# This file is part of RestConnection # # RestConnection is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # RestConnection is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with RestConnection. If not, see . require 'net/https' require 'rubygems' require 'json' require 'yaml' require 'cgi' require 'rest_connection/rightscale/rightscale_api_resources' require 'rest_connection/patches' require 'logger' require 'highline/import' module RestConnection class Connection # Settings is a hash of options for customizing the connection. # settings.merge! { # :common_headers => { "X_CUSTOM_HEADER" => "BLAH" }, # :api_url => # :user => # :pass => attr_accessor :settings, :cookie # RestConnection api settings configuration file: # Settings are loaded from a yaml configuration file in users home directory. # Copy the example config from the gemhome/config/rest_api_config.yaml.sample to ~/.rest_connection/rest_api_config.yaml # OR to /etc/rest_connection/rest_api_config.yaml # Here's an example of overriding the settings in the configuration file: # Server.connection.settings[:api_url] = "https://my.rightscale.com/api/acct/1234" # def initialize(config_yaml = File.join(File.expand_path("~"), ".rest_connection", "rest_api_config.yaml")) @@logger = nil @@user = nil @@pass = nil etc_config = File.join("#{File::SEPARATOR}etc", "rest_connection", "rest_api_config.yaml") app_bin_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(caller.last)) app_yaml = File.join(app_bin_dir,"..","config","rest_api_config.yaml") if config_yaml.is_a?(Hash) @settings = config_yaml elsif File.exists?(app_yaml) @settings = YAML::load(IO.read(app_yaml)) elsif File.exists?(config_yaml) @settings = YAML::load(IO.read(config_yaml)) elsif File.exists?(etc_config) @settings = YAML::load(IO.read(etc_config)) else logger("\nWARNING: you must setup config file rest_api_config.yaml in #{app_yaml} or #{config_yaml} or #{etc_config}") logger("WARNING: see GEM_HOME/rest_connection/config/rest_api_config.yaml for example config") @settings = {} end @settings.keys.each { |k| @settings[k.to_sym] = @settings[k] if String === k } @settings[:extension] = ".js" @settings[:api_href] = @settings[:api_url] unless @settings[:api_href] unless @settings[:user] @@user = ask("Username:") unless @@user @settings[:user] = @@user end unless @settings[:pass] @@pass = ask("Password:") { |q| q.echo = false } unless @@pass @settings[:pass] = @@pass end end # Main HTTP connection loop. Common settings are set here, then we yield(BASE_URI, OPTIONAL_HEADERS) to other methods for each type of HTTP request: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE # # The block must return a Net::HTTP Request. You have a chance to taylor the request inside the block that you pass by modifying the url and headers. # # rest_connect do |base_uri, headers| # headers.merge! {:my_header => "blah"} # Net::HTTP::Get.new(base_uri, headers) # end # def rest_connect(&block) uri = URI.parse(@settings[:api_href]) http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) if uri.scheme == 'https' http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end headers = @settings[:common_headers] http.start do |http| @max_retries = 3 ret = nil begin headers.delete("Cookie") headers.merge!("Cookie" => @cookie) if @cookie req = yield(uri, headers) logger("#{req.method}: #{req.path}") logger("\trequest body: #{req.body}") if req.body and req.body !~ /password/ req.basic_auth(@settings[:user], @settings[:pass]) if @settings[:user] unless @cookie response, body = http.request(req) ret = handle_response(response) rescue Exception => e raise unless error_handler(e) retry end ret end end def error_handler(e) case e when EOFError, Timeout::Error if @max_retries >= 0 logger("Caught #{e}. Retrying...") @max_retries -= 1 return true end when RestConnection::Errors::Forbidden if @max_retries >= 0 if e.response.body =~ /(session|cookie).*(invalid|expired)/i logger("Caught '#{e.response.body}'. Refreshing cookie...") refresh_cookie if respond_to?