# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* require 'erb' require 'json' require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/os_lib_reporting" require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/os_lib_schedules" require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/os_lib_helper_methods" require_relative 'resources/Siz.Model' # start the measure class OpenStudioResults < OpenStudio::Measure::ReportingMeasure # define the name that a user will see, this method may be deprecated as # the display name in PAT comes from the name field in measure.xml def name 'OpenStudio Results' end # human readable description def description 'This measure creates high level tables and charts pulling both from model inputs and EnergyPlus results. It has building level information as well as detail on space types, thermal zones, HVAC systems, envelope characteristics, and economics. Click the heading above a chart to view a table of the chart data.' end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description 'For the most part consumption data comes from the tabular EnergyPlus results, however there are a few requests added for time series results. Space type and loop details come from the OpenStudio model. The code for this is modular, making it easy to use as a template for your own custom reports. The structure of the report uses bootstrap, and the graphs use dimple js.' end def possible_sections result = [] # methods for sections in order that they will appear in report result << 'building_summary_section' # still need to extend building summary # still need to populate site performance result << 'annual_overview_section' result << 'monthly_overview_section' result << 'utility_bills_rates_section' result << 'envelope_section_section' result << 'space_type_breakdown_section' result << 'space_type_details_section' result << 'interior_lighting_section' # consider binning to space types result << 'plug_loads_section' result << 'exterior_light_section' result << 'water_use_section' result << 'hvac_load_profile' # TODO: - turn on hvac_part_load_profile_table once I have data for it result << 'zone_condition_section' result << 'zone_summary_section' result << 'zone_equipment_detail_section' # TODO: - add in content from other measures # result << 'air_loop_summary_section' # TODO: - stub only result << 'air_loops_detail_section' # later - on all loop detail sections get hard-sized value # result << 'plant_loop_summary_section' # TODO: - stub only result << 'plant_loops_detail_section' result << 'outdoor_air_section' result << 'cost_summary_section' # find out how to get lifecycle cost with utility escalation # consider second cost table listing all lifecycle cost objects in OSM (since can't see in GUI) result << 'source_energy_section' # result << 'co2_and_other_emissions_section' # TODO: - add emissions factors object to our template model # result << 'typical_load_profiles_section' # TODO: - stub only result << 'schedules_overview_section' # TODO: - clean up code to gather schedule profiles so I don't have to grab every 15 minutes # TODO: - add in section to report warnings for this and other measures result << 'measure_warning_section' # see the method below in os_lib_reporting.rb to see a simple example of code to make a section of tables # result << 'template_section' # TODO: - some tables are so long on real models you loose header. Should we have scrolling within a table? # TODO: - maybe sorting as well if it doesn't slow process down too much result end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new chs = OpenStudio::StringVector.new chs << 'IP' chs << 'SI' units = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('units', chs, true) units.setDisplayName('Which Unit System do you want to use?') units.setDefaultValue('IP') args << units # populate arguments possible_sections.each do |method_name| # get display name arg = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument(method_name, true) display_name = eval("OsLib_Reporting.#{method_name}(nil,nil,nil,true)[:title]") arg.setDisplayName(display_name) arg.setDefaultValue(true) args << arg end # monthly_details (added this argument to avoid cluttering up output for use cases where monthly data isn't needed) # todo - could extend outputs to list these outputs when argument is true reg_monthly_details = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('reg_monthly_details', true) reg_monthly_details.setDisplayName('Report monthly fuel and enduse breakdown to registerValue') reg_monthly_details.setDescription('This argument does not effect HTML file, instead it makes data from individal cells of monthly tables avaiable for machine readable values in the resulting OpenStudio Workflow file.') reg_monthly_details.setDefaultValue(false) # set to false so no impact on existing projects using the measure args << reg_monthly_details args end def energyPlusOutputRequests(runner, user_arguments) super(runner, user_arguments) result = OpenStudio::IdfObjectVector.new # use the built-in error checking unless runner.validateUserArguments(arguments, user_arguments) return result end if runner.getBoolArgumentValue('hvac_load_profile', user_arguments) result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load('Output:Variable,,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature,monthly;').get end if runner.getBoolArgumentValue('zone_condition_section', user_arguments) result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load('Output:Variable,,Zone Air Temperature,hourly;').get result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load('Output:Variable,,Zone Air Relative Humidity,hourly;').get end # gather monthly consumption data for all possible additional fuels category_strs = [] OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.getValues.each do |category_type| category_str = OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(category_type).valueDescription category_strs << category_str end additional_fuel_types = ['FuelOil#1', 'FuelOil#2', 'PropaneGas', 'Coal', 'Diesel', 'Gasoline', 'OtherFuel1', 'OtherFuel2'] additional_fuel_types.each do |additional_fuel_type| monthly_array = ['Output:Table:Monthly'] monthly_array << 'Building Energy Performance - FuelOil#1' monthly_array << '2' category_strs.each do |category_string| monthly_array << "#{category_string}:#{additional_fuel_type}" monthly_array << 'SumOrAverage' end # add ; to end of string result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("#{monthly_array.join(',')};").get end result end def outputs result = OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutputVector.new result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('electricity_ip') # kWh result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('natural_gas_ip') # MBtu result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('additional_fuel_ip') # MBtu result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('district_heating_ip') # MBtu result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('district_cooling_ip') # MBtu result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('total_site_eui') # kBtu/ft^2 result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('eui') # kBtu/ft^2 result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('net_site_energy') # kBtu result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('annual_peak_electric_demand') # kW