require 'carrierwave' require 'securerandom' # 日本語ファイル名のまま保存 CARRIERWAVE_SANITIZE_REGEXP = /[^[:word:]①-⑨【】「」()・&、  \(\)\.\-\+]/ CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.sanitize_regexp = CARRIERWAVE_SANITIZE_REGEXP module Bizside class CarrierwaveStringIO < StringIO attr_accessor :original_filename attr_accessor :content_type attr_accessor :file_size def path # Return non-existent path to prevent any actual file/directory from being the target of copy or move # because this class does not refer to any file. # (CarrierWave::Uploader::Base#cache! tries to copy or move a passed file to its working directory) File.join(CarrierWave.tmp_path, SecureRandom.uuid, File.basename(original_filename)) end end end unless Bizside.config.within_bizside_namespace? # 後方互換性の維持 CarrierwaveStringIO = Bizside::CarrierwaveStringIO end CarrierWave.configure do |config| database_yml ='config', 'database.yml')), 0, '-').result database = YAML.load(database_yml)[Bizside.env]['database'] config.root = File.join('/data', Bizside.config.add_on_name, database) if require 'carrierwave/storage/fog' require 'fog/aws' # fog の場合は、相対パス config.root = config.root[1..-1] credentials = if credentials[:use_iam_profile] credentials = credentials.merge(role_session_name: Bizside.config.add_on_name) end config.fog_credentials = credentials config.fog_directory = config.fog_public = false = :fog # Patch to not set ACLs to 'private' if fog_public is false. # Requests to set/update ACLs fail if ACL is disabled. # Setting 'private' to ACLs also fails when the bucket is not in the same account as IAM user/role. # 'private' is applied by default so there's no need to set 'private' explicitly. module CarrierWave module Storage class Fog class File def acl_header if fog_provider == 'AWS' @uploader.fog_public ? { 'x-amz-acl' => 'public-read' } : {} elsif fog_provider == "Google" @uploader.fog_public ? { destination_predefined_acl: "publicRead" } : {} else {} end end end end end end require 'fog/aws/models/storage/directory' module Fog module AWS class Storage class Directory < Fog::Model def public=(new_public) if new_public @acl = 'public-read' else @acl = nil end new_public end end end end end require 'fog/aws/models/storage/file' module Fog module AWS class Storage class File < Fog::Model def public=(new_public) if new_public @acl = 'public-read' else @acl = nil end new_public end end end end end end end