require 'pp' require 'pathname' require 'rubygems' root_path = Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.join('..').expand_path lib_path = root_path.join('lib') $:.unshift(lib_path) require 'plucky' connection = db = connection.db('test') collection = db['users'] collection.remove # clear out the collection collection.insert({'_id' => 'chris', 'age' => 26, 'name' => 'Chris'}) collection.insert({'_id' => 'steve', 'age' => 29, 'name' => 'Steve'}) collection.insert({'_id' => 'john', 'age' => 28, 'name' => 'John'}) # initialize query with collection query = puts 'Querying' pp query.where(:name => 'John').first pp query.first(:name => 'John') pp query.where(:name => 'John').all pp query.all(:name => 'John') puts 'Find by _id' pp query.find('chris') pp query.find('chris', 'steve') pp query.find(['chris', 'steve']) puts 'Sort' pp query.sort(:age).all pp query.sort(:age.asc).all # same as above pp query.sort(:age.desc).all pp query.sort(:age).last # steve puts 'Counting' pp query.count # 3 pp query.size # 3 pp query.count(:name => 'John') # 1 pp query.where(:name => 'John').count # 1 pp query.where(:name => 'John').size # 1 puts 'Distinct' pp query.distinct(:age) # [26, 29, 28] puts 'Select only certain fields' pp query.fields(:age).find('chris') # {"_id"=>"chris", "age"=>26} pp query.only(:age).find('chris') # {"_id"=>"chris", "age"=>26} pp query.ignore(:name).find('chris') # {"_id"=>"chris", "age"=>26} puts 'Pagination, yeah we got that' pp query.sort(:age).paginate(:per_page => 1, :page => 2) pp query.sort(:age).per_page(1).paginate(:page => 2) pp query.sort(:age).limit(2).to_a # [chris, john] pp query.sort(:age).skip(1).limit(2).to_a # [john, steve] pp query.sort(:age).offset(1).limit(2).to_a # [john, steve] puts 'Using a cursor' cursor = query.find_each(:sort => :age) do |doc| pp doc end pp cursor puts 'Symbol Operators' pp query.where( => 28).count # 1 (steve) pp query.where( => 28).count # 1 (chris) pp query.where( => [26, 28]).to_a # [chris, john] pp query.where(:age.nin => [26, 28]).to_a # [steve] puts 'Removing' query.remove(:name => 'John') pp query.count # 2 query.where(:name => 'Chris').remove pp query.count # 1 query.remove pp query.count # 0