# NodepoolLanAdd Adds or updates a LAN within a Nodepool. ```text knife ionoscloud nodepool lan add (options) ``` ## Available options: ### Required options: * cluster\_id * nodepool\_id * lan\_id * ionoscloud\_username * ionoscloud\_password ```text extra_config_file: --extra-config EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE_PATH, -e EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE_PATH path to the additional config file cluster_id: --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID, -C CLUSTER_ID iD of the Kubernetes cluster (required) nodepool_id: --nodepool NODEPOOL_ID, -N NODEPOOL_ID the ID of the K8s Nodepool (required) lan_id: --lan LAN_ID, -L LAN_ID the ID of the LAN (required) no_dhcp: --nodhcp indicates if the Kubernetes Node Pool LAN will reserve an IP using DHCP routes: --routes NETWORK,GATEWAY_IP [NETWORK,GATEWAY_IP] an array of additional LANs attached to worker nodes ionoscloud_username: --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME your Ionoscloud username (required) ionoscloud_password: --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD your Ionoscloud password (required) ionoscloud_url: --url URL the Ionoscloud API URL ``` ## Example ```text knife ionoscloud nodepool lan add --extra-config EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE_PATH --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID --nodepool NODEPOOL_ID --lan LAN_ID --nodhcp --routes NETWORK,GATEWAY_IP [NETWORK,GATEWAY_IP] --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --url URL ```