# Author:: Maurizio Casimirri (mailto:maurizio.cas@gmail.com) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2012 Maurizio Casimirri # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. module BootstrapHelpers # ============ # = Scaffold = # ============ def bootstrap_container_class bootstrap_fluid? ? "container-fluid" : "container" end def bootstrap_row_class bootstrap_fluid? ? "row-fluid" : "row" end def bootstrap_fluid! @bootstrap_float_style = true end def bootstrap_fluid? !!@bootstrap_float_style end def container(opts = {}, &block) if opts.delete(:fluid) bootstrap_fluid! end opts[:class] = ("#{opts[:class]}".split(" ") + [bootstrap_container_class]).join(" ") content_tag("div", opts, &block) end def row(opts = {}, &block) opts[:class] = ("#{opts[:class]}".split(" ") + [bootstrap_row_class]).join(" ") content_tag("div", opts, &block) end def span(size, opts = {}, &block) offset = opts.delete(:offset) class_arr = ("#{opts[:class]}".split(" ") + ["span#{size}"]) if offset class_arr << "offset#{offset}" end opts[:class] = class_arr.join(" ") content_tag("div", opts, &block) end def icon(icon_id, opts={}) opts[:class] ||= "" opts[:class] << " icon icon-#{icon_id}" opts[:class].strip! tag :i, opts end # ============ # = Base CSS = # ============ def button(*args, &block) if !block_given? opts = args.extract_options! is_link = (!!args.second) || (args.any? && block_given?) icon = opts.delete(:icon) type_opt = opts.delete(:type) kind = type_opt ? "btn-#{type_opt}" : nil size_opt = opts.delete(:size) size = size_opt ? "btn-#{size_opt}" : nil klasses = ("#{opts[:class]}".split(/\s+/) + ["btn", kind, size]).compact.uniq opts[:class] = klasses.join(" ") if icon icon_color = opts.delete(:icon_color) classes = [icon, icon_color].compact.map {|c| "icon-#{c}"}.join(" ") args.unshift " #{args.shift}".html_safe end args << opts end if is_link link_to(*args, &block) else content_tag('button', *args, &block) end end alias :btn :button def form_actions(&block) content_tag :div, :class => "form-actions", &block end def alert(message) "
".html_safe end # ============== # = Navigation = # ============== def navbar(*args, &block) opts = args.extract_options! fluid = opts.delete(:fluid) html = <<-STR STR html.html_safe end def nav(options = {}, &block) "".html_safe end def pills(options = {}, &block) "".html_safe end def nav_header(txt) "
  • #{txt}
  • ".html_safe end def nav_list(options = {}, &block) "".html_safe end def dropdown_nav_item(label, opts = {}, &block) icon = opts.delete(:icon) if icon icon_color = opts.delete(:icon_color) classes = [icon, icon_color].compact.map {|c| "icon-#{c}"}.join(" ") label = " #{label}".html_safe end html = <<-STR STR html.html_safe end def nav_item(*args, &block) if !block_given? opts = args.extract_options! icon = opts.delete(:icon) float = opts.delete(:float) if icon icon_color = opts.delete(:icon_color) classes = [icon, icon_color].compact.map {|c| "icon-#{c}"}.join(" ") args.unshift " #{h(args.shift)}".html_safe end args << opts end url = block_given? ? args.first : args[1] classes = [] if current_page?(url) classes << "active" end if float classes += ["float", "#{float}"] end with_class = classes.any? ? " class='#{classes.join(' ')}'" : "" "#{link_to(*args, &block)}".html_safe end def brand(*args, &block) if !args.last.is_a?(Hash) args << {} end args.last[:class] = "brand" link_to(*args, &block) end # ======== # = Tabs = # ======== class TabsBuilder attr_reader :parent, :pane_contents, :pane_handles delegate :capture, :content_tag, :to => :parent def initialize parent @first = true @parent = parent @pane_handles = [] @pane_contents = [] end def pane(title, pane_id = nil, &block) pane_id ||= "#{title.parameterize}_tab" css_class, @first = 'active', false if @first link = content_tag(:a, title, :'data-toggle' => 'tab', :href => "##{pane_id}") @pane_handles << content_tag(:li, link, :class => css_class) @pane_contents << (content_tag :div, :class => "tab-pane #{css_class}", :id => "#{pane_id}" do capture(&block) end) nil end end # ~ TabsBuilder def tabs(opts = {}) opts[:direction] ||= 'above' opts[:style] ||= 'tabs' builder = TabsBuilder.new self yield builder tabs = content_tag(:ul, builder.pane_handles.join("\n").html_safe, :class => "nav nav-#{opts[:style]}") contents = content_tag(:div, builder.pane_contents.join("\n").html_safe, :class => 'tab-content') css_direction = "tabs-#{opts[:direction]}" unless opts[:direction] == 'above' content_tag :div, :class => "tabbable #{css_direction}" do if opts[:direction] == 'below' contents + tabs else tabs + contents end end end # ============= # = Accordion = # ============= class AccordionBuilder attr_reader :parent delegate :capture, :content_tag, :link_to, :to => :parent def initialize(opts, parent) @first = true @parent = parent @opts = opts end def pane(title, pane_id = nil, &block) css_class = (@first && @opts[:open]) ? 'in' : '' pane_id ||= "#{title.parameterize}_pane" @first = false content_tag :div, :class => 'accordion-group' do heading = content_tag :div, :class => 'accordion-heading' do link_to title, "##{pane_id}", :class => 'accordion-toggle', :'data-toggle' => 'collapse', :'data-parent' => "##{@opts[:accordion_id]}" end body = content_tag :div, :class => "accordion-body collapse #{css_class}", :id => "#{pane_id}" do content_tag :div, :class => 'accordion-inner' do capture(&block) end end heading + body end end end # ~ AccordionBuilder def accordion(opts = {}) opts[:accordion_id] ||= 'accordion' builder = AccordionBuilder.new opts, self content_tag :div, :class => 'accordion', :id => opts[:accordion_id] do yield builder end end end ActionView::Base.send :include, BootstrapHelpers