# Uniswap V2 - Core (Dumb) Contracts (Rubidity Edition) uniswap - core uniswap v2 (dumb) contracts for ruby (rubidity) for layer 1 (l1) with "off-chain" indexer * home :: [github.com/s6ruby/rubidity](https://github.com/s6ruby/rubidity) * bugs :: [github.com/s6ruby/rubidity/issues](https://github.com/s6ruby/rubidity/issues) * gem :: [rubygems.org/gems/uniswap](https://rubygems.org/gems/uniswap) * rdoc :: [rubydoc.info/gems/uniswap](http://rubydoc.info/gems/uniswap) ## What's Solidity?! What's Rubidity?! See [**Solidity - Contract Application Binary Interface (ABI) Specification** »](https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/abi-spec.html) See [**Rubidity - Ruby for Layer 1 (L1) Contracts / Protocols with "Off-Chain" Indexer** »](https://github.com/s6ruby/rubidity) ## What's Uniswap?! What's Facetswap?! See the [**Uniswap V2 White Paper (PDF), March 2020**](https://uniswap.org/whitepaper.pdf) or the [**Uniswap V2 Core Contracts (in Solidity)**](https://github.com/Uniswap/v2-core). See the [**Facetswap App / Service**](https://facetswap.com) (running Uniswap V2 contracts in Rubidity). ## Usage Available contracts include: - [ERC20](lib/uniswap/ERC20.rb) - [PublicMintERC20 (is ERC20)](lib/uniswap/PublicMintERC20.rb) - [UniswapV2ERC20 (is ERC20)](lib/uniswap/UniswapV2ERC20.rb) - [UniswapV2Pair (is UniswapV2ERC20)](lib/uniswap/UniswapV2Pair.rb) - [UniswapV2Factory](lib/uniswap/UniswapV2Factory.rb) - ... And so on. To be continued ... ## Bonus - More Blockchain (Crypto) Tools, Libraries & Scripts In Ruby See [**/blockchain**](https://github.com/rubycocos/blockchain) at the ruby code commons (rubycocos) org. ## Questions? Comments? Join us in the [Rubidity (community) discord (chat server)](https://discord.gg/3JRnDUap6y). Yes you can. Your questions and commentary welcome. Or post them over at the [Help & Support](https://github.com/geraldb/help) page. Thanks.