require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper' # Warning: ugly... class XYZ include Packable def write_packed(io, options) io << "xyz" end def self.unpack_string(s, options) raise "baddly packed XYZ: #{s}" unless "xyz" == s end end class TestingPack < Test::Unit::TestCase context "Original form" do should "pack like before" do assert_equal "a \000\000\000\001", ["a",1,66].pack("A3N") end should "be equivalent to new form" do assert_equal ["a",1,2.34, 66].pack({:bytes=>3}, {:bytes=>4, :endian=>:big}, {:precision=>:double, :endian=>:big}), ["a",1,2.34, 66].pack("A3NG") end end def test_shortcuts assert_equal 0x123456.pack(:short), 0x123456.pack(:bytes => 2) assert_equal 0x3456, 0x123456.pack(:short).unpack(:short) end def test_custom_form assert_equal "xyz", assert_equal XYZ, "xyz".unpack(XYZ).class end def test_pack_default assert_equal "\000\000\000\006", 6.pack assert_equal "abcd", "abcd".pack assert_equal "\000\000\000\006abcd", [6,"abcd"].pack String.packers.set :flv_signature, :bytes => 3, :fill => "FLV" assert_equal "xFL", "x".pack(:flv_signature) end def test_integer assert_equal "\002\001\000", 258.pack(:bytes => 3, :endian => :little) assert_equal 258, Integer.unpack("\002\001\000", :bytes => 3, :endian => :little) assert_equal (1<<24)-1, -1.pack(:bytes => 3).unpack(Integer, :bytes => 3, :signed => false) assert_equal -1, -1.pack(:bytes => 3).unpack(Integer, :bytes => 3, :signed => true) end def test_io io ="\000\000\000\006abcdE!") n, s, c = io >> [Fixnum, {:signed=>false}] >> [String, {:bytes => 4}] >> :char assert_equal 6, n assert_equal "abcd", s assert_equal 69, c assert_equal "!", end should "do basic type checking" do assert_raise(TypeError) {"".unpack(42, :short)} end context "Filters" do context "for Object" do Object.packers.set :generic_class_writer do |packer| packer.write do |io| io << << self end end should "be follow accessible everywhere" do assert_equal "StringHello", "Hello".pack(:generic_class_writer) assert_equal "Fixnum\000\000\000\006", 6.pack(:generic_class_writer) end end context "for a specific class" do String.packers.set :specific_writer do |packer| packer.write do |io| io << "Hello" end end should "be accessible only from that class and descendants" do assert_equal "Hello", "World".pack(:specific_writer) assert_raise RuntimeError do 6.pack(:specific_writer) end end end end end