{ "exercise": "grade-school", "version": "1.0.0", "comments": [ "Given students' names along with the grade that they are in, ", "create a roster for the school." ], "cases": [ { "description": "Adding a student adds them to the sorted roster", "property": "roster", "input": { "students": [["Aimee", 2]] }, "expected": ["Aimee"] }, { "description": "Adding more student adds them to the sorted roster", "property": "roster", "input": { "students": [["Blair", 2], ["James", 2], ["Paul", 2]] }, "expected": ["Blair", "James", "Paul"] }, { "description": "Adding students to different grades adds them to the same sorted roster", "property": "roster", "input": { "students": [["Chelsea", 3], ["Logan", 7]] }, "expected": ["Chelsea", "Logan"] }, { "description": "Roster returns an empty list if there are no students enrolled", "property": "roster", "input": { "students": [] }, "expected": [] }, { "description": "Student names with grades are displayed in the same sorted roster", "property": "roster", "input": { "students": [["Peter", 2], ["Anna", 1], ["Barb", 1], ["Zoe", 2], ["Alex", 2], ["Jim", 3], ["Charlie", 1]] }, "expected": ["Anna", "Barb", "Charlie", "Alex", "Peter", "Zoe", "Jim"] }, { "description": "Grade returns the students in that grade in alphabetical order", "property": "grade", "input": { "students": [["Franklin", 5], ["Bradley", 5], ["Jeff", 1]], "desiredGrade": 5 }, "expected": ["Bradley", "Franklin"] }, { "description": "Grade returns an empty list if there are no students in that grade", "property": "grade", "input": { "students": [], "desiredGrade": 1 }, "expected": [] } ] }