# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #-- # Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Thomas Leitner # # This file is part of kramdown. # # kramdown is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #++ # require 'rexml/parsers/baseparser' require 'strscan' module Kramdown module Parser # Used for parsing a HTML document. # # The parsing code is in the Parser module that can also be used by other parsers. class Html < Base # Contains all constants that are used when parsing. module Constants #:stopdoc: # The following regexps are based on the ones used by REXML, with some slight modifications. HTML_DOCTYPE_RE = //m HTML_COMMENT_RE = //m HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE = /<\?(.*?)\?>/m HTML_ATTRIBUTE_RE = /\s*(#{REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::UNAME_STR})(?:\s*=\s*(["'])(.*?)\2)?/m HTML_TAG_RE = /<((?>#{REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::UNAME_STR}))\s*((?>\s+#{REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::UNAME_STR}(?:\s*=\s*(["']).*?\3)?)*)\s*(\/)?>/m HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE = /<\/(#{REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::UNAME_STR})\s*>/m HTML_ENTITY_RE = /&([\w:][\-\w\.:]*);|&#(\d+);|&\#x([0-9a-fA-F]+);/ HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_BLOCK = %w{address applet article aside button blockquote body dd div dl fieldset figure figcaption footer form header hgroup iframe li map menu nav noscript object section td} HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_SPAN = %w{a abbr acronym b bdo big button cite caption del dfn dt em h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 i ins kbd label legend optgroup p q rb rbc rp rt rtc ruby samp select small span strong sub sup summary th tt var} HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_RAW = %w{script style math option textarea pre code} # The following elements are also parsed as raw since they need child elements that cannot # be expressed using kramdown syntax: colgroup table tbody thead tfoot tr ul ol HTML_CONTENT_MODEL = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = :raw} HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_BLOCK.each {|i| HTML_CONTENT_MODEL[i] = :block} HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_SPAN.each {|i| HTML_CONTENT_MODEL[i] = :span} HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_RAW.each {|i| HTML_CONTENT_MODEL[i] = :raw} # Some HTML elements like script belong to both categories (i.e. are valid in block and # span HTML) and don't appear therefore! HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS = %w{a abbr acronym b big bdo br button cite code del dfn em i img input ins kbd label option q rb rbc rp rt rtc ruby samp select small span strong sub sup textarea tt var} HTML_BLOCK_ELEMENTS = %w{address article aside applet body button blockquote caption col colgroup dd div dl dt fieldset figcaption footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 header hgroup hr html head iframe legend menu li map nav ol optgroup p pre section summary table tbody td th thead tfoot tr ul} HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY = %w{area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link meta param source track wbr} end # Contains the parsing methods. This module can be mixed into any parser to get HTML parsing # functionality. The only thing that must be provided by the class are instance variable # @stack for storing the needed state and @src (instance of StringScanner) for the actual # parsing. module Parser include Constants # Process the HTML start tag that has already be scanned/checked via @src. # # Does the common processing steps and then yields to the caller for further processing # (first parameter is the created element, the second parameter is +true+ if the HTML # element is already closed, ie. contains no body). def handle_html_start_tag # :yields: el, closed name = @src[1].downcase closed = !