#svg-icon.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'svg_icon') %p should resize the icon to a default, medium size: .grid.grid--auto.grid--huge - style_guide_icons.each do |path| .grid__cell .align-center = inline_svg path, title: File.basename(path), class: 'svg-icon' %p= File.basename(path, '.svg') #svg-icon--small.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'svg_icon__small') %p should resize the icon to a smaller size: .grid.grid--auto.grid--huge - style_guide_icons.each do |path| .grid__cell .align-center = inline_svg path, title: File.basename(path), class: 'svg-icon svg-icon--small' %p= File.basename(path, '.svg') #svg-icon--large.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'svg_icon__large') %p should resize the icon to a larger size: .grid.grid--auto.grid--huge - style_guide_icons.each do |path| .grid__cell .align-center = inline_svg path, title: File.basename(path), class: 'svg-icon svg-icon--large' %p= File.basename(path, '.svg') #svg-icon--extra-large.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'svg_icon__extra-large') %p should resize the icon to a extra-large size: .grid.grid--auto.grid--huge - style_guide_icons.each do |path| .grid__cell .align-center = inline_svg path, title: File.basename(path), class: 'svg-icon svg-icon--extra-large' %p= File.basename(path, '.svg') - %w(hover-primary-color theme-header link-color blue yellow red green white gray black black-alpha-50 black-alpha-15).each do |color| .style-guide__subsection{ id: "svg-icon--#{color}" } %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', "svg_icon__#{color}") %p should change the fill color of the icon to #{color}: .grid.grid--auto.grid--huge{ style: ('background: #303541; color: white; padding-top: 16px;' if color == 'white') } - style_guide_icons.each do |path| .grid__cell .align-center = inline_svg path, title: File.basename(path), class: "svg-icon svg-icon--#{color}" %p= File.basename(path, '.svg')