= Kicker A simple OS X CLI tool which uses FSEvents to run a given shell command. == Usage At the least give it a path to a file or directory and a shell command to execute when any changes occur. Usage: kicker [options] -e [command] [path] -e, --execute [COMMAND] The command to execute. --[no-]growl Whether or not to use Growl. Default is to use growl. --growl-message [MESSAGE] The message to Growl when the command succeeded. --growl-command [COMMAND] The command to execute when the Growl succeeded message is clicked. == Examples Show all files whenever a change occurs in the current work directory: $ kicker -e "ls -l" . Run a Rake task whenever a given file is changed: $ kicker -e "ONLY=nested_model_forms rake guides" guides/source/nested_model_forms.textile Run a Run task whenever a given file is changed and specify a command to be executed if the user clicks a `succeeded' Growl message: $ kicker -e "ONLY=nested_model_forms rake guides" --growl-command "open -a Safari guides/output/nested_model_forms.html" guides/source/nested_model_forms.textile == Installation $ sudo gem install alloy-kicker -s http://gems.github.com