# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2020 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU # Methods and structures for parsing Mu's configuration files. See also {MU::Config::BasketofKittens}. class Config # A wrapper class for resources to refer to other resources, whether they # be a sibling object in the current deploy, an object in another deploy, # or a plain cloud id from outside of Mu. class Ref attr_reader :name attr_reader :type attr_reader :cloud attr_reader :deploy_id attr_reader :region attr_reader :credentials attr_reader :habitat attr_reader :mommacat attr_reader :tag_key attr_reader :tag_value attr_reader :obj @@refs = [] @@ref_semaphore = Mutex.new # Little bit of a factory pattern... given a hash of options for a {MU::Config::Ref} objects, first see if we have an existing one that matches our more immutable attributes (+cloud+, +id+, etc). If we do, return that. If we do not, create one, add that to our inventory, and return that instead. # @param cfg [Hash]: # @return [MU::Config::Ref] def self.get(cfg) return cfg if cfg.is_a?(MU::Config::Ref) checkfields = cfg.keys.map { |k| k.to_sym } required = [:id, :type] @@ref_semaphore.synchronize { @@refs.each { |ref| saw_mismatch = false saw_match = false needed_values = [] checkfields.each { |field| next if !cfg[field] ext_value = ref.instance_variable_get("@#{field.to_s}".to_sym) if !ext_value needed_values << field next end if cfg[field] != ext_value saw_mismatch = true elsif required.include?(field) and cfg[field] == ext_value saw_match = true end } if saw_match and !saw_mismatch # populate empty fields we got from this request if needed_values.size > 0 newref = ref.dup needed_values.each { |field| newref.instance_variable_set("@#{field.to_s}".to_sym, cfg[field]) if !newref.respond_to?(field) newref.singleton_class.instance_eval { attr_reader field.to_sym } end } @@refs << newref return newref else return ref end end } } # if we get here, there was no match newref = MU::Config::Ref.new(cfg) @@ref_semaphore.synchronize { @@refs << newref return newref } end # A way of dynamically defining +attr_reader+ without leaking memory def self.define_reader(name) define_method(name) { instance_variable_get("@#{name.to_s}") } end # @param cfg [Hash]: A Basket of Kittens configuration hash containing # lookup information for a cloud object def initialize(cfg) cfg.keys.each { |field| next if field == "tag" if !cfg[field].nil? self.instance_variable_set("@#{field}".to_sym, cfg[field]) elsif !cfg[field.to_sym].nil? self.instance_variable_set("@#{field.to_s}".to_sym, cfg[field.to_sym]) end MU::Config::Ref.define_reader(field) } if cfg['tag'] and cfg['tag']['key'] and !cfg['tag']['key'].empty? and cfg['tag']['value'] @tag_key = cfg['tag']['key'] @tag_value = cfg['tag']['value'] end if @deploy_id and !@mommacat @mommacat = MU::MommaCat.getLitter(@deploy_id, set_context_to_me: false) elsif @mommacat and !@deploy_id @deploy_id = @mommacat.deploy_id end kitten(shallow: true) if @mommacat # try to populate the actual cloud object for this end # Comparison operator def <=>(other) return 1 if other.nil? self.to_s <=> other.to_s end # Base configuration schema for declared kittens referencing other cloud objects. This is essentially a set of filters that we're going to pass to {MU::MommaCat.findStray}. # @param aliases [Array]: Key => value mappings to set backwards-compatibility aliases for attributes, such as the ubiquitous +vpc_id+ (+vpc_id+ => +id+). # @return [Hash] def self.schema(aliases = [], type: nil, parent_obj: nil, desc: nil, omit_fields: []) parent_obj ||= caller[1].gsub(/.*?\/([^\.\/]+)\.rb:.*/, '\1') desc ||= "Reference a #{type ? "'#{type}' resource" : "resource" } from this #{parent_obj ? "'#{parent_obj}'" : "" } resource" schema = { "type" => "object", "#MU_REFERENCE" => true, "minProperties" => 1, "description" => desc, "properties" => { "id" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "Cloud identifier of a resource we want to reference, typically used when leveraging resources not managed by MU" }, "name" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "The short (internal Mu) name of a resource we're attempting to reference. Typically used when referring to a sibling resource elsewhere in the same deploy, or in another known Mu deploy in conjunction with +deploy_id+." }, "type" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "The resource type we're attempting to reference.", "enum" => MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.map { |t| t[:cfg_plural] } }, "deploy_id" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "Our target resource should be found in this Mu deploy." }, "credentials" => MU::Config.credentials_primitive, "region" => MU::Config.region_primitive, "cloud" => MU::Config.cloud_primitive, "tag" => { "type" => "object", "description" => "If the target resource supports tagging and our resource implementations +find+ method supports it, we can attempt to locate it by tag.", "properties" => { "key" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "The tag or label key to search against" }, "value" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "The tag or label value to match" } } } } } if !