### Breaking Changes in 9.9.0 Change `start_recording_screen` interface. Please read [documentation](https://github.com/appium/ruby_lib_core/blob/0ba7b1c726f02e11d6daa46481309b1e0e54b00e/lib/appium_lib_core/android/device.rb#L84) for more details. - After ```ruby start_recording_screen(remote_path: nil, user: nil, pass: nil, method: 'PUT', force_restart: nil, video_size: nil, time_limit: '180', bit_rate: '4000000') ``` - Before ```ruby start_recording_screen(file_path: 'file path in /sdcard/...', video_size: 'videosize', time_limit: '180', bit_rate: '4000000') ``` ### Breaking Changes in 9.6.0 Raise warning if users call `Appium::Driver.new(opts)`. - After ```ruby Appium::Driver.new(opts).start_driver # Raise warning. Appium::Driver.new(opts, true).start_driver # $driver is defined. Appium::Driver.new(opts, false).start_driver # $driver isn't defined. ``` - Before ```ruby Appium::Driver.new(opts).start_driver # $driver is defined. ``` ### Breaking Changes in 9.3.7 change `@selenium_driver.find_element/s_with_appium` to `@selenium_driver.find_element/s`. ref: https://github.com/appium/ruby_lib/pull/532 A breaking change in v9.1.0 is reverted in this version. Old | New :--|:-- `@selenium_driver.find_element/s_with_appium` | `@selenium_driver.find_element/s` - after ``` @selenium_driver.find_element :accessibility_id, "some ids" @selenium_driver.find_elements :accessibility_id, "some ids" ``` - before ``` @selenium_driver.find_element_with_appium :accessibility_id, "some ids" @selenium_driver.find_elements_with_appium :accessibility_id, "some ids" ``` ### Breaking Changes in 9.1.0 change `@selenium_driver.find_element/s` to `@selenium_driver.find_element/s_with_appium`. ref: https://github.com/appium/ruby_lib/pull/383 Old | New :--|:-- `@selenium_driver.find_element/s` | `@selenium_driver.find_element/s_with_appium` - after ``` @selenium_driver.find_element_with_appium :accessibility_id, "some ids" @selenium_driver.find_elements_with_appium :accessibility_id, "some ids" ``` - before ``` @selenium_driver.find_element :accessibility_id, "some ids" @selenium_driver.find_elements :accessibility_id, "some ids" ``` ### Breaking Changes in 8.2.0 change `Appium.load_appium_txt` to `Appium.load_settings`. Old | New :--|:-- `Appium.load_appium_txt` | `Appium.load_settings` - after ``` dir = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.pwd, 'lib')) appium_txt = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'appium.txt') caps = Appium.load_settings file: appium_txt, verbose: true ``` - before ``` appium_txt = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.pwd, 'lib')) dir = appium_txt caps = Appium.load_appium_txt file: appium_txt, verbose: true ``` ### Breaking Changes in 7.0 Requires appium 1.4.0-beta or newer for iOS helper methods. appium_lib no longer automatically promotes methods on minispec. To restore the old behavior use: `Appium.promote_appium_methods ::Minitest::Spec` The implicit wait now defaults to zero. To restore the old behavior, use `set_wait 30`. Old | New :--|:-- `installed?` | `app_installed?` ### Breaking Changes in 5.0 Old | New :--|:-- `launch` | `launch_app` `install` | `install_app` `remove` | `remove_app` method_missing has been removed from the Ruby bindings. If you want to invoke methods on the top level object, you can use the following: `Appium.promote_appium_methods Object` Also make sure to update to Appium Ruby Console v1.0.3 or better. Old consoles will not work with the 5.0 release due to the removal of method_missing. ### Breaking Changes in 4.0 Old | New :--|:-- `key_event` | `press_keycode` ### Breaking Changes in 2.0 In 2.0, the e_* methods have been renamed. Old | New :--|:-- `e_buttons` | `buttons` `e_s_texts` | `texts` `e_textfields` | `textfields` All s_texts methods have been renamed. Old | New :--|:-- `s_text` | `text` `s_texts` | `texts` `first_s_text` | `first_text` `last_s_text` | `last_text` `s_text_exact` | `text_exact` `s_texts_exact` | `texts_exact` Other changes: Old | New :--|:-- `press_for_duration` | `long_press` `current_context=` | `set_context` `name` | `find`