(:refresh_cookie) else return false end @max_retries -= 1 return true end end return false end # connection.get("/root/login", :test_header => "x", :test_header2 => "y") # href = "/api/base_new" if this begins with a slash then the url will be used as absolute path. # href = "servers" this will be concat'd on to the api_url from the settings # additional_parameters = Hash or String of parameters to pass to HTTP::Get def get(href, additional_parameters = "") rest_connect do |base_uri,headers| new_href = (href =~ /^\// ? href : "#{base_uri}/#{href}") params = requestify(additional_parameters) || "" new_path = URI.escape(new_href + @settings[:extension] + "?") + params Net::HTTP::Get.new(new_path, headers) end end # connection.post(server_url + "/start") # # href = "/api/base_new" if this begins with a slash then the url will be used as absolute path. # href = "servers" this will be concat'd on to the api_url from the settings # additional_parameters = Hash or String of parameters to pass to HTTP::Post def post(href, additional_parameters = {}) rest_connect do |base_uri, headers| new_href = (href =~ /^\// ? href : "#{base_uri}/#{href}") res = Net::HTTP::Post.new(new_href , headers) unless additional_parameters.empty? res.set_content_type('application/json') res.body = additional_parameters.to_json end #res.set_form_data(additional_parameters, '&') res end end # connection.put(server_url + "/start") # # href = "/api/base" if this begins with a slash then the url will be used as absolute path. # href = "servers" this will be concat'd on to the api_url from the settings # additional_parameters = Hash or String of parameters to pass to HTTP::Put def put(href, additional_parameters = {}) rest_connect do |base_uri, headers| new_href = (href =~ /^\// ? href : "#{base_uri}/#{href}") new_path = URI.escape(new_href) req = Net::HTTP::Put.new(new_path, headers) req.set_content_type('application/json') req.body = additional_parameters.to_json req end end # connection.delete(server_url) # # href = "/api/base_new" if this begins with a slash then the url will be used as absolute path. # href = "servers" this will be concat'd on to the api_url from the settings # additional_parameters = Hash or String of parameters to pass to HTTP::Delete def delete(href, additional_parameters = {}) rest_connect do |base_uri, headers| new_href = (href =~ /^\// ? href : "#{base_uri}/#{href}") new_path = URI.escape(new_href) req = Net::HTTP::Delete.new(href, headers) req.set_content_type('application/json') req.body = additional_parameters.to_json req end end # handle_response # res = HTTP response # # decoding and post processing goes here. This is where you may need some customization if you want to handle the response differently (or not at all!). Luckily it's easy to modify based on this handler. def handle_response(res) if res.code.to_i == 201 or res.code.to_i == 202 return res['Location'] elsif [200,203,204,302].detect { |d| d == res.code.to_i } if res.body begin return JSON.load(res.body) rescue => e return res end else return res end else raise RestConnection::Errors.status_error(res) end end def logger(message) init_message = "Initializing Logging using " if @@logger.nil? if ENV['REST_CONNECTION_LOG'] @@logger = Logger.new(ENV['REST_CONNECTION_LOG']) init_message += ENV['REST_CONNECTION_LOG'] else @@logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) init_message += "STDOUT" end @@logger.info(init_message) end if @settings.nil? @@logger.info(message) else @@logger.info("[API v#{@settings[:common_headers]['X_API_VERSION']}] " + message) end end # used by requestify to build parameters strings def name_with_prefix(prefix, name) prefix ? "#{prefix}[#{name}]" : name.to_s end # recursive method builds CGI escaped strings from Hashes, Arrays and strings of parameters. def requestify(parameters, prefix=nil) if Hash === parameters return nil if parameters.empty? parameters.map { |k,v| requestify(v, name_with_prefix(prefix, k)) }.join("&") elsif Array === parameters parameters.map { |v| requestify(v, name_with_prefix(prefix, "")) }.join("&") elsif prefix.nil? parameters else "#{prefix}=#{CGI.escape(parameters.to_s)}" end end end module Errors # HTTPStatusErrors, borrowed lovingly from the excon gem <3 class HTTPStatusError < StandardError attr_reader :request, :response def initialize(msg, response = nil, request = nil) super(msg) @request = request @response = response end end class Continue < HTTPStatusError; end # 100 class SwitchingProtocols < HTTPStatusError; end # 101 class OK < HTTPStatusError; end # 200 class Created < HTTPStatusError; end # 201 class Accepted < HTTPStatusError; end # 202 class NonAuthoritativeInformation < HTTPStatusError; end # 203 class NoContent < HTTPStatusError; end # 204 class ResetContent < HTTPStatusError; end # 205 class PartialContent < HTTPStatusError; end # 206 class MultipleChoices < HTTPStatusError; end # 300 class MovedPermanently < HTTPStatusError; end # 301 class Found < HTTPStatusError; end # 302 class SeeOther < HTTPStatusError; end # 303 class NotModified < HTTPStatusError; end # 304 class UseProxy < HTTPStatusError; end # 305 class TemporaryRedirect < HTTPStatusError; end # 307 class BadRequest < HTTPStatusError; end # 400 class Unauthorized < HTTPStatusError; end # 401 class PaymentRequired < HTTPStatusError; end # 402 class Forbidden < HTTPStatusError; end # 403 class NotFound < HTTPStatusError; end # 404 class MethodNotAllowed < HTTPStatusError; end # 405 class NotAcceptable < HTTPStatusError; end # 406 class ProxyAuthenticationRequired < HTTPStatusError; end # 407 class RequestTimeout < HTTPStatusError; end # 408 class Conflict < HTTPStatusError; end # 409 class Gone < HTTPStatusError; end # 410 class LengthRequired < HTTPStatusError; end # 411 class PreconditionFailed < HTTPStatusError; end # 412 class RequestEntityTooLarge < HTTPStatusError; end # 413 class RequestURITooLong < HTTPStatusError; end # 414 class UnsupportedMediaType < HTTPStatusError; end # 415 class RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable < HTTPStatusError; end # 416 class ExpectationFailed < HTTPStatusError; end # 417 class UnprocessableEntity < HTTPStatusError; end # 422 class InternalServerError < HTTPStatusError; end # 500 class NotImplemented < HTTPStatusError; end # 501 class BadGateway < HTTPStatusError; end # 502 class ServiceUnavailable < HTTPStatusError; end # 503 class GatewayTimeout < HTTPStatusError; end # 504 # Messages for nicer exceptions, from rfc2616 def self.status_error(response) @errors ||= { 100 => [RestConnection::Errors::Continue, 'Continue'], 101 => [RestConnection::Errors::SwitchingProtocols, 'Switching Protocols'], 200 => [RestConnection::Errors::OK, 'OK'], 201 => [RestConnection::Errors::Created, 'Created'], 202 => [RestConnection::Errors::Accepted, 'Accepted'], 203 => [RestConnection::Errors::NonAuthoritativeInformation, 'Non-Authoritative Information'], 204 => [RestConnection::Errors::NoContent, 'No Content'], 205 => [RestConnection::Errors::ResetContent, 'Reset Content'], 206 => [RestConnection::Errors::PartialContent, 'Partial Content'], 300 => [RestConnection::Errors::MultipleChoices, 'Multiple Choices'], 301 => [RestConnection::Errors::MovedPermanently, 'Moved Permanently'], 302 => [RestConnection::Errors::Found, 'Found'], 303 => [RestConnection::Errors::SeeOther, 'See Other'], 304 => [RestConnection::Errors::NotModified, 'Not Modified'], 305 => [RestConnection::Errors::UseProxy, 'Use Proxy'], 307 => [RestConnection::Errors::TemporaryRedirect, 'Temporary Redirect'], 400 => [RestConnection::Errors::BadRequest, 'Bad Request'], 401 => [RestConnection::Errors::Unauthorized, 'Unauthorized'], 402 => [RestConnection::Errors::PaymentRequired, 'Payment Required'], 403 => [RestConnection::Errors::Forbidden, 'Forbidden'], 404 => [RestConnection::Errors::NotFound, 'Not Found'], 405 => [RestConnection::Errors::MethodNotAllowed, 'Method Not Allowed'], 406 => [RestConnection::Errors::NotAcceptable, 'Not Acceptable'], 407 => [RestConnection::Errors::ProxyAuthenticationRequired, 'Proxy Authentication Required'], 408 => [RestConnection::Errors::RequestTimeout, 'Request Timeout'], 409 => [RestConnection::Errors::Conflict, 'Conflict'], 410 => [RestConnection::Errors::Gone, 'Gone'], 411 => [RestConnection::Errors::LengthRequired, 'Length Required'], 412 => [RestConnection::Errors::PreconditionFailed, 'Precondition Failed'], 413 => [RestConnection::Errors::RequestEntityTooLarge, 'Request Entity Too Large'], 414 => [RestConnection::Errors::RequestURITooLong, 'Request-URI Too Long'], 415 => [RestConnection::Errors::UnsupportedMediaType, 'Unsupported Media Type'], 416 => [RestConnection::Errors::RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, 'Request Range Not Satisfiable'], 417 => [RestConnection::Errors::ExpectationFailed, 'Expectation Failed'], 422 => [RestConnection::Errors::UnprocessableEntity, 'Unprocessable Entity'], 500 => [RestConnection::Errors::InternalServerError, 'InternalServerError'], 501 => [RestConnection::Errors::NotImplemented, 'Not Implemented'], 502 => [RestConnection::Errors::BadGateway, 'Bad Gateway'], 503 => [RestConnection::Errors::ServiceUnavailable, 'Service Unavailable'], 504 => [RestConnection::Errors::GatewayTimeout, 'Gateway Timeout'] } error, message = @errors[response.code.to_i] || [RestConnection::Errors::HTTPStatusError, 'Unknown'] error.new("Invalid response HTTP code: #{response.code.to_i}: #{response.body}", response) end end end