OmniAuth eBay ==================================== In this gem you will find an OmniAuth eBay strategy that is compliant with the Open eBay Apps API. You can read all about it here: [Open eBay Apps Developers Zone]( Usage ------------------------------------------ Note: The examples are for a Rails app. * Add our gem to your `Gemfile` `gem 'omniauth-ebay'` * Add to your omniauth initializer (`config/initializers/omniauth.rb`) the ebay strategy like so: `Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :ebay, "runame", "devid", "appid", "certid", "siteid", "apiurl" end` Insert your app credentials in the given order. You can find out these details by going into your developer's account at [eBay DevZone]( * To use the strategy, you will need to access it's omniauth provider path: `/auth/ebay`. The callback phase path is the default one: `/auth/ebay/callback`. You will need to define the callback path in your relevant app RUname, so don't forget to set the accept/reject paths in the devzone to the callback path. * Set a route to the callback path of your sessions controller, and handle the session creation there. You will be able to access the omniauth session data by accessing `request.env['omniauth.auth']` How it Works ==================================== Request Phase -------------------- * API call to eBay, requesting a session id. * Redirecting to eBay login with the session id. Callback Phase ----------------------------------------- * API call to eBay, requesting an ebay auth token, with the secret id and username retrieved from the request. * API call to eBay, requesting the user's info by using the ebay auth token from the last call. * The strategy's UID is the eBay EIAS Token. Also these fields will also be exposed by accessing `request.env['omniauth.auth'].info`: `ebay_id` - The user's eBay username. `ebay_token` - The current session's auth token, to be used for API calls. `email` - The user's email address. * Extra data - We're also passing an optional parameter, `return_to`, which allows you to specify a URL you want the redirect the user to when the authentication process is completed.