require 'padrino-core' require 'padrino-helpers' FileSet.glob_require('padrino-admin/*.rb', __FILE__) FileSet.glob_require('padrino-admin/{helpers,utils}/*.rb', __FILE__) module Padrino ## # Padrino::Admin is beautiful Ajax Admin, with these fatures: # # Orm Agnostic:: Adapters for datamapper, activerecord, mongomapper, couchdb (now only: datamapper and activerecord) # Authentication:: Support for Account authentication, Account Permission managment # Scaffold:: You can simply create a new "admin interface" simply providing a Model # Ajax Uploads:: You can upload file, manage them and attach them to any model in a quick and simple way (coming soon) # module Admin; end end ## # We need to apply Padrino::Admin::Utils::Extensions # String.send(:include, Padrino::Admin::Utils::Crypt) ## # Load our Padrino::Admin locales # I18n.load_path += Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/padrino-admin/locale/**/*.yml"] ## # Now we need to add admin generators to padrino-gen # begin require 'padrino-gen' Padrino::Generators.load_paths << Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/padrino-admin/generators/{actions,orm,admin_app,admin_page}.rb'] rescue LoadError # Fail silently end