result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('unmet_hours_during_occupied_cooling') # hr result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('unmet_hours_during_occupied_heating') # hr result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('first_year_capital_cost') # $ result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('annual_utility_cost') # $ result << OpenStudio::Measure::OSOutput.makeDoubleOutput('total_lifecycle_cost') # $ # TODO: - add warning counts, but only if they will always be made. return result end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(runner, user_arguments) super(runner, user_arguments) # get sql, model, and web assets setup = OsLib_Reporting.setup(runner) unless setup return false end model = setup[:model] # workspace = setup[:workspace] sql_file = setup[:sqlFile] web_asset_path = setup[:web_asset_path] # assign the user inputs to variables args = OsLib_HelperMethods.createRunVariables(runner, model, user_arguments, arguments) unless args return false end units = args['units'] if units == 'IP' is_ip_units = true else is_ip_units = false end # reporting final condition runner.registerInitialCondition("Gathering data from EnergyPlus SQL file and OSM model. Will report in #{units} Units") # create a array of sections to loop through in erb file @sections = [] # check units of tabular E+ results column_units_query = "SELECT DISTINCT units FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='Building Area'" energy_plus_area_units = sql_file.execAndReturnVectorOfString(column_units_query) if energy_plus_area_units.is_initialized if energy_plus_area_units.get.empty? runner.registerError("Can't find any contents in Building Area Table to get tabular units. Measure can't run") return false end else runner.registerError("Can't find Building Area to get tabular units. Measure can't run") return false end begin runner.registerValue('standards_gem_version', OpenstudioStandards::VERSION) rescue StandardError end begin runner.registerValue('workflow_gem_version', OpenStudio::Workflow::VERSION) rescue StandardError end if energy_plus_area_units.get.first.to_s == 'm2' # generate data for requested sections sections_made = 0 possible_sections.each do |method_name| begin next unless args[method_name] section = false eval("section = OsLib_Reporting.#{method_name}(model,sql_file,runner,false,is_ip_units)") display_name = eval("OsLib_Reporting.#{method_name}(nil,nil,nil,true)[:title]") if section @sections << section sections_made += 1 # look for empty tables and warn if skipped because returned empty section[:tables].each do |table| if !table runner.registerWarning("A table in #{display_name} section returned false and was skipped.") section[:messages] = ["One or more tables in #{display_name} section returned false and was skipped."] end end else runner.registerWarning("#{display_name} section returned false and was skipped.") section = {} section[:title] = display_name.to_s section[:tables] = [] section[:messages] = [] section[:messages] << "#{display_name} section returned false and was skipped." @sections << section end rescue StandardError => e display_name = eval("OsLib_Reporting.#{method_name}(nil,nil,nil,true)[:title]") if display_name.nil? then display_name == method_name end runner.registerWarning("#{display_name} section failed and was skipped because: #{e}. Detail on error follows.") runner.registerWarning(e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) # add in section heading with message if section fails section = {} section[:title] = display_name.to_s section[:tables] = [] section[:messages] = [] section[:messages] << "#{display_name} section failed and was skipped because: #{e}. Detail on error follows." section[:messages] << [e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s] @sections << section end end else wrong_tabular_units_string = 'IP units were provided, SI units were expected. Leave EnergyPlus tabular results in SI units to run this report.' runner.registerWarning(wrong_tabular_units_string) section = {} section[:title] = 'Tabular EnergyPlus results provided in wrong units.' section[:tables] = [] section[:messages] = [] section[:messages] << wrong_tabular_units_string @sections << section end # read in template html_in_path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/report.html.erb" if File.exist?(html_in_path) html_in_path = html_in_path else html_in_path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/report.html.erb" end html_in = '' File.open(html_in_path, 'r') do |file| html_in = file.read end # configure template with variable values renderer = ERB.new(html_in) html_out = renderer.result(binding) # write html file html_out_path = './report.html' File.open(html_out_path, 'w') do |file| file << html_out # make sure data is written to the disk one way or the other begin file.fsync rescue StandardError file.flush end end # adding additional runner.registerValues needed for project scripts in 2.x PAT # note: these are not in begin rescue like individual sections. Won't fail gracefully if any SQL query's can't be found # annual_peak_electric_demand annual_peak_electric_demand_k_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='DemandEndUseComponentsSummary' and ReportForString='Entire Facility' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= 'Total End Uses' and ColumnName='Electricity' and Units='W'" annual_peak_electric_demand_kw = OpenStudio.convert(sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble(annual_peak_electric_demand_k_query).get, 'W', 'kW').get runner.registerValue('annual_peak_electric_demand', annual_peak_electric_demand_kw, 'kW') # get base year for use in first_year_cap_cost baseYrString_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' and ReportForString='Entire Facility' and TableName='Life-Cycle Cost Parameters' and RowName= 'Base Date' and ColumnName= 'Value'" baseYrString = sql_file.execAndReturnFirstString(baseYrString_query).get # get first_year_cap_cost first_year_cap_cost_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' and ReportForString='Entire Facility' and TableName='Capital Cash Flow by Category (Without Escalation)' and RowName= '#{baseYrString}' and ColumnName= 'Total'" first_year_cap_cost = sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble(first_year_cap_cost_query).get runner.registerValue('first_year_capital_cost', first_year_cap_cost, '$') # annual_utility_cost annual_utility_cost = sql_file.annualTotalUtilityCost if annual_utility_cost.is_initialized runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost', annual_utility_cost.get, '$') else runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost', 0.0, '$') end # total_lifecycle_cost total_lifecycle_cost_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' and ReportForString='Entire Facility' and TableName='Present Value by Year' and RowName= 'TOTAL' and ColumnName= 'Present Value of Costs'" runner.registerValue('total_lifecycle_cost', sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble(total_lifecycle_cost_query).get, '$') # closing the sql file sql_file.close # reporting final condition runner.registerFinalCondition("Generated report with #{sections_made} sections to #{html_out_path}.") true end end # this allows the measure to be use by the application OpenStudioResults.new.registerWithApplication