@src[4].nil? attrs = Utils::OrderedHash.new @src[2].scan(HTML_ATTRIBUTE_RE).each {|attr,sep,val| attrs[attr.downcase] = val || ""} el = Element.new(:html_element, name, attrs, :category => :block) @tree.children << el if !closed && HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY.include?(el.value) warning("The HTML tag '#{el.value}' cannot have any content - auto-closing it") closed = true end if name == 'script' || name == 'style' handle_raw_html_tag(name) yield(el, true) else yield(el, closed) end end # Handle the raw HTML tag at the current position. def handle_raw_html_tag(name) curpos = @src.pos if @src.scan_until(/(?=<\/#{name}\s*>)/mi) add_text(extract_string(curpos...@src.pos, @src), @tree.children.last, :raw) @src.scan(HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE) else add_text(@src.rest, @tree.children.last, :raw) @src.terminate warning("Found no end tag for '#{name}' - auto-closing it") end end HTML_RAW_START = /(?=<(#{REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::UNAME_STR}|\/|!--|\?))/ # :nodoc: # Parse raw HTML from the current source position, storing the found elements in +el+. # Parsing continues until one of the following criteria are fulfilled: # # - The end of the document is reached. # - The matching end tag for the element +el+ is found (only used if +el+ is an HTML # element). # # When an HTML start tag is found, processing is deferred to #handle_html_start_tag, # providing the block given to this method. def parse_raw_html(el, &block) @stack.push(@tree) @tree = el done = false while !@src.eos? && !done if result = @src.scan_until(HTML_RAW_START) add_text(result, @tree, :text) if result = @src.scan(HTML_COMMENT_RE) @tree.children << Element.new(:xml_comment, result, nil, :category => :block) elsif result = @src.scan(HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE) @tree.children << Element.new(:xml_pi, result, nil, :category => :block) elsif @src.scan(HTML_TAG_RE) handle_html_start_tag(&block) elsif @src.scan(HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE) if @tree.value == @src[1].downcase done = true else warning("Found invalidly used HTML closing tag for '#{@src[1].downcase}' - ignoring it") end else add_text(@src.getch, @tree, :text) end else add_text(@src.rest, @tree, :text) @src.terminate warning("Found no end tag for '#{@tree.value}' - auto-closing it") if @tree.type == :html_element done = true end end @tree = @stack.pop end end # Converts HTML elements to native elements if possible. class ElementConverter # :stopdoc: include Constants include ::Kramdown::Utils::Entities REMOVE_TEXT_CHILDREN = %w{html head hgroup ol ul dl table colgroup tbody thead tfoot tr select optgroup} WRAP_TEXT_CHILDREN = %w{body section nav article aside header footer address div li dd blockquote figure figcaption fieldset form} REMOVE_WHITESPACE_CHILDREN = %w{body section nav article aside header footer address div li dd blockquote figure figcaption td th fieldset form} STRIP_WHITESPACE = %w{address article aside blockquote body caption dd div dl dt fieldset figcaption form footer header h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 legend li nav p section td th} SIMPLE_ELEMENTS = %w{em strong blockquote hr br img p thead tbody tfoot tr td th ul ol dl li dl dt dd} def initialize(root) @root = root end def self.convert(root, el = root) new(root).process(el) end # Convert the element +el+ and its children. def process(el, do_conversion = true, preserve_text = false, parent = nil) case el.type when :xml_comment, :xml_pi ptype = if parent.nil? 'div' else case parent.type when :html_element then parent.value when :code_span then 'code' when :code_block then 'pre' when :header then 'h1' else parent.type.to_s end end el.options.replace({:category => (HTML_CONTENT_MODEL[ptype] == :span ? :span : :block)}) return when :html_element when :root el.children.each {|c| process(c)} remove_whitespace_children(el) return else return end mname = "convert_#{el.value}" if do_conversion && self.class.method_defined?(mname) send(mname, el) else type = el.value remove_text_children(el) if do_conversion && REMOVE_TEXT_CHILDREN.include?