["folders", "habitats"].include?(type) schema["properties"]["habitat"] = MU::Config::Habitat.reference end if omit_fields omit_fields.each { |f| schema["properties"].delete(f) } end if !type.nil? schema["required"] = ["type"] schema["properties"]["type"]["default"] = type schema["properties"]["type"]["enum"] = [type] end aliases.each { |a| a.each_pair { |k, v| if schema["properties"][v] schema["properties"][k] = schema["properties"][v].dup schema["properties"][k]["description"] = "Alias for #{v}" else MU.log "Reference schema alias #{k} wants to alias #{v}, but no such attribute exists", MU::WARN, details: caller[4] end } } schema end # Decompose into a plain-jane {MU::Config::BasketOfKittens} hash fragment, # of the sort that would have been used to declare this reference in the # first place. def to_h me = { } self.instance_variables.each { |var| next if [:@obj, :@mommacat, :@tag_key, :@tag_value].include?(var) val = self.instance_variable_get(var) next if val.nil? val = val.to_h if val.is_a?(MU::Config::Ref) me[var.to_s.sub(/^@/, '')] = val } if @tag_key and !@tag_key.empty? me['tag'] = { 'key' => @tag_key, 'value' => @tag_value } end me end # Getter for the #{id} instance variable that attempts to populate it if # it's not set. # @return [String,nil] def id return @id if @id kitten # if it's not defined, attempt to define it @id end # Alias for {id} # @return [String,nil] def cloud_id id end # Return a {MU::Cloud} object for this reference. This is only meant to be # called in a live deploy, which is to say that if called during initial # configuration parsing, results may be incorrect. # @param mommacat [MU::MommaCat]: A deploy object which will be searched for the referenced resource if provided, before restoring to broader, less efficient searches. def kitten(mommacat = @mommacat, shallow: false) return nil if !@cloud or !@type if @obj @deploy_id ||= @obj.deploy_id @id ||= @obj.cloud_id @name ||= @obj.config['name'] if @obj.config return @obj end if mommacat @obj = mommacat.findLitterMate(type: @type, name: @name, cloud_id: @id, credentials: @credentials, debug: false) if @obj # initialize missing attributes, if we can @id ||= @obj.cloud_id @mommacat ||= mommacat @obj.intoDeploy(@mommacat) # make real sure these are set @deploy_id ||= mommacat.deploy_id if !@name if @obj.config and @obj.config['name'] @name = @obj.config['name'] elsif @obj.mu_name if @type == "folders" MU.log "would assign name '#{@obj.mu_name}' in ref to this folder if I were feeling aggressive", MU::WARN, details: self.to_h end # @name = @obj.mu_name end end return @obj else # MU.log "Failed to find a live '#{@type.to_s}' object named #{@name}#{@id ? " (#{@id})" : "" }#{ @habitat ? " in habitat #{@habitat}" : "" }", MU::WARN, details: self end end if !@obj and !(@cloud == "Google" and @id and @type == "users" and MU::Cloud::Google::User.cannedServiceAcctName?(@id)) and !shallow try_deploy_id = @deploy_id begin hab_arg = if @habitat.nil? [nil] elsif @habitat.is_a?(MU::Config::Ref) [@habitat.id] elsif @habitat.is_a?(Hash) [@habitat["id"]] else [@habitat.to_s] end found = MU::MommaCat.findStray( @cloud, @type, name: @name, cloud_id: @id, deploy_id: try_deploy_id, region: @region, habitats: hab_arg, credentials: @credentials, dummy_ok: (["habitats", "folders", "users", "groups", "vpcs"].include?(@type)) ) @obj ||= found.first if found rescue MU::MommaCat::MultipleMatches => e if try_deploy_id.nil? and MU.deploy_id MU.log "Attempting to narrow down #{@cloud} #{@type} to #{MU.deploy_id}", MU::NOTICE try_deploy_id = MU.deploy_id retry else raise e end rescue ThreadError => e # Sometimes MommaCat calls us in a potential deadlock situation; # don't be the cause of a fatal error if so, we don't need this # object that badly. raise e if !e.message.match(/recursive locking/) end end if @obj @deploy_id ||= @obj.deploy_id @id ||= @obj.cloud_id @name ||= @obj.config['name'] end @obj end end end end