should == @original_info.urgency end it('should parse severity correctly') do @info.severity.should_not(be_nil) @info.severity.should == @original_info.severity end it('should parse certainty correctly') do @info.certainty.should_not(be_nil) @info.certainty.should == @original_info.certainty end it('should parse audience correctly') do @info.audience.should_not(be_nil) @info.audience.should == @original_info.audience end it('should parse effective correctly') do @info.effective.should_not(be_nil) @info.effective.should(be_within(Rational(1, 86_400)).of(@original_info.effective)) end it('should parse onset correctly') do @info.onset.should_not(be_nil) @info.onset.should(be_within(Rational(1, 86_400)).of(@original_info.onset)) end it('should parse expires correctly') do @info.expires.should_not(be_nil) @info.expires.should(be_within(Rational(1, 86_400)).of(@original_info.expires)) end it('should parse sender_name correctly') do @info.sender_name.should_not(be_nil) @info.sender_name.should == @original_info.sender_name end it('should parse headline correctly') do @info.headline.should_not(be_nil) @info.headline.should == @original_info.headline end it('should parse description correctly') do @info.description.should_not(be_nil) @info.description.should == @original_info.description end it('should parse instruction correctly') do @info.instruction.should_not(be_nil) @info.instruction.should == @original_info.instruction end it('should parse web correctly') do @info.web.should_not(be_nil) @info.web.should == @original_info.web end it('should parse contact correctly') do == end it('should parse event_codes correctly') do @info.event_codes.should_not(be_nil) @info.event_codes.should == @original_info.event_codes end it('should parse parameters correctly') do @info.parameters.should_not(be_nil) @info.parameters.should == @original_info.parameters end it('should parse resources correctly') do @info.resources.should_not(be_nil) comparison_attributes = lambda do |resource| [ resource.resource_desc, resource.mime_type, resource.uri ] end == end it('should parse areas correctly') do @info.areas.should_not(be_nil) @info.areas.should == @original_info.areas end end context('from XML') do before(:each) do @original_info = @alert = @alert.add_info(&@info_builder) @xml_string = @alert.to_xml @xml_document = @info = RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info.from_xml_element(RCAP.xpath_first(@xml_document.root, RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::XPATH, RCAP::CAP_1_2::Alert::XMLNS)) end it_should_behave_like('it can parse into a CAP 1.2 Info object') end context('from a hash') do before(:each) do @original_info = @info = RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info.from_h(@original_info.to_h) end it_should_behave_like('it can parse into a CAP 1.2 Info object') end context('from yaml_data') do before(:each) do @original_info = @info = RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info.from_yaml_data(YAML.load(@original_info.to_yaml)) end it_should_behave_like('it can parse into a CAP 1.2 Info object') end end context('is not valid if it') do before(:each) do @info = do |info| info.event = 'Info Event' info.categories << RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::CATEGORY_GEO info.urgency = RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::URGENCY_IMMEDIATE info.severity = RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::SEVERITY_EXTREME info.certainty = RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::CERTAINTY_OBSERVED end @info.valid? @info.should(be_valid) end it('does not have an event') do @info.event = nil @info.should_not(be_valid) end it('does not have categories') do @info.categories.clear @info.should_not(be_valid) end it('does not have an urgency') do @info.urgency = nil @info.should_not(be_valid) end it('does not have an severity') do @info.severity = nil @info.should_not(be_valid) end it('does not have an certainty') do @info.certainty = nil @info.should_not(be_valid) end end describe('when exported') do context('to hash') do before(:each) do @info = @info_hash = @info.to_h end it('should export the language correctly') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::LANGUAGE_KEY].should == @info.language end it('should export the categories') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::CATEGORIES_KEY].should == @info.categories end it('should export the event') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::EVENT_KEY].should == @info.event end it('should export the response types') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::RESPONSE_TYPES_KEY].should == @info.response_types end it('should export the urgency') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info:: URGENCY_KEY].should == @info.urgency end it('should export the severity') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info:: SEVERITY_KEY].should == @info.severity end it('should export the certainty') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info:: CERTAINTY_KEY].should == @info.certainty end it('should export the audience') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info:: AUDIENCE_KEY].should == @info.audience end it('should export the effective date') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::EFFECTIVE_KEY].should == @info.effective.to_s_for_cap end it('should export the onset date') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::ONSET_KEY].should == @info.onset.to_s_for_cap end it('should export the expires date') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::EXPIRES_KEY].should == @info.expires.to_s_for_cap end it('should export the sender name') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::SENDER_NAME_KEY].should == @info.sender_name end it('should export the headline') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::HEADLINE_KEY].should == @info.headline end it('should export the description') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::DESCRIPTION_KEY].should == @info.description end it('should export the instruction') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::INSTRUCTION_KEY].should == @info.instruction end it('should export the web address ') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::WEB_KEY].should == @info.web end it('should export the contact') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::CONTACT_KEY].should == end it('should export the event codes') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::EVENT_CODES_KEY].should == { |event_code| event_code.to_h } end it('should export the parameters ') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::PARAMETERS_KEY].should == { |parameter| parameter.to_h } end it('should export the resources ') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::RESOURCES_KEY].should == { |resource| resource.to_h } end it('should export the areas') do @info_hash[ RCAP::CAP_1_2::Info::AREAS_KEY].should == { |area| area.to_h } end end end describe('instance methods') do before(:each) do @info = end describe('#add_event_code') do before(:each) do @event_code = @info.add_event_code do |event_code| = 'Event Code' event_code.value = '1234' end end it('should return a 1.2 EventCode') do @event_code.class.should == RCAP::CAP_1_2::EventCode == 'Event Code' @event_code.value.should == '1234' end it('should add an EventCode to the event_codes attribute') do @info.event_codes.size.should == 1 end end describe('#add_parameter') do before(:each) do @parameter = @info.add_parameter do |parameter| = 'Parameter' parameter.value = '1234' end end it('should return a 1.2 Parameter') do @parameter.class.should == RCAP::CAP_1_2::Parameter == 'Parameter' @parameter.value.should == '1234' end it('should add a Parameter to the parameters attribute') do @info.parameters.size.should == 1 end end describe('#add_resource') do before(:each) do @resource = @info.add_resource do |resource| resource.resource_desc = 'Resource' end end it('should return a 1.2 Resource') do @resource.class.should == RCAP::CAP_1_2::Resource @resource.resource_desc.should == 'Resource' end it('should add a Resource to the resources attribute') do @info.resources.size.should == 1 end end describe('#add_area') do before(:each) do @area = @info.add_area do |area| area.area_desc = 'Area' end end it('should return a 1.2 area') do @area.class.should == RCAP::CAP_1_2::Area @area.area_desc.should == 'Area' end it('should add a Area to the areas attribute') do @info.areas.size.should == 1 end end end end