(type) if do_conversion && SIMPLE_ELEMENTS.include?(type) set_basics(el, type.intern) process_children(el, do_conversion, preserve_text) else process_html_element(el, do_conversion, preserve_text) end if do_conversion strip_whitespace(el) if STRIP_WHITESPACE.include?(type) remove_whitespace_children(el) if REMOVE_WHITESPACE_CHILDREN.include?(type) wrap_text_children(el) if WRAP_TEXT_CHILDREN.include?(type) end end end def process_children(el, do_conversion = true, preserve_text = false) el.children.map! do |c| if c.type == :text process_text(c.value, preserve_text || !do_conversion) else process(c, do_conversion, preserve_text, el) c end end.flatten! end # Process the HTML text +raw+: compress whitespace (if +preserve+ is +false+) and convert # entities in entity elements. def process_text(raw, preserve = false) raw.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') unless preserve src = StringScanner.new(raw) result = [] while !src.eos? if tmp = src.scan_until(/(?=#{HTML_ENTITY_RE})/) result << Element.new(:text, tmp) src.scan(HTML_ENTITY_RE) val = src[1] || (src[2] && src[2].to_i) || src[3].hex result << if %w{lsquo rsquo ldquo rdquo}.include?(val) Element.new(:smart_quote, val.intern) elsif %w{mdash ndash hellip laquo raquo}.include?(val) Element.new(:typographic_sym, val.intern) else begin Element.new(:entity, entity(val), nil, :original => src.matched) rescue ::Kramdown::Error src.pos -= src.matched_size - 1 Element.new(:entity, ::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('amp')) end end else result << Element.new(:text, src.rest) src.terminate end end result end def process_html_element(el, do_conversion = true, preserve_text = false) el.options.replace(:category => HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS.include?(el.value) ? :span : :block, :content_model => (do_conversion ? HTML_CONTENT_MODEL[el.value] : :raw)) process_children(el, do_conversion, preserve_text) end def remove_text_children(el) el.children.delete_if {|c| c.type == :text} end def wrap_text_children(el) tmp = [] last_is_p = false el.children.each do |c| if Element.category(c) != :block || c.type == :text if !last_is_p tmp << Element.new(:p, nil, nil, :transparent => true) last_is_p = true end tmp.last.children << c tmp else tmp << c last_is_p = false end end el.children = tmp end def strip_whitespace(el) return if el.children.empty? if el.children.first.type == :text el.children.first.value.lstrip! end if el.children.last.type == :text el.children.last.value.rstrip! end end def remove_whitespace_children(el) i = -1 el.children = el.children.reject do |c| i += 1 c.type == :text && c.value.strip.empty? && (i == 0 || i == el.children.length - 1 || (Element.category(el.children[i-1]) == :block && Element.category(el.children[i+1]) == :block)) end end def set_basics(el, type, opts = {}) el.type = type el.options.replace(opts) el.value = nil end def extract_text(el, raw) raw << el.value.to_s if el.type == :text el.children.each {|c| extract_text(c, raw)} end def convert_a(el) if el.attr['href'] set_basics(el, :a) process_children(el) else process_html_element(el, false) end end EMPHASIS_TYPE_MAP = {'em' => :em, 'i' => :em, 'strong' => :strong, 'b' => :strong} def convert_em(el) text = '' extract_text(el, text) if text =~ /\A\s/ || text =~ /\s\z/ process_html_element(el, false) else set_basics(el, EMPHASIS_TYPE_MAP[el.value]) process_children(el) end end %w{b strong i}.each do |i| alias_method("convert_#{i}".to_sym, :convert_em) end def convert_h1(el) set_basics(el, :header, :level => el.value[1..1].to_i) extract_text(el, el.options[:raw_text] = '') process_children(el) end %w{h2 h3 h4 h5 h6}.each do |i| alias_method("convert_#{i}".to_sym, :convert_h1) end def convert_code(el) raw = '' extract_text(el, raw) result = process_text(raw, true) begin str = result.inject('') do |mem, c| if c.type == :text mem << c.value elsif c.type == :entity if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' mem << c.value.char.encode(@root.options[:encoding]) elsif [60, 62, 34, 38].include?(c.value.code_point) mem << c.value.code_point.chr end elsif c.type == :smart_quote || c.type == :typographic_sym mem << entity(c.value.to_s).char.encode(@root.options[:encoding]) else raise "Bug - please report" end end result.clear result << Element.new(:text, str) rescue end if result.length > 1 || result.first.type != :text process_html_element(el, false, true) else if el.value == 'code' set_basics(el, :codespan) else set_basics(el, :codeblock) end el.value = result.first.value el.children.clear end end alias :convert_pre :convert_code def convert_table(el) if !is_simple_table?(el) process_html_element(el, false) return end remove_text_children(el) process_children(el) set_basics(el, :table) calc_alignment = lambda do |c| if c.type == :tr el.options[:alignment] = c.children.map do |td| if td.attr['style'] td.attr['style'].slice!(/(?:;\s*)?text-align:\s+(center|left|right)/) td.attr.delete('style') if td.attr['style'].strip.empty? $1.to_sym else :default end end else c.children.each {|cc| calc_alignment.call(cc)} end end calc_alignment.call(el) el.children.delete_if {|c| c.type == :html_element} change_th_type = lambda do |c| if c.type == :th c.type = :td else c.children.each {|cc| change_th_type.call(cc)} end end change_th_type.call(el) if el.children.first.type == :tr tbody = Element.new(:tbody) tbody.children = el.children el.children = [tbody] end end def is_simple_table?(el) only_phrasing_content = lambda do |c| c.children.all? do |cc| (cc.type == :text || !HTML_BLOCK_ELEMENTS.include?(cc.value)) && only_phrasing_content.call(cc) end end check_cells = Proc.new do |c| if c.value == 'th' || c.value == 'td' return false if !only_phrasing_content.call(c) else c.children.each {|cc| check_cells.call(cc)} end end check_cells.call(el) nr_cells = 0 check_nr_cells = lambda do |t| if t.value == 'tr' count = t.children.select {|cc| cc.value == 'th' || cc.value == 'td'}.length if count != nr_cells if nr_cells == 0 nr_cells = count else nr_cells = -1 break end end else t.children.each {|cc| check_nr_cells.call(cc)} end end check_nr_cells.call(el) return false if nr_cells == -1 alignment = nil check_alignment = Proc.new do |t| if t.value == 'tr' cur_alignment = t.children.select {|cc| cc.value == 'th' || cc.value == 'td'}.map do |cell| md = /text-align:\s+(center|left|right|justify|inherit)/.match(cell.attr['style'].to_s) return false if md && (md[1] == 'justify' || md[1] == 'inherit') md.nil? ? :default : md[1] end alignment = cur_alignment if alignment.nil? return false if alignment != cur_alignment else t.children.each {|cc| check_alignment.call(cc)} end end check_alignment.call(el) check_rows = lambda do |t, type| t.children.all? {|r| (r.value == 'tr' || r.type == :text) && r.children.all? {|c| c.value == type || c.type == :text}} end check_rows.call(el, 'td') || (el.children.all? do |t| t.type == :text || (t.value == 'thead' && check_rows.call(t, 'th')) || ((t.value == 'tfoot' || t.value == 'tbody') && check_rows.call(t, 'td')) end && el.children.any? {|t| t.value == 'tbody'}) end def convert_script(el) if !is_math_tag?(el) process_html_element(el) else handle_math_tag(el) end end def is_math_tag?(el) el.attr['type'].to_s =~ /\bmath\/tex\b/ end def handle_math_tag(el) set_basics(el, :math, :category => (el.attr['type'] =~ /mode=display/ ? :block : :span)) el.value = el.children.shift.value.sub(/\A\z/m, '\1') el.attr.delete('type') end end include Parser # Parse the source string provided on initialization as HTML document. def parse @stack, @tree = [], @root @src = StringScanner.new(adapt_source(source)) while true if result = @src.scan(/\s*#{HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE}/) @tree.children << Element.new(:xml_pi, result.strip, nil, :category => :block) elsif result = @src.scan(/\s*#{HTML_DOCTYPE_RE}/) # ignore the doctype elsif result = @src.scan(/\s*#{HTML_COMMENT_RE}/) @tree.children << Element.new(:xml_comment, result.strip, nil, :category => :block) else break end end tag_handler = lambda do |c, closed| parse_raw_html(c, &tag_handler) if !closed end parse_raw_html(@tree, &tag_handler) ElementConverter.convert(@tree) end end end end