require 'chef/knife' require 'chef/exceptions' require 'knife-spork/runner' module KnifeSpork class SporkPromote < Chef::Knife include KnifeSpork::Runner banner 'knife spork promote ENVIRONMENT COOKBOOK (options)' option :version, :short => '-v', :long => '--version VERSION', :description => 'Set the environment\'s version constraint to the specified version', :default => nil option :remote, :long => '--remote', :description => 'Save the environment to the chef server in addition to the local JSON file', :default => nil def run self.config = Chef::Config.merge!(config) if @name_args.empty? show_usage ui.error("You must specify the cookbook and environment to promote to") exit 1 end @environments, @cookbook = load_environments_and_cookbook run_plugins(:before_promote) check_cookbook_uploaded(@cookbook) @environments.each do |e| environment = load_environment(e) if @cookbook == 'all' ui.msg "Promoting ALL cookbooks to environment #{environment}" promote(environment, all_cookbooks) else promote(environment, @cookbook) end ui.msg "Saving changes to #{e}.json" new_environment_json = pretty_print_json(environment) save_environment_changes(e, new_environment_json) if config[:remote] ui.msg "Uploading #{}.json to Chef Server" save_environment_changes_remote(e) "Promotion complete at #{}!" else "Promotion complete. Don't forget to upload your changed #{}.json to Chef Server" end end run_plugins(:after_promote_local) if config[:remote] run_plugins(:after_promote_remote) end end def update_version_constraints(environment, cookbook, new_version) validate_version!(new_version) environment.cookbook_versions[cookbook] = "= #{new_version}" end def save_environment_changes_remote(environment) local_environment = load_environment(environment) remote_environment = load_remote_environment(environment) @environment_diffs ||= @environment_diffs["#{environment}"] = environment_diff(local_environment, remote_environment) version_change_threshold = spork_config.version_change_threshold || 2 env_constraints_diff = constraints_diff(@environment_diffs["#{environment}"]).select{|k,v| v > version_change_threshold} if env_constraints_diff.size !=0 then ui.warn 'You\'re about to promote a significant version number change to 1 or more cookbooks:' ui.warn @environment_diffs["#{environment}"].select{|k,v|env_constraints_diff.has_key?(k)}.collect{|k,v| "\t#{k}: #{v}"}.join("\n") begin ui.confirm('Are you sure you want to continue?') rescue SystemExit => e if e.status == 3 ui.confirm("Would you like to reset your local #{environment}.json to match the remote server?") tmp = Chef::Environment.load(environment) save_environment_changes(environment, pretty_print_json(tmp)) "#{environment}.json was reset" end raise end end if @environment_diffs["#{environment}"].size > 1 ui.msg "" ui.warn "You're about to promote changes to several cookbooks at once:" ui.warn @environment_diffs["#{environment}"].collect{|k,v| "\t#{k}: #{v}"}.join("\n") begin ui.confirm('Are you sure you want to continue?') rescue SystemExit => e if e.status == 3 ui.confirm("Would you like to reset your local #{environment}.json to match the remote server?") tmp = Chef::Environment.load(environment) save_environment_changes(environment, pretty_print_json(tmp)) "#{environment}.json was reset" end raise end end end def save_environment_changes(environment, json) environments_path = cookbook_path.gsub('cookbooks', 'environments') environment_path = File.expand_path( File.join(environments_path, "#{environment}.json") ), 'w'){ |f| f.puts(json) } end def promote(environment, cookbook_names) cookbook_names = [cookbook_names].flatten cookbook_names.each do |cookbook_name| validate_version!(config[:version]) version = config[:version] || load_cookbook(cookbook_name).version ui.msg "Adding version constraint #{cookbook_name} = #{version}" update_version_constraints(environment, cookbook_name, version) end end def check_cookbook_uploaded(cookbook_name) validate_version!(config[:version]) version = config[:version] || load_cookbook(cookbook_name).version environment = config[:environment] api_endpoint = environment ? "environments/#{environment}/cookbooks/#{cookbook_name}/#{version}" : "cookbooks/#{cookbook_name}/#{version}" begin cookbooks = rest.get_rest(api_endpoint) rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e ui.error "#{cookbook_name}@#{version} does not exist on Chef Server! Upload the cookbook first by running:\n\n\tknife spork upload #{cookbook_name}\n\n" exit(1) end end end end