var view = (function() { var types = {}; var focused = null; var focusOverlay = $('
'); $('body').append(focusOverlay); // Unfocus all views. var unfocus = function() { if (focused) { focused.unfocus(); } } function createObject(parent) { function TempClass() {} TempClass.prototype = parent; var child = new TempClass(); return child; } function inherit(sup, sub) { var newSubPrototype = createObject(sup.prototype); newSubPrototype.constructor = sub; sub.prototype = newSubPrototype; } // Create *some* type of view from json var reify = function(json) { var t = types[json.type]; return(new t(json)); } // Initialize keybindings function setKeyBindings() { var focusedBindings = { // left 37: function(ev) { if (ev.ctrlKey === true) { focused.split('HStack', -1); } else { focused.moveHorizontal(-1); } }, // up 38: function(ev) { if (ev.ctrlKey === true) { focused.split('VStack', -1); } else { focused.moveVertical(-1); } }, // right 39: function(ev) { if (ev.ctrlKey === true) { focused.split('HStack', 1); } else { focused.moveHorizontal(1); } }, // down 40: function(ev) { if (ev.ctrlKey === true) { focused.split('VStack', 1); } else { focused.moveVertical(1); } }, 27: function() { focused.unfocus() }, // escape 33: function() { if (focused.parent) { // pgup focused.parent.focus(); } }, 46: function() { focused.delete() }, // delete 69: function() { focused.edit() }, // e 86: function() { focused.split('VStack', 1) }, // v 87: function() { focused.split('HStack', 1) }, // h 187: function() { focused.grow(); }, // + 189: function() { focused.shrink(); } // - }; var bindings = {}; // Set up focused bindings. for (code in focusedBindings) { (function(f) { keys.bind(code, function(ev) { if (focused) { f(ev) } }); })(focusedBindings[code]); } // Set up unfocused bindings. for (code in bindings) { (function(f) { keys.bind(code, function(ev) { if (! focused) { f(ev) } }); })(bindings[code]); } } setKeyBindings() // View //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var View = function(json) { this.type = json.type; this.el = $('
'); this.weight = json.weight || 1; // this.el.css('background', 'rgb(' + // Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) + ',' + // Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) + ',' + // Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) + ')'); var self = this; this.clickFocusable = true; { if (self.clickFocusable) { self.focus(); } }); }; types.View = View; View.prototype.width = function(w) { if (w !== undefined) { return this.el.width(w); } else { return this.el.width(); } }; View.prototype.height = function(h) { if (h !== undefined) { return this.el.height(h); } else { return this.el.height(); } }; = function(t) { if(t !== undefined) { return this.el.css("top", t); } else { return this.el.css("top"); } }; View.prototype.left = function(l) { if (l !== undefined) { return this.el.css("left", l); } else { return this.el.css("left"); } }; View.prototype.reflow = function() { }; View.prototype.grow = function() { this.weight *= 2; this.parent.reflow(); focused.refocus(); }; View.prototype.shrink = function() { this.weight *= 0.5; this.parent.reflow(); focused.refocus(); }; // Replace this view with a different one. Returns replacement. View.prototype.replace = function(replacement) { console.log("Replacing", this, "with", replacement); console.log("Parent is", this.parent); var p = this.parent; if (p == null) { throw "Sorry, can't replace top-level views."; } if (p.replaceChild == null) { throw "Sorry, can't replace unless parent can replace child."; } p.replaceChild(this, replacement); return replacement; } // Unfocus this view and delete it permanently. View.prototype.delete = function() { this.unfocus(); var p = this.parent; if (p) { if (p.removeChild) { p.removeChild(this); } p.reflow(); } if (this.el) { this.el.remove(); this.el = null; } } // Remove us from our parent, and have them reflow. View.prototype.removeFromParent = function() { this.unfocus(); var oldParent = this.parent; if (oldParent && oldParent.removeChild) { oldParent.removeChild(this); oldParent.reflow(); } } // Split in a parent stack that already exists. i is either -1 (place the // new view before us) or +1 (place the new view after us). View.prototype.splitParentStack = function(i) { console.log("Split parent"); if (i === null) { i = 0 } var index = this.parent.indexOf(this) - Math.min(i, 0); console.log(this.parent.indexOf(this), index); this.parent.insertChild( index, reify({type: 'View'}) ); this.parent.reflow(); this.refocus(); } // Split into a stackType. i is either -1 (place the new view before us) or // +1 (place the new view after us. View.prototype.split = function(stackType, i) { var parent = this.parent; if (parent) { if (parent.type === stackType) { this.splitParentStack(i); } else if (parent.replaceChild) { // Replace self with stack var stack = reify({ type: stackType, weight: this.weight }); parent.replaceChild(this, stack); // Add self to stack this.weight = 1; if (i === -1) { stack.addChild(this); stack.addChild(new View({type: 'View'})); } else { stack.addChild(new View({type: 'View'})); stack.addChild(this); } // Redraw parent.reflow(); this.refocus(); } else { console.log("Can't split: parent can't replace child."); } } else { console.log("Can't split: no parent"); } } // Redraw the focus indicator View.prototype.refocus = function() { focusOverlay.width(this.el.width()); focusOverlay.height(this.el.height()); focusOverlay.css('top', this.el.offset().top); focusOverlay.css('left', this.el.offset().left);; } // Focus this view View.prototype.focus = function() { if (focused !== null) { focused.unfocus(); } this.el.addClass("focused"); this.refocus(); focused = this; } // Unfocus this view View.prototype.unfocus = function() { focusOverlay.hide(); if (this.el) { this.el.removeClass("focused"); } if (focused === this) { focused = null; } } // Returns the nearest parent hstack View.prototype.enclosingHStack = function() { try { if (this.parent.isHStack) { return { i: this.parent.indexOf(this), stack: this.parent }; } else { return this.parent.enclosingHStack(); } } catch(e) { return null; } } // Returns the nearest parent vstack View.prototype.enclosingVStack = function() { try { if (this.parent.isVStack) { return { i: this.parent.indexOf(this), stack: this.parent }; } else { return this.parent.enclosingVStack(); } } catch(e) { return null; } } // Move a view horizontally, by delta -1 = left, +1 = right). View.prototype.move = function(parentFinder, delta) { var enclosing = this[parentFinder](); if (enclosing) { // Get the stack we'll move in to, and our (possibly our parent's) index // in it. var stack = enclosing.stack; var i = enclosing.i; console.log("I am", this); console.log("Enclosing is", stack, i); var newI = i + delta; if (newI < 0) { console.log("Sorry, at start."); newI = 0; } else if (newI >= stack.children.length) { console.log("Sorry, at end."); newI = stack.children.length; } else { // What's there now? var neighbor = stack.children[newI]; if (neighbor && neighbor.addChild) { // We can enter our neighbor this.removeFromParent(); neighbor.addChild(this); neighbor.reflow(); this.focus(); return; } } if (this.parent === stack && stack.children.length === 1) { // An special case: we can't leave our parent and then re-enter it, // because removeFromParent() would *destroy* our parent after we // left. Nothing *needs* to happen, so we return immediately. return; } // We're moving to a new position inside the enclosing stack. this.removeFromParent(); stack.insertChild(newI, this); stack.reflow(); this.focus(); } else { console.log("Sorry, not yet"); } } View.prototype.moveHorizontal = function(delta) { this.move('enclosingHStack', delta); } View.prototype.moveVertical = function(delta) { this.move('enclosingVStack', delta); } // A jquery node inserted into the edit modal, for changing the // properties of a view. View.prototype.editForm = function() { } // Show a dialog for changing this view. View.prototype.edit = function() { var dialog = $